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Everything posted by PatrickGG

  1. Seems like the virus was a threat in August 2007 : http://www.sophos.com/security/analyses/vi...jdloadrazn.html Looks Like this time it's aiming for Vista IE7 Users.
  2. It only Effects Netscape And IE, It's a good thing i only use Mozilla Firefox.
  3. The third one is a Barred Musky indeed. Nice Fish.
  4. The show was most definitely better last season when there was a challenge that involved money, as for this season it totally sucked .
  5. <object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value="http://www.liveleak.com/e/0cb_1228877062"></param><param'>http://www.liveleak.com/e/0cb_1228877062"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.liveleak.com/e/0cb_1228877062" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370"></embed></object> Well not that new Cam date shows 1994.
  6. My Uncle used to live in Florida and went out a couple of times with these guys: http://www.firststrikebass.com/ He said he had a blast, I have yet to go down there and try Kissimme myself.
  7. LOL! Seems like somebody can't even get a trade in ..
  8. 15 Years with the possibility of Parole in 9 years, so sad they should have gave him life.
  9. Such bad timing with the Holidays just around the corner, there Families must be devastated, my prayers and condolences to the brave and fallen soldiers.
  10. European Delicacy they love them over there, as for over here i seen people catch and fillet them on the spot made me s little sick to my stomach.
  11. Nice Laker there Josh, Congrads .
  12. Opps double posted, i just seen daplummas video up in announcements ..
  13. Made me grit my teeth a little: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bdd_1228240419
  14. Ditch the console Buy a P.C gaming Rig ..
  15. Holy Lmao! Great story, note to self "Run away when i see snag fishing T.O shoreline with Mr Death"
  16. Yea thats is some what true, i had a couple of X-rap slashbaits go back cause the sink rate was way to fast compared to others i own, must be luck on my part to pick the runts of the litter, P.m sent about this weekend. P.S Thanks for the help David
  17. Dave was the first guy i P.M'ed after the phone call, hopefully he comes on line sometime soon for he has been off line for a while.
  18. Mid-summer i purchased a a Luckycraft Chartreuse Shad PT65-250CRSD Sp which costed me little over 26 Bucks which i used the lure maybe twice so far and noticed the lure was not suspending, so off i went sending a e-mail which i got no reply, i manged to get there 1-800 number and called them and got through, they put me on hold numerous times and in the end they did not want to pay for postage and when they asked me if i had a receipt and told them no they did not want to honor there product, over the years i had numerous tackle issues with rapala, mepps and cotton cordel strike king which all valued there customers and honored there product even though i had no receipt which in the future makes more easy going in purchasing product from a company that has awesome customer service, as for LuckyCraft i dont think i am ever going purchase any of there products again.
  19. I was thinking a .50 cal sniper rifle would take it down in one shot, i am still in Aw everytime i look at that pic.
  20. What a Supreme Monster of a Moose, the rack alone is massive.
  21. Put some vaseline on you guides, it should help.
  22. Nice T.o pike there snag, i was actually thinking bout do a run this weekend, weather pending "i dont wanna stand in the snow" so i hope one day this weekend will be clear.
  23. His intention was there regardless of his kick deflecting or him being off balance, Gonzaga threw that kick to do some sort of damage, as for what i was talking about earlier with Couture and Gonzaga it was more of a collision when couture took down Ganzaga, it wasnt Coutures intention to bust his nose in that fashion but it happened.
  24. That Nose break was a fluke it was a weird collision when Couture was taking Gonzaga to the ground, that gave lead way for Couture and he took it to his advantage other than that it was Coutures fight regardless, Gonzaga is still upcoming and is gonna put on some good shows in the future, i still go in awe when i watch the kick he did on Mirko.
  25. Couture Is gonna get his eggs scrambled a little but i think he will pull through, the only thing he's gonna have to watch out for is if Brock takes him to the ground i think once that happens Couture is gonna be stuck in his playground.
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