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Everything posted by superdad

  1. Good report - thanks for sharing your experiences - some good some not so good!!!!!!! Cheers David aka Superdad
  2. 10 or 12 lbs test - either works - never had a breakoff - Hope I didn't jinx ourselves!!!!!!! David aka Superdad PS They're coming - they're on their way in..................
  3. Hey there I posted the fact of the $20.00 tickets at Picton Launch ramp and here are the replies from the people close to Picton http://forum2.quintefishing.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15398&sid=fedbab2715c3e3150ca94eb066f68efb F Y I David aka Superdad
  4. Well, we were away from Kingston at 0700 and headed to Hay Bay to pick up my Floater suit and some tackle. We had planned to fish towards the Gap, BUT the SE winds and whitecaps kept us off that area, so Plan B----- Headed to Pryners and launched there and we were in the lee of the winds, most of the time. The morning was blowing from the west in the Reach, so we headed into the wind towards the BatCAve...... We noticed along the way the number of cormorants feeding towards the shore and Laker John headed the boat a little closer still staying on 35+ feet. We had the manditory four rod set with four different lures at different depths. Last year at the Toronto Sportsman Show, a friend confided in us about a trip with Zumi Zumi and they fish a Grey Ghost Reef Runner- well that rod fired on the board closest to the shore and I was into a fish. The fish skimmed the surface and I could see the walleye fin, John slipped the net under the fish and it was ours. Weighed and measured the fish for the MNR report and the fish was designated for the table. Sure is nice to start the fall walleye hunting season with a nice fish. Continuing the troll to the west, we had changed the rods to cover the Reef Runners and once again the rod closest to the shore fired and John was into a Heavy fish.... Slowly the fish came to the boat and we finally saw the nice golden glow of the walleye as it slipped into our net. Hey a really nice fish. Weighed - measured and pictures taken, the fish was released for another day. We trolled to the BatCave and trolled back east. Nothing happened on the return troll to the launch ramp, but we were satisified with the results of the days fishing. Two for Two batting 1000% We had a great day as the wind died and the sun broke thru and we were quite warm in the floater suits, but felt assured that our comfort and a bit of heat was better than freezing san the suits. Landed at 1630 and headed back home - Great Day - great results. David aka Superdad
  5. I guess they won't be concerned with the March Break crowd. Having the show downtown was good for us coming into Toronto, the bus dropped us off on University Ave, about three blocks from Front St. Guess we'll have to take a streetcar from Union Station to the Exhibition stop. February is interesting - that will cut into our winter trolling patterns, however, it leaves an opening for more brown trout fishing in March. David aka Superdad
  6. You are extremely lucky, people used to dream about fishing Larry's Gulch when it was a Govt operation and open to the elite and invitees of the government. I would scout around on New Brunswick bulletin board like this one http://newbrunswickfishing.com/forums/index.php?/index Ask some questions. There was a feature article in the Atlantic Salmon Journal recently, perhaps you might find it on-line. Tight Line and screaming reels David aka Superdad
  7. I thought originally it was a bamboo fly rod, if it's a spinning rod, then the Mitchell is the way to go, I had my first one in 1958. Do you have any idea as to the age of the rod? Cheers David aka Superdad
  8. Hey Mike - we'll be out on Saturday AM around 0715 leaving Hay Bay and headed for the fishing grounds Using Channel 71 if you have a radio - give the Superdad a shout. PS The colour of the canvas is now a royal blue - I can't change this darned pix.
