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Everything posted by superdad

  1. As Grateful Fisherman said, that's the weekend for Quintefishing G2G. "this year we will have the get together at Perfect Vue cottages with hosts Joanne and Larry. The date will be Friday November 19th-Sunday November 21st. In addition Sheldon Hatch aka Eye Tracker will join us Saturday evening at the Perfect Vue Rec centre, with computer, overhead and slide projector in hand, to give us a seminar on fall walleye trolling tactics. Its going to be a great weekend" It's also the Santa Claus parade in TO and my grandsons birthday - guess where I will be??????
  2. Is this update newer than Jan 2010???
  3. Don't know about Big BAy, but Hay Bay area has been good, close to weedlines and some people have begun with some fall fishing techniques, trolling big lures over deeper water - they caught some fish. Spinner and worm combo was working a week ago, perhaps the terrible weather might have changed them on the weekend, but it has settled down - so maybe they're still on the bite.
  4. I know that it's still late summer, but,fall is just around the corner and I was wondering if anyone has given any thought to the G2G for 2010? RSVP off line - I'll be away from my PC at the country for a week - so don't dispair if I don't reply asap.
  5. Here is the article from the paper with a final report. http://www.thewhig.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2684503 Cheers David aka Superdad
  6. Seeing the pictures of the Big Salmon River, out St. Martins way brought a huge wave of memories. I landed my first Atlantic Salmon there in 1966- an 8lber and was thrilled beyond compare. Fundy Park and its golf course was spot enjoyed many times. I returned to NB, last weekend for a 50th High School Reunion and travelled down from Moncton to Saint John and marvelled at the scenic beauty of the Kennebacasis River Valley as seen from the highway. Nice report and great pix - Thanks for the memories
  7. To celebrate Fathers Day, my Grandsons came to visit Hay Bay and take a chance on some walleye fishing and some fishing off the docks. We (Great GrandFather, Grandad, Dad and two sons) headed out Saturday morning to Shermans Point to troll around. The first 45 minutes were quiet and some little boys patience was running thin, until Papa Bert said the magic words - "Fish On!!" Young William (three years old) was first up to reel in the fish. He was helped by his Papa and at the same time, Dad (Superdave) had a fish on for AJ to reel in. It was like a one armed paper hanger with a five year itch...... Will reeled in the fish and it was netted and what a happy little boy, not to mention the fathers!!!!!!! AJ was reeling his fish and it was netted and it was a beauty - 20 inches. Boy- are they rare things out there. Here's the First Walleye for William. AJ's personal best was also captured on film. What a bunch of happy campers who made their way back to the dock for a family picture. We had landed seven walleye using the Uzick Spinner and worm rig, everyone was happy. On Sunday,we took the boys out again and hit the same spot and this trip brought another seven walleyes to the boat, these fish were quite small and were all released by the young boys. We were joined by Dan Elliott to chat for a bit and he was kind enough to snap a photo of us on our boat. It was a super weekend for the boys with first fish and personal bests - it was a spectacular Fathers Day Weekend. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
  8. Good report for your weekend. I see you were in Hay Bay as I could see my boat on the dock behind you in the third picture. There were a ton of boats fishing off that point. We got our fish in a little deeper water. Cheers
  9. From the title of this thread you might see that things didn't go quite as planned, it wasn't a real happy Saturday(opening day) scenario that we had hoped for. After getting the boat ready to hit the water and blast off at 0730, the turn of the key brought a resounding SILENCE - just a 'click- click' What the sam hill's going on????????? I thought the battery was down as there appeared to be a drain on it. Tried an newer battery and had the same results, we were able to get the kicker motor working to allow me to get the boat on the trailer to have it looked at. Dragged the boat out and into Napanee for air in the tires and off to the repair shop. Mike Phillips at MP Marine on Hgy 38 took a look and swapped for another battery, cleaned the terminals and 'fired that mother up' (a Charlie Daniels line) No Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put my battery after being charged back and the engine started right away. What the hecks going on? Back to Napanee for somemore gas and found that a couple of the canvas roof supports had broken and that the canvas was flapping away as we drove and some of the canvas had ripped, but almost all of the seams had parted............. Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!! Some more ugly news............. Pulled the canvas off and set the mooring cover to travel back to Hay Bay. Launched the boat and tied her up while we discussed the day so far and had some lunch. Decided that we should head out to fish at 1300 hrs. Headed to Long Reach for some trolling, many boats out there with the planer boards out, didn't see any nets over the side. The wind was picking up and because the Superdad was topless, we decided to head back into Hay Bay. The wind had changed and was starting to blow and then the storm hit.... We were going to get wet that's for sure.. The Thunder and Lightening made the decision to head to the dock real easy.... Back to the dock at 1515 and off course the storm passed and the sun came out - DARN!!!!!!! We were soaked so we had to change. As we were getting ready to watch the Kentucky Derby, the power went out along the River Road - Oh Great!!!!!! Apparently, an Osprey nest down the road was struck by lightening and got fire, burned the chicks and some of the wires were on the ground. Cutting the power was the result while repairs were effected. No Power - No TV - Lets's go fishing. We headed out right in front of Bayview Resort as there approx 25 boats milling around, we thought we would stay out of their way and headed into some deeper water. Got the Uzick Spinners and the worms out to see what we could do. we marked a lot of fish and shortly after beginning, my son Dave cried out "Fish ON!!!!!" Landed it and continued trolling for a couple hours. The total catch for the 2 hours was 7 walleyes landed - one fish kept for the table. Sunday's weather forecast was gloomy with rain in the forecast, we decided as we had no protection from the rain we would stay close to home. Began trolling again with cranks as we thought we might induce them to taking. Close to an hour in, Dave hit a fish on a CC Shad, another keeper for the table. After 2.5 hours of cranks we switched to the Uzick Spinners and worm combo. We hit a couple of small eyes and as the pack of boats was thinning out, we headed to the east and the Hay Bay Flats. Had out lunch drifting and began to fish. Joined shortly by the OPP doing a great job, checking the boat requirements, Operators Card and all that stuff. We couldn't buy a sniff up there in 6.5 to 7.1 feet of water. Headed back to the head of the flats and trollled the north shore all the way back to Bayview. we hit a couple more on the way back. We got back at 1615 after 7 hours of fishing. Total for the day was 5 eyes and a hammer handle pike. Our weekend enthusiasm was dampened by the motor trouble, the canvas situation, the thunder and lightening, but nonethe less, we were able to land a dozen fish, four for the table in Toronto for my Grandsons (who really enjoy the taste ). Not quite what we had planned, didn't get to the areas where we wanted, didn't get the time fishing we wanted BUT we had a good time and enjoyed seeing all the campers and hearing of their exploits. Like the Dodgers used to say - "Wait til Next Year!!!!" Cheers David aka Superdad
  10. Hey Mike Perhaps we'll see you on the water???? I'm on Hay Bay and will on Channel 71 on the radio, just give the Superdad a shout to say hi.
  11. We were out to Hay Bay to open the trailer and get set for the opener next Saturday. Here's a short report on what I saw at Hay Bay. The water is LOW!!!!!, Shermans Point Launch Ramp has the dock in and it sticks out in the water past the end of the cement pad. I was able to launch my boat on Monday and dock it, nothwithstanding the SE winds. The water temp on the Lowrance was 55.5 Degs F - that's really wam for the end of April...... The Superdad is all loaded with fuel and ready for the Saturday blast off to the fishing gounds. If you have a radio - channel 71 will be monitored... Say hello Tuesday Morning brought a surprise awakening with white precipitation falling. It all disappeared by 0900 but it was an eye opener. C U on the water. Cheers David aka Superdad
  12. There are lures designed to catch fish and lures designed to catch fishermen, these sound like they fall in between the two areas. Just my .02 David aka Superdad
  13. Laker John and I went to Hay Bay this morrning hopeful to remove a wheel from the dock, but the rust had an upper hand and we have decided on Plan B, remove the tire and install a better tire and a tube. The water level in Hay Bay is attrociously LOW!!!!!!!!!!!! At least two feet short of the 'normal' spring level. Stopped by the Shermans Launch ramp and the dock has not been put in the water, in fact we can't see the dock at all, they used to store it beside the building. Headed into Napanee to have a look at the water below the falls at SpringSide Park. There is a LOT of construction on-going, they have replaced much of the rock baskets with really big rocks and they are widening the walkway. Looking into the water, we could see a ton of Red Horse Suckers that appeared to be spawning. They were banging and crashing in the shallows behind rocks. We walked along the wall towards the falls and the backwashes. Finally Laker said have a look here and sure enough there was a pair of walleye behind a big rock close to shore. The white tipped tail was a dead give away. So we can assume that walleyes are getting ready for the spawn, we didn't have thermometer to get the water temp.... By the way - RiverSide Fries at SpringSide park are making some VERY TASTY French Fries - FYI. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
  14. You will not be able to get to Kenora by VIA, they haven't gone there since 1989.. You can get close getting off at Redditt. See if you can get a BIzPass from London to Oshawa, that will save you $$$$. David aka Superdad Retired VIA RAIL
  15. Got three Northland Puppet Minnows for $10.00 and three Storm Deep Jr Thundersticks for $12.00 I'm ok with that. Yes the show has changed, we avoided the supersales area with the rapid spiels. David aka Superdad
