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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Lew you need to spend a day in my boat. I'm a magnet and target for them (out of province boat numbers). A few years back while on Rice Lake I was checked three days in a row, twice in the same spot by same two OPP's & CO. Another year on the West Arm they came straight to my boat while passing right by two of my Canadian friends. Also had them check a couple of boats from our group and our cabin (while we weren't there) on a flyin north of Armstrong one year, I wasn't one of them that got check but I did hear and see the plane. I've also been stopped twice on the road, one of them was a road block set up coming from the Red Lake Area, CO didn't believe me when I stated I had no fish and proceed to check everything in my truck, he was nice enough but I could tell he may have been disappointed. This "TOURIST" follows the rules
  2. Exactly what I was thinking
  3. Excellent report and congrats on your big Muskie. Thanks for sharing
  4. The deal with pain meds is to stay out in front and not wait until your hurting to take them. Been there and done that, when you posted before that would be on skates in 7-10 days I highly doubt it. Good Luck!
  5. That is some sound advice Raf, just wished the guy I was following would have waited on me lol
  6. Thanks so much for putting your heart and soul into these tales of your adventures. Your description to the details is what closes the deal for me and your photo skills are second to none Bren's beast is totally off the hook and something both of you should be proud of, Congrats! Thanks so much for sharing Peace
  7. Raf if your just wanting to back up those two items a 5KW will do the trick with some power to spare.
  8. Another LSC brute, you guys are on a roll
  9. You did well my friend. It was good to see you guys again
  10. I guess I hit the wrong rock lol
  11. Now wait a minute Lew, that's not the same pic I saw. Wish I was there .....oh wait I was lol
  12. I tried to capture the same shot only I was further east. My shot didn't turn out so good. Friday and Saturday's night sky was brilliant. Nice shots thank for sharing!
  13. Excellent report Matt, good to hear you and your family had a great time Some fine looking children you have and their growing up so quick
  14. Awesome report Drew! The shore fishing afternoon sounds like an experience your daughter will never forget. Sounds and looks like a great multi specie trip. As usual the pics were off the hook. Thanks so much for sharing
  15. Yunno I've seriously thought about that
  16. Congrats Roger I'll bet they'll be no more dragging your feet to get to LSC, it's a great fishery
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