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Everything posted by steve_paul

  1. It is a good tournament. We won our division and ended up with a nice jacket out of it to go with the sore back and legs. Port beat St. Thomas in your division finals (they played right before our final on the Sunday) If you are coming down next year, let me know and we'll have a pop or 2 between games.
  2. Shooter, same tournament. How did you make out? And the body does feel like it was ridden hard and put away wet this morning as well
  3. Still play once or 2x a week all winter. Great group of guys too. Just getting ready to leave now for our 4th tournament game this weekend, tomorrow should be fun
  4. Mike, very sorry to hear. Rest in Peace Kareem.
  5. Thanks Brian, my son Ryan turns 16 on Saturday and is itching to begin driving. He will be reading this. Much appreciated.
  6. Congrats, Joey. Great start for you in 2008
  7. Jay, Congratulations on the safe and Healthy arrival of Ethan What an amazing early Christmas gift for you.
  8. Good to hear that this teste situation seems to be working out.
  9. Very sorry Gary on the loss of your mom. Our condolences to you. That is wonderful picture of her you posted.
  10. Have a safe journey back to England Gavin. Thanks for all the reports on your adventures here in Canada, they will be missed. Looking forward to seeing some reports from over there as well from you. Take care and good luck.
  11. nice job Steve, thanks for the report
  12. Does that mean an "Up TuTu" picture of TJ is coming
  13. Great report - looks like the bike trip will be one you remember forever. Nice Beer wall too
  14. Happy Birthday Lew, hope you have a great day
  15. Lost the tournament - didn't even get a dam t-shirt That is what I said to my wife, I am glad I had the truck and not her car, would have been alot worse if he landed on the hood and came in thru the window. Took it to my insurance company "approved" body shop today - first words from the body shop manager - "This wasn't caused by a deer" - I pulled a few of the hairs out from the tire and asked him what kind of animal did it then?? Oh well, another week and half and my truck will be ready again. And to top it off, didn't win a thing on my lottery ticket either. But at least, no injuries so nothing really to complain about.
  16. Great report Mike, Thanks.
  17. Not as Euphoric as I thought my first deer would be Playing in a hockey tournament this weekend and had our first game last night. Coming home from the game, 2 large deer decided to go west across the highway while I was travelling north. Missed the first one but got the 2nd head on. I really know nothing about deer other than I think it was male as it was a biggun with some horns. Needless to say, it was not the rack I was thinking about on my way home. Luckily when I hit him he went down instead of up, ran over him I think based on the bump and pulled off the road. Looked back and didn't see him - hopefully his suffering was over quickly though as he took an awful wallup. They can do some amazing damage to a vehicle Luckily one of the guys I was playing with stopped and help me with the bumper. It had been driven right back into the front tire. Attached a chain to it and pulled it off enough so I could get home. I was even trying to be nice to deer this year - created a little sanctuary at the home so they wouldn't get hit I guess the 2 last night didn't get the invite. Oh well, no injuries to me so I am thankful for that, insurance and body shop will cover the rest. Felt kinda lucky so grabbed a Super 7 ticket on the way home - will see how that turns out later. Been said before, watch out for the deer, they are out in full force right now.
  18. Congrats on the beautiful catch Joey. Great report, thanks for sharing.
  19. Great post Corey, thank you for that.
  20. That's the best part of it Corey, congrats on a great year. Myself, had fun too - give my year about 7 out of 10
  21. Great shots Dawg Tony Love this one of my daughter, she was very proud of this bass My son with a nice bow this summer And well...
  22. Nice fish guys, thanks for the report.
  23. Nice job Solo.
  24. looks like a sturgeon with a hand growing out of its
  25. Beats, just a thought too, contact the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority - they stock Springwater Pond every spring with Rainbow and may be able to give you some direction. Couple of other places to try around here for more info on purchasing fish for stocking once you receive MNR blessing, there is a Trout and Salmon Hatchery in Port Stanley - don't know the name as well as maybe calling Pleasant Valley Trout Farm in St. Thomas.
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