  16. Laker John and I hit the road on the Mega-bus yesterday morning from Kingston for the show in downtown Toronto, The bus let us off approx four blocks from the show. We had a bite to eat from a chip wagon on Front St, prices are way better than the pizza inside..... Into the show and met a fellow angler from the west end of the big lake and started around the fishing area, located in the north section of the complex. I was looking for those suspender type PFD's and the first place I looked at them reduced from $189.99 to $99.99, I'll check around before I buy here. We saw Leo and Ron at their area with the Raptor Cheerleaders........ Walked around and up and down the aisles, looking at lures and rod & reel combos. some deals to be found, but we felt we did best in the grab bins, for Storm Deep Jr Thundersticks and Northland Puppet Minnows. The seminar area was always busy with Zoomie-Zoomie or Crawford and others telling us how to fish...... Checking prices of the PFD's they ranged from $99.99 to $129.99 - So I bought a pais of the $99.99's. We left the fishing area and headed for the south side of the show and we travelled for 10-15 minutes to get there, down at least 10 escalators - quite a hoof!!!!!! There were fewer outfitters and we passed on the hunting area and dog show area. We thought we had a major complaint - NO BEER sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As the event is in downtown, you are able to have your hand stamped and you can in and out as you please. There are chip /sausage trucks outside with good prices. There are many bars with a block and half of the front doors, so we hit East Side Marios for a thirst quencher or two....... Back to show for a final go around and then the walk to the bus depot for the relaxing trip back to Kingston. The BUS is the way to go, the Mega-Bus cost us $31.50 each (internet purchases only) RETURN............. and we were comfortble and relaxed getting home, with NO driving and no TRAFFIC.. We'll go back as I'm sure the organizers will make modifications and tweeking the show for next year. Cheers David aka Superdad
  17. We're headed to the Big Smoke on a Mega Bus from Kingston, there and back - no driving, no GO train, just a walk from the bus depot to Front St. Gonna meet some friends, have a brown pop, talk to some people, check out the grab bins find the odd treasure there. Gets us in the mood for the fishing season - OH Yea it's still on - out or some more Browning action on the weekend.......................... If you see a couple of older guys wearing the 2009 Trenton Walleye Derby Hats (YELLOW) say hello to Superdad. Cheers David aka Superdad
  18. They used to be the cats meow a number of years ago on Hay Bay, couldn't catch without them, NOW no one uses them. Fish got used to them... David aka Superdad
  19. The weather forecast said that Tuesday the 9th was going to be a nice day - did they miss the boat? IT WAS GORGEOUS!!!!! Little wind, lots of sun and big rollers from the south. We (Laker John and Myself) began fishing at 0930 and made several passes at a spot we had success in the past, the water was dirty due to the rollers kicking up the bottome, so we decided to try another piece of water. As we were heading over, we had changed fom spoons to stick baits because if the dirty water. We were setting out the rods and the outside board goes off - Fish ON!!!! I reeled the board and the fish to boat and as it got close Laker John said "you won't beleive what it is!!!!" He slipped the net under the fish and brought it on board - what a surprise........ They say there are no walleyes in the area - well we found one of them!!!!!! This one was 7 lbs on the nose. Picture taken for posterity and the fish returned to spawn. That was the first time I have ever caught a fish out of season in 64 years of fishing.... We were pleased that we had attracted a fish on a Smithwick Rogue, we caught that fish at 1115 and after setting the rods back out and beginning the troll again, I was in the midst of a call to BayBoy when the inside rod went off and Laker John was into a fish. It was approx 1135. He brought the fish to the boat and into the net - our FIRST Brown Trout of the year!!!!! We were happy as pigs in the mud, the day was asuccess - BUT wait there's MORE!!!!!!!!!!! For the next two hours, we trolled up and down and we had three double headers, lost three fish after the strikes and landed a bunch of brownies ranging from 4.75 to 7.75 lbs. We were getting them on a jointed Rapala in a bright orange and on a Spro in Pink and white. Here's a shot of a really nice male that tipped the Rapala Scale at 7.75lbs. The action slowed down and we landed our last trout at 330PM, we continued up and down and called it a day at 500PM, heaing for the launch. Took a shot on land for the record. The days total was 11 fish, one walleye and ten brown trout - what a way to boost your confidence!!!!!! We're counting the days til we can get out again, (weather permitting), we got some different areas we want to check out as we think the fish are all over the place. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
  20. Took a drive with Muddler Man out to Hay Bay to drop some stuff at the trailer and take some pictures. We drove out Route 133 from Collins Bay to the Generating Station, the North Channel is ice covered and appears to be solid enough to support the commercial fishermen who are out on the ice (100 yds from shore) tending their nets. North Channel ice covered from Finkles Launch ramp to the generating station. Hay Bay is ice-covered with some spots of open water that are filled with ducks.There are holes in the ice around Ram Island, we saw some guys out on the ice - guess they were fishing for perch. Headed over to Huffs Road for a peek. Lots of blue water there. Another Angle, There was ALL kinds of open wtaer around Forresters Island. Only eight weeks til open water walleye...................... Stay Tuned.
