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Everything posted by Bear

  1. GO WINGS........ destory the whinner (87)
  2. luv that one, makes me laugh everytime i see this thanx
  3. He's here March 1'st cant wait ....... Dave did an awesome job at Big Jims dinner in october and was great with the kids here in Carleton Place the following morning
  4. this is one of the places i contacted 3 years ago asking for more info on the fishing etc ....... the reply was look at the web site its all there Glad I hooked up with South Shore ice condos ... Cara-Lee, Garnet and staff are top notch ...... this will be year 3 cant wait till Feb 6 :thumbsup_anim:
  5. Ahh hip waders best invention for self launching in cold water :thumbsup_anim:
  6. nice job on the fish and video :thumbsup_anim:
  7. great catch..... cant wait for the water to harden up ...... coming soon :thumbsup_anim:
  8. nice fish for sure Hmmmmm firetiger EH think thats the only colour I've yet to get
  9. awesome selections for sure ...... best of luck on the BoQ ..... waiting for the reports now
  10. I think I remember a post a couple years back of members of this awesome board doing a G2G on Nippising during the hard ice season. Is it still going on and if so where and when....... I'm sure i'm not the only one thinking of the hard water season
  11. the smile on the little guys face says it all thanx for sharing the story
  12. been quite a while for me as well, but Ithink like many others searching for Ontario fishing info. I remember winning an OFC hat, not sure if it was signing up or a contest
  13. Matt, when and where will the tickets be available. His LARGENESS, is a close friend to many here at the shop. I'll spread the word here. Bear
  14. Great stuff , was planning my first outting this morning, but the rain is coming down TOOOOOOOO HARD . Come on next weekend
  15. been drooling over these for a couple years now come on 649
  16. Facebook what a waste of time .... U want a group of friends or a community to be a part of YOU"RE HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a big contributer on this site but the people here are GREAT .... dont need anything else BEAR
  17. Best of luck to both of you guys, I'm headed up as well this week end and staying with South Shore ice condos also. Cant wait ........ probably hook up blb 1970
  18. That was what I was asking myself
  19. very nice my turn this weekend ..... Come on Friday
  20. Hmmm does that sound familiar Congrates Fang
  21. 1- spaggetti sauce 2- baked beans Dont really matter both look good
  22. 14 of 20 ....... this is the second time I did the test ....... the fish/questions were differant this time First time was 10 of 20
  23. :blink:
  24. I laughed so hard when I saw this, this morning
  25. I promise I'll leave her alone
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