  9. Fish high in the water column on the opening weekend for the large fish still there after the spawn. Just my thoughts David aka Superdad
  10. Saw him with Dylan at the Old Montreal Forum when Dylan and the Band toured in the 'Before the Flood' Tour. In fact we waited from 0500 outside the Forum to get our tickets and we got 32 tickets in a single row on the floor. We all lite sparklers (beforethey were banned from concerts). It was a great night.... Levon will be missed David aka Superdad
  11. The TV station here in Kingston said they(the butterflys) were blown up north earlier than every, the strong winds last week did the job. David aka Superdad
  12. We think the lost fish was a double digit brown - which would have been a PB. A couple years ago, we fished and caught browns on the 8th of March, exactly a week after fishing on the ice at Shermans Point. That fish looked like an Atlantic, but I will never be able to ascertain if it was or not, guess we'll have to start watching a LOT closer. Stay Tuned. David aka Superdad
  13. The weather forecast called for a calm day (windwise) and good temps, so we decided that it was time to head for the Big Lake for some Brown Trout action. Launched at Wellington around 0945 and saw there were five boats already out plying the waters. Headed straight for West Point and beyond and we started putting rods out at 1015 and just as I was setting the 4th rod to the outside, the inside board on the shore side fired and we had a "Fish ON!!!!!" I grabbed the rod and guided the fish into the net and we had broken the ice for the 2012 Brown fishing. A nice fish at 5.25 lbs. What a way to kick off the season, High Fives and broad smiles to be sure. We continued our trolling path and then the outside board on the lake side fired at 1145 and Laker John was into a fish. I got the the other rod out of the way and he was able to slowly bring the fish to the awaiting net. Scooped the net and the fish was ours. Another fish at 6lbs. Our day was complete as we both had landed a fish, no skunk odour in our boat. We continued the troll after changing all the lures to the Smithwick Rogue (Blue/Silver/Orange) as it was the hot bait. We had completed a trolling circuit and were heading back , this time a little deeper, when the shore side board fired again at 1230. I brought the fish to the boat and the fish went crazy as it approached the boat, and John slipped the net under it and it was in the boat. This one was a 5.25 lber. We trolled thru the lunch hour and then the board fired again, John brought the fish to the net and we had our 4th fish. A nice one at 3.5lbs. We were both elated and pleased with our success, contacted BayBoy to advise him of our success and then we hit a dry spell. As we were trolling along the outside board on the shore side seemed to be slightly behind the inner board, John said, there's something funny with that board running that way. I agreed and we continued watching it, finally I said I had better check and see if everything is OK. As I took the rod form the holder and began to reel in the board suddenly went under the surface and the rod doubled over - "Fish ON" I was having trouble getting the fish close and it continued to take line off the reel, the fish approached the boat and went wild, we saw the size and it was a BIG fish. The line dragged out and finally with a mighty head shake the lure flew clear and the fish was gone. John's estimation of the fish was it was the biggest brown we'd ever seen trolling out there and were fairly certain it was a double digit Brown - but you all know the story ' The big ones get away ' Wait til next time................ We decided that we would try a couple spoons as the sun had come out and it was getting warm. On our last pass, the board fired and a fish jumped and was gone...... later on that pass we had another reel sing for a second and then nothing..... We trolled near West Point and along the Sandbanks shore and again just before the mouth of the Wellington creek. That's when we saw Fred in his kayak fishing over there. We hit the shore at 1800 and talked some fishers from Ottawa, who by a sheer coincidence knew who we were!!!! We exchanged lure choices and presentations and hit the road back Hay Bay. We had gone 4 for 7 , five strikes on Rogues and two on a Stinger.It was a good day and it was a great way to launch the brown fishing. Hope to get back out again, we'll watch the weather. Stay Tuned. David aka Superdad
  14. We went to the show on Wednesday and really enjoyed ourselves, the fishing area was all concentrated in the "A" Hall with the hunting and outfitters and Army and dog trials over in the "B" Hall. We attended several of the presentations and listened with care to Sheldon Hatch and Jeremy Brooks. we met and talked to all the TV hosts there and were able to voice our comments on their shows. We had a good time and walked for 3.5 hrs and listened for a couple and then headed home on the MEgaBus. If you haven't used them to get to TO, then do yourself a favour and check them out. CLUE: know your date of travel and bokk as soon as the date is on their website. As an example, we came from Kington to TO and return for $16.20 each..........Can't beat that with a stick............ Cheers David aka Superdad
  15. Did anyone else see the announcement on 'Outdoor Passion' about Sail opening a store in Burlington? David aka Superdad PS Flooding the GTA area with stores
  16. Going in a Zodiac in Montreal Harbour takes some gonads..... I thought we were bad in a 14'tinny on Quinte in February??? David aka Superdad
  17. Hey there Winter Steelheaders I know you're there, here's some thing for you (not walleye related) Enjoy the footage and the fishing. David aka Superdad
  18. Good report Aaron - thanks for sharing your Quinte Skim ice adventure. C U in the Fall David aka Superdad
  19. The walleyes have been there thru thick and thin for a long time (i've been fishing them for 28 years) and yes there are ups and downs, butthe up is defintely up right now and I believe will be there for a long time. Don't forget a lot of the large fish taken in the fall and winter are Lake Ontario residents and there's lots of food out there for them.