  21. Fishing with your Dad, especially at 90 is SUPER. My 90 year old Dad and Iwere talking yesterday about the opening of the walleye season on May1st and he's really looking forward to fishing with me and his grandson on May 1st. It's a real treat to continue the fishing together - we started 63 years ago - seems like yesterday and I can remember the first fish Cheers David Delcloo aka Superdad
  22. Are there any fishers of Carp frequenting this discussion board? If you are - please PM me David Delcloo aka Superdad Kingston
  23. The day before Valentines Day sounds like a good day to go fishing and then spend the Sunday at HOME!!!!!!! Headed for Long Reach, stopping at Dew Drop for bait and a few words about their Derby, they had a good attendance and people were catching fish the day before. This was a good sign shoring up my confidence. Met QuintePrince and his Dad on the ice, along with FatMan from Perfect Vue. WalleyeDreamer was back on the ice after his Friday fishing with his Grandson, we had a good chat about fishing with Grandsons and both agreed there isn't much better enjoyment for an old guy. Drilled the hole and started at 0730, was watching the parade on the ice and felt the rod tip - set the hook and "Fish ON!!", I reeled the fish too fast and before QP could lend a hand, the hook pulled out as the fish was coming out of the hole and it flopped back down - c'est dommage.... That's fishing, a error on my part, but it was just a lost fish. This was at 0745, boy are they biting today, won't have a problem getting another or two!!!! The fishing expertise runs in QuintePrince's family, His father was out fishing as entrants in the Dew Drop Derby. Soon the cry arose from his shelter- "I've got one!!" He had it on the ice and I took a look and underestimated the weight by a pound and a half, the fish was close to 7 lbs. We continued fishing and again "I'ver got One" and out pops a nice 4.5lber from his hole. What a fishing family!!!! BayBoy joined us on the ice and we moved into a little deeper water. BayBoy brought his graph and let me use to see what I could see and if it made a difference. I could see fish moving and was able to identify some fish moving higher oin the water column, raising my lure and a couple jig movements - Fish ON!!!!! BayBoy came to lend a hans but the fish spit the lure before we had a chance to see it - DRAT!!!! Oh Boy, now I'm love for Two...Not a good average. Shortly after I lost that one, QuintePrince lands a nice one and I was able to take a photo before it went back down the hole. This is what 11 lbs looks like................ Fishing continued and we saw people running to help their buddies out as fish were being hooked and landed, we figure we saw at least a half dozen landed. Everyone was enjoying their day on the ice, some more than others (BayBoy!!!!) As we neared the early afternoon,we thought the fish would be less active, but fish continued to show on the graph and finally, the rod tip jiggled and I set the hook, BayBoy grabbed the fish in the hole and flipped it onto the ice. He was a headed for the table. My Grandsons are coming for March break and THEY love a fishfry. BayBoy snapped the shot. People filtered back to the ice after lunch and many more were coming out for the late afternoon and evening fish and I packed up and headed for shore at 1630. It was a good day, saw fish caught , landed one and had a good time talking to Mr WalleyeDreamer - It was nice to talk about retirement..... As a baseball player, going 1 for 3 is good - that's .333, as a fisher, I would have preferred batting a thousand, but then it's not fishing but catching - no fun in that. Hope to be out a couple more times, the last day is assured (March 1st). My magic lure was the Rapala Jigging lure, 1/2 oz with the end hooks cut off and a Mustad Triple Grip hook on the bottom with several nuds. Stay Tuned. David aka Superdad
  24. Do a search for Hawg Hunter and PM him, he's in the Belleville area. David aka Superdad
  25. Those classix Abu-Garcia Green and Cream -rear adjusting drags worked like a charm for years and years and years. In my years, the drag has never caused me to lose a fish. I prefer rear drag, as you adjust on the fly and makeitfor that fish. Just my .02
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