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Status Updates posted by spincast

  1. East winds again. Clean Screen again. Slow day again. Mother nature was not celebrating father's day weekend with me....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      headed out late. On the water at 9:30, off by 1. 2 lakers 1 shaker self release better than the alternative!

    3. Freshtrax


      Heard tthe north shore was on fire yesterday....damn weatherman kept me at home.

    4. spincast


      Funny you say that - on the way home yesterday, I said next trip is the north shore. Cant believe we didn't find any bows. As for the weather. Hmmph Had I known it would have been a different agenda for the weekend altogether.

  2. another Sunday of high winds....:(

    1. Freshtrax


      The morning might not be so bad in you usual haunts. I'm going to try sat. Eve... I wanted to go today but am sick as a dog with a cold.

    2. misfish


      Theres always that fly fishing thing Rick. Yes I understand catching flys is a challange, but it is mellowing.

  3. Every other day of the week is fine, yeah. But whenever Monday comes - but whenever Monday comes......

    1. misfish


      I thought I was going to be floating about after work, but when I walked out, the wind,,,,well you know,,,,,,,,,she blows

  4. weekend weather is not looking too big lake friendly...... time to consider some other options?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Silly wabbit. ;0)

    3. Freshtrax


      I'm headed out tomorrow am.

    4. spincast


      Good luck - I think you will be in hunt mode with the winds the way they were this week. e and ene are not my faves when it comes to Lake O

  5. finally found a couple kings - 7 came knocking, but only 3 came in

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Sounds like fun.!

    3. Freshtrax


      South or north shore?

    4. spincast


      Jordan. Just a very small piece of water held them.

  6. Doc, help me please? I'm in agony here! Can you write me a prescription to cure downriggeritits deprivation? 5, 6 days off oughta cure it

    1. misfish


      Ya, but after that, you will need 2-4 weeks off for rigger elbowitits. Works for me.LOL

    2. spincast


      oh, I feel the pain starting now - Doc, how 'bout it?

  7. Summer can start anytime now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      What a up and down ride this spring has been.I'm sure it will come .lol.

    3. misfish


      It,s my fault. I bought a new toon. I have yet to get out on it.

    4. fishnsled


      Heard on the drive in this morning that the weather idiots have changed their minds. This summer will not be warm as they thought, it will be cool like last summer.

  8. Hoping for some West winds in the 10 k range all weekend.



      just give me some sunshine for poop sake!

    2. misfish


      I hope we get a bit of a breeze Rick. Just to keep the bugs at bay.

  9. Oh, sure, this weekend I'm home and the weather is .......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish



    3. spincast


      Saturday = baseball, martial arts,,,,,,, 1 more competition, then its open sseason

    4. misfish


      Quick thrust kick to the chin, and your trolling before you know it. LOL

  10. Friday looks to be 2015 initiation.

  11. The new online Boat Smart is not.

    1. misfish


      Is not what? Boat Smart? or Online?

    2. spincast


      Smart. Each lesson takes about an hour and then you get 10 questions, most of which will do little or nothing to increase water safety. Imagine if you could get your drivers license on line. Its a joke. Another "looks good, does zilch" political campaign. And as for what the tell you to do on the ramp....!!!

  12. Man, Father Time must have said a real doosey to Mother Nature, 'cause shes been giving him a veeeerrrry cold shoulder for a loooooooong time.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Thinking the same...he needs to man up and make things right.



  13. Anyone got a Boatsmart book they don't need anymore? Gs getting his license, and it appears the, ah, cleaning lady missed the "don't throw this out" label

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FloatnFly


      yea, I just opened the chapters in a new tab on my browser so that I had the test on one page, and the open chapter on another

    3. Gregoire


      It's hard to find good help these days.

    4. spincast


      LOL aint that the truth - but you know what they say, marriage is grand, divorce is 20.

  14. Last time I felt something this cold she was 6 ft and built like a dream with red hair and green eyes.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fisherpete


      Hahahahaha gross Joey!

    3. Rodbender


      colder than a hookers heart

    4. HTHM


      Colder than management making business decisions...

  15. Spring Fishing & Boat show in the morning. Gotta think there will one day be soft water again....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spincast


      Not what it normally is! Only 1 hall? WTH?


    3. misfish



    4. spincast


      Give me the little guy every time. Grimsby Tackle, Angling outfitters. No big box community killers for me. I'll pay for service over stooopid


  16. time for the annual "photo the tackle for insurance purposes day" policy is up for renewal

    1. grizzlybri


      you can put your tackle in your insurance policy?

    2. spincast
  17. Merry Christmas Everyone! Let the magic live on

  18. Its that time of year. The dedicated, online credit card was compromised. Glad I check the balances on line regularly.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. irishfield


      Yep.. only place I've ever been compromised. Noco in Midland.. full serve. Take your card in.. write all the info down and then knowing you're a local look up your address in the phone book!

    3. FloatnFly


      if i need to buy something online i either use paypal or go buy a prepaid credit card


    4. TJQ


      Ya.. i go through a different card a year.... stupid webcam girls lol


  19. I know we've come a long way, We're changing day to day, But ....

    1. misfish


      Stop,whats that sound,everybody look whats going down,,,,,,,,,,,

  20. Angling Outfitters 20% off sale made quick work of the winter upgrade list.

    1. misfish


      winter upgrade????


      You taking up ice fishing finally?????




    2. spincast


      leafS win the cup last year? LOL. no sir, only place i like ice is in my drink.


  21. New Cambridge Sail store grand opening today. Lunch time Christmas shopping :)

    1. Christopheraaron


      20 percent off store wide starting tomorrow too!

  22. That's why I don't buy lottery tickets :)

  23. 23 Years today with my wife. And no,I don't need to ask if I can go fishing :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spincast


      Thanks guys. great choice B. Davey -nice going bud. It aint easy all the time, but all the time is worth it.

    3. irishfield


      So what did you catch today??


    4. spincast


      a nap and some memories. Saturday was along day chasing slime.

  24. 7 for 19 (or maybe 20, 21? lost count) today. what a riot! Soft mouths at dawn followed by ravenous bows in pre noon sun. Finally a decent O day :)

  25. Thinkin'... deep blue on the menu. Maybe the last chance at some L.O. slime for the season

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