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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. Same here Lew. If you ever want to get out let me know. I always looked forward to reading your posts, and won't forget how nice you were to me giving me that lawn mower. I'm still using it to this day. I will gladly buy that mustang inflatable off you when you get back from out east. Have a great trip. Cheers.
  2. Great Job ! I see Chris Johnston came 3rd. Good showing for a local guy. I've competed in local tourneys around here. Both brothers are good. Im happy to see some canucks making some noise down south !
  3. I've been saying it for a while now. There great customer service is the reason I keep buying shimano products. I have never had a bad experience
  4. Hi folks, Just asking any of the guys/ladies on the board here if they can recommend an instructor for a one stop PAL and hunter education course, in the Peterborough or surrounding communities. I have been on the OHEP website and there are a number of instructors. My Dad and I are looking to take the course this winter. I have spent a lot of time in a classroom in my life and I just don't want it to be a bore. We are there to learn of course and will take it seriously but if possible we would like to enjoy it, since it will be a minimum 20 hour course. Maybe sinker or some local guys on here know of someone. Thanks
  5. Maybe there are some other anglers on here from the tourney who could chime in.
  6. Well as an angler present at this weekends top bass tournament, as well as all of the other tournaments in the schedule this year, I was taken back when evidence was brought to light as was every other angler I spoke too. it was quite the chat around the launch and boat inspection area and at the Friday night pre tournament meeting (which I was not present, just got a phone call Friday night informing me of the news ). All of us were disgusted with the news, we all rely on the honesty and integrity of all the teams, however unfortunately when there is significant prize money on the line some individuals will go to any length, it isn't the first time this has happened and sadly wont be the last. The individual who discovered and witnessed the first basket, I cant say I know him well, but I believe is a credible individual. Could this stand up in court with how it all went down? probably not. There was talk about how it all went down and different guys had different thoughts on how it should be handled. When they discovered the baskets apparently a call was made to the director, whom I am made to believe (hearing third person of course) requested the baskets be left and discussion on how to deal with this would be made. However the angler decided to bring forth the evidence. Like I said that is what I heard from fellow competitors Saturday and Sunday. Some were saying to clip each of the fish let them fish and allow them to weigh in, and then contact OPP and present all of the evidence at that time. We were all saying there is no way these guys will show up to fish Saturday morning, as what was to be a secret by Saturday morning amongst the field, was no secret. I believe contact was attempted to be made with the accused Friday night, and during the confrontation Saturday morning well lets just say you had to be there to form your own opinion on there reactions. Can you pin all of there other wins on the season on cheating of course not, but don't think I'm not skeptical. Everybody here can have there opinions, I have mine just like the 73 other boats and anglers there this weekend.
  7. Well I own a piece of property that has one commercial unit and three residential apartments. Is it all peaches and cream? of course not. Is it a lot of work ? yes. But I don't know of many other investments where I can make the returns I will from this property in a 5 year turn around. I have had welfare tenants ODSP tenants and financially stable tenants. The most important thing I have gained in my five year experience is to really feel good about who, your renting too. Are you going to be 100% right all of the time? No. But the last 3-4 tenants I have had, have been great tenants, If there on welfare or ODSP, the cheque comes directly to me. There are great tenants out there who are on social assistance. I make sure that with all the rent there is more than enough funds to carry the mortgage and taxes, that way if an emergency happens, the appropriate trade is contacted an rectified quickly, at the end of the year if there is a surplus of funds, due to no "disasters" I put that money back into the building to increase the value of the property and avoid taxes needing to be paid on it. Its to the point now where, I give one of my tenants $50 off a month just to be my eyes and ears around the place and it has been worth every penny. I personally would not own a property 3-4 hours away, and I'm lucky as after my move to my new home im 2 mins away from my rental property, I don't even have to go there to collect rent they drop it off to me. Every month the mortgage is paid I just think of the money going into my pocket, I was planning on getting out after five years and cashing in but im thinking I may hold on to it for a little while longer yet. Lastly know your rights, and know the tenants rights , have a professional lease/rent agreement prepared and find a good tenant. Just saying for me renting has been a really positive experience. Perhaps the next home I buy I will be able to be mortgage free, all on the back of a rental home
  8. I was out pre-fishing south pigeon yesterday, and my partner and I were commenting on how choked it is with rice everywhere. its unbelievable how much more rice there is this year compared to last year and the year before, I had gps way points that were easy to get too, now its virtually unnavigable with out a push pole. I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple more years south pigeon will be choked off completely,every year there is less and less navigable water on south pigeon. Its always been choked but the rice is getting crazy
  9. I have never launched on that side of the lake but there are multiple boat launches according to navionics. Maybe sinker can chime in, he is pretty familiar with rice.