  20. Well, truthfully I was sorry not to take part in the Big Battle,Ice fishing wasn't in the cards for this month. The weather network had forecasting really great weather for the next while. Laker John and decided Friday that we should get the gear and hit the soft water from Bath. I had been in contact with people from outside of Quinte who were coming down to have a go also, so we hit the water at 0830. Motored to the Generating station and set the innner boards with spoons looking browns and the outer pair with cranks. The water was calm and bright, but we could see snow squalls to the west..... The snow met us and came down pretty good, it was light and fluffy, but we had a bunch. We trolled past Sandhurst when the shoreside board fired (The lure had been changed to a Flicker Shad) and I was hard into a fish. I wasn't able to move it or gain much line, when the board suddenly shot forward - "Bite the lure off!!!!!" 100% sure it was Mr Pike. As we continued along we thought we saw a huge piece of pan ice and circled around it, funny as we went by there was no ice there, must be something on the water..... Just after the turn, the outer inside reel began to sing, three times the line tripped off and then - NOTHING - the fish didn't get the hook. Shortly there after, we turned and trolled back. The winds were starting to kick a little and we knew that the Gap would be blowing off the big lake, so at 1245, we headed back to the ramp and sure enough the rollers at the Gap were sizeable. Hit the ramp and found besides our trailer, there were three others who had gone out, we had seen one boat around 0915 heading to the fishing grounds. Boat out, gear stowed and we were heading back to Hay Bay at 1400. That will be our last soft water until after the 15th of March, when we hope to launch for Brownies......... I hope those others who were out have some results of their efforts and will share them with us. The Battle of the Bay sounds like a real blast as mentioned by others - a true friendship gathering and raising some $$ for a good cause. Stay Tuned David aka Superdad
  21. Saw a segment of "Getting Schooled" and KVd was hawking his rod and reel combo and stated that he could cast a lure 70 yards with his outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must have a heck of an arm...... David aka Superdad
  22. Thanks for your replies, Targa01 made mention of Zone 14 and that's the answer to the question, special regs for the St Marys River. David aka Superdad
  23. I watched a Canadian Sportfishing show and he was at the Soo for their July Kiwanis Derby and each boat was allowed five fish and they brought in some really nice fish. I was checking the Regs for 2011 and for 2012 and read that in Zone 9, Walleye limit was 2 for an 'S' licence and in Zone 10, the limit was four with only one over 18.1 inches for an 'S' licence. Can anyone explain what was going on there? Really wondering, even Italo referred me to the derby web site. David aka Superdad
  24. Red was in Kingston in 2002 to speak to a conservation group and was travelling home on the train when I worked at the VIA station, I sped home and got my camera and had a collegue take a picture outside for my fishing wall. I am proud to say that he autographed his book for me that day also. Cheers - we miss the old guy with his quirky habits, but it was a fishing show we mever missed. David aka Superdad
  25. Aaron, We were out that day for about three hours and the winds drove us and the little tinny off the water. It's so cool soft water fishing in Quinte in February. Cheers David aka Superdad
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