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Everything posted by taper

  1. At 75000 kms if you are not experiencing any problems I wouldn't put any injector cleaner in it. Pull out your owners manual and check their recommendations as well.
  2. Spend the extra money and get an Interstate, it will be cheaper in the long run. Batteries are one of those things you pretty much get what you pay for.
  3. Good luck Pete, good chance for a nice size fish on St. Clair, wish I was going.
  4. Good luck in the tourney Brian. We'll be waiting for the pictures.
  5. Tybo's thread got me to thinking, last week on my fishing trip I started using my new jerk bait rod with Smithwick Pro Rogues in the suspending version with an 80 lb. flouro leader using crimps. It worked well and caught fish but I noticed on the pause the front of the bait fell instead of staying flat in the water column. I was tempted to remove the leader but was afraid of losing lures.What do you guys do and have you seen similar action.
  6. Kevin by pushing the pedal with your toe or heel you make the motor turn left or right. Pam what you are talking about I believe is called co-pilot, basically a key fob that you can use to steer your motor with. Auto pilot is inside the motor and uses an internal compass to keep steering your motor towards the last heading that you steered it to. If the wind is drifting you to the left the motor will automatically correct to the right to keep you on your original heading when the auto pilot is engaged.
  7. Pam I'm new to the area but I think we were about 45 minutes South, around the water shed truck stop. We did see the snow and a bit of freezing rain.
  8. I have a power drive 74 with auto pilot and love it. As far as the maximizer feature I believe the first power drives did not have it but can not guarantee this. Also I have seen the older units with the grey/black foot pedal I thought it was faded but not sure. If you have the chance at the auto pilot I would recommend it.
  9. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about the weather, it wasn't that bad at all. The black flies were not an issue nor were the mosquito's only got bit 3 or 4 times all week. I think the breeze kept them away once the temperature rose.
  10. I hate do argue but I wouldn't put an Exide in on a bet. Spend a little extra and get an Interstate. Exide had one of the worst warranty return rates in the business a few years ago.
  11. With bottom bouncers a good rule of thumb is 1 oz. for every 10 feet of depth. At 8 feet deep you could use a small bottom bouncer and troll or drift fish with just a split shot. If the area you are fishing has pike and musky you can get harnesses made of steel leader material that will stand up a little better. Last time I checked CTC and Wal-Mart both carried some.
  12. Please check tourney board and look at team 6 name post. Thanks taper.
  13. I am a little late getting this report in but just got the time now so better late then never. We left on Saturday morning of the long weekend at 5 AM and headed for a small inland lake just outside of Timmins, this is the farthest North I have ever been and the country side was beautiful. We arrived at around 3 PM and it had started raining at 2:30 so we had to set up camp in the rain, we were soaked by the time we were done. We awoke Sunday morning to a blanket of snow on the ground,Kinda caught me by surprise. We had brought two 14 foot tinnies and my bow rider and the ramp was a bit small but we managed to get them all in the water. The fishing was pretty good a lot of average pike from hammer handles to 4-5 pounds and the odd pickerel mixed in. We did manage a nice close up of last years young moose and we seen a Bald Eagle every day. By Wednesday the weather turned around and got hot, Thursday we reached 33 degrees C. I knew this could slow the fishing and it did a bit but we still caught fish. To my delight on our last day I caught my personal best pickerel at 27 and3/4 inches and 5 pounds. I know if I fish Lake Erie much this year I will probably get bigger but from a lake that far North and maybe a hundred acres I was impressed. I thought this shot looked pretty cool. On our way back out we seen this little guy again something I had never seen up this close before. In the end it was a great trip and will be looking forward to the next time we go.
  14. Just got home and passed through the area, a huge area was devastated. The MNR still had the area barricaded off and were doing hot spot checks on foot and by helicopter. First time I have ever seen any thing like this and it is very sad to see our resources and country side damaged like this.
  15. Well at 4 AM tomorrow I am heading for the Timmins area for a little fishing and relaxation. Hope to have a good report and lots of pictures for you when I get back on Friday night, that is if the bears don't get us . Hope every one has a great week and manages to get on the water. See you soon. Mike
  16. The foam under the floor of my boat looks very similar to the expansion foam you buy at the hardware storein a spray can.
  17. Some of the shops were using patio umbrella material for their boat covers, this is what mine is made of. It seems to work fine but I was told after the fact that if your boat stores outside very often and water lays on the cover it will slowly leak through. There is a better material if you need to leave the boat outside that won't bleed through. I don't know the name of it but just ask if it will leak before you agree to a deal.
  18. Thanks for the info. We are leaving for the Timmins area on Saturday and having the wood stove in the tent will help with this cooler weather we are having in the evening after coming in off the water.
  19. I purchased the Eagle fishstrike 2000 last year and love it. My father inlaw liked it so much he sold his and bought the same unit. It has a seven inch screen and was $800. You will have to buy the map software after you purchase the unit in my opinion Navionics gold is the way to go. For me any Eagle or Lowrance product is hard to beat.
  20. For your trolling motor don't buy a regular start battery be sure to get a deep cycle.
  21. I just got my mail and opened a package that I didn't recognize. It was from Yamaha, after my spring purchase of the kicker motor they were sending me a survey to fill out. It asks about customer satisfaction with the product as well as the dealer and the explanation the dealer gave on delivery of the product. I received 2 of these from Yamaha on my main motor purchase last year. I know the dealer that I bought the kicker from and he explained that if there were any negative comments on the reply Yamaha investigated further to insure customer satisfaction. To me this seems like a great way to keep in touch with the customer and make sure your dealers are doing what they are supposed to do. Along with the survey they sent an embroidered Yamaha marine ball cap. A nice touch in my opinion. Probably most important is both products have worked very well and Yamaha has me as a repeat customer.
  22. Have a great time and enjoy your time away.
  23. Thanks for the replies Guys. Irishfield shouldn't you be on your way to the lake.
  24. Just wondering if their was still a fire ban on. We are heading to the Haliday lake area on Sunday. Does any one have a link to the Ontario fire report web sites that will give up to date info? Also how has the weather been lately? Are the bugs out heavy yet? Thanks in advance.
  25. Have a great day Joey.
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