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Everything posted by PatrickGG

  1. Sounds like you had a day with action, almost no wind with overcast days seem to be the best.
  2. Awesome fight and Fitch took some heavy hits Pierre left his whole face swollen, So looks like BJ Penn is next up to bat.
  3. Hope this helps, they sell 12-25-50-100-1000 packs. http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/treble-hooks/
  4. I bought a couple of them at Wal-Mart last year, check in your area they are scarce but you just mite stumble across a couple.
  5. Not a professional way of fishing but i guess if some people try it it's there prerogative i myself could not bother, roe spoons and Flies are my choice.
  6. Thanks Joshua, was a great day indeed spent with my Kids and Wife and some cake hopefully many more to go.
  7. The Shimano Curado gots my vote.
  8. NM i found out: Not just cod, this "Catfish" is a giant tompot blenny with vicious teeth!
  9. Did some Google searching and found some sites, hope it helps: http://www.gofishing.is/ http://www.nat.is/nateng/strandveidi.htm http://www.nat.is/nateng/angling_in_iceland.htm I also wondered about this fish on this web-site it's in Iceland and that kinda resembles a real huge Goby: http://www.icelandfishingtours.co.uk/Index_2_left.htm
  10. Forrest took the title off of Rampage, it was a good fight lots of leg work and good hits.
  11. Try trout worms the pink colored ones and as for the fake roe i wouldn't bother aint nothing like the real stuff.
  12. Nice report Fidel and that walleye and catfish must have been a tasty dinner.
  13. Nice Fish GCD, A couple of those Darker spotted bass almost look like Mean Mouths and that striped bass must have been a nice fight on four pound test line, Nice pics and report.
  14. LMAO! How about the Linedancer and Zorbeez?
  15. 1974 the year i was born.
  16. I can see this thread getting tossed into the toilet soon, not like it hasn't happened before.
  17. Replay to many shows Or i think i am watching to much of this channel, i need help .
  18. Your right i wont spend that much on a Jointed swimbait that aint even available in Canada but a couple of the Lucky Craft ones we have here "they are worth around the 25 dollar mark" i got my eye on, i just did some research and seen some nice catches with these baits but than again any lure can catch a big fish if you know how to use it.
  19. Hey Wild running a swimbait looks easy "cast retrieve slow to moderate speeds or fast" you gotta remember there 3 types one runs right below the surface the other mid depth and a deep runner they just weight different and are expensive, the one pic i posted is a $79 Dollar lure and others can be cheaper but you get what you pay for and in return the expense just mite pay off.
  20. I've been hesitant on purchasing these new jointed swim baits reason why is because they are so freaking expensive and just by looking at them i would figure musky and pike would destroy these baits, so now the season is almost over i would like to know if anyone here has used one and if it produces? Heres a Pic of one in particular swimbait, just remember i want to pick up one of these over the winter when i find a good deal Is it really worth it?
  21. Sure it will be O.K with Vista, the mods are just updating the web site it will have no effect with OS compatibility.
  22. Seems like you took him to your honey hole , good job and nice fish.
  23. I like my Stradic and my Sahara's the Saros don't look to bad either.
  24. Nice Smallies, I haven't had the opportunity to hit Cooch this year but hopefully next year it will be on my hit list lake to fish.
  25. Was the Compre a 2 Peice? 6'6?
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