  10. That's too funny 2 weeks ago I picked up the grey/black indoor/outdoor carpet at home depot to do the bunks on my trailer .
  11. I'm sure some will run to Lake O. and drop shot big smallies. A mid 20 lbs bag is going to be needed for sure.
  12. An enjoyable read as always Mike ! Now all I gotta do is save up $10,000 to take my old man LOL!
  13. make the trip to BJS tackle in Bewdley. He has minnows.
  14. I used the iridium satellite phone, when I was fishing in remote Quebec. I ordered it through CanadaSatelite.ca, I think there out of Calgary but ship it right to your door. I watched a you tube video on the phone, I never had one problem making a phone call when I wanted to make a phone call, but it probably ended up costing me $150.00 for the week, I bought minutes through them at a lower rate and I believe I got there insurance aswell. But incoming calls are free, so what I would do is get back to camp turn on the phone, call the wife and tell her to call me right back and only used one minute of airtime. Our phone at our home has unlimited calling in NorthAmerica so it was no big deal to us, but from what I understood is that if you don't you are billed as though it was an international call to Arizona or somewhere in the states. I have used them twice and never had a problem. PS incoming texts are free too.
  15. I guess it depends on where you mean when you say Peterborough area. There aren't really any great live bait/ tackle shops in Peterborough per say. If your fishing rice there's BJs tackle in Bewdley, If your fishing the tri-lakes see Frank at Bridgenorth tackle in Bridgenorth, In lakefield there is a small tackle shop on the main drag opposite side of the high school and beside an art shop, if your looking for just worms, there in every convenience store and gas station. There used to be a tiny place on Lansdowne st between lock 19 and Ashburnham by the TSC store, but I have only been in there once and for some reason I don't think they are open anymore, but I could be wrong. Its hard to believe that in a town with so much great fishing around that no tackle stores can survive, and most rely on crappie tire for tackle. Me personally I go out and see Frank and shoot the breeze with him for a bit and support local businesses.
  16. Thanks everyone for your input I'm going to try a new prop. it is a rubber hub design for sure.
  17. It sure seems like a spun hub to me too Shane. I did the test of marking a line to see if it has spun but all the markings line up the same. Lape, I have not hit anything, I would own up to that for sure, but I'm really lost on this one for sure. A real head scratcher. It took me booting down rice to bewdley from indian river for it to act up, but putting it into reverse for a short time, allowed the boat to carry on as normal. Now I don't know if when I marked my lines on the prop and I " spun the prop" the markings moved but putting it back into reverse and temporarily fixed it moved the markings back to the original markings, when I limped back home the motor was working as it should. I couldn't check it when it happened as I was in 13 feet of water. I guess I could of jumped into the water to have a peek at it I wish I had done that. I do want to have a back up prop anyways so I don't mind laying out some cash for a new prop, im more concerned if I'm doing any damage to the motor I'm not aware of, because other than the "spin outs" it sounds and runs as good as it always has. Sorry to beat this thread to death. I appreciate you guys chiming in. I was hoping someone had the exact same experience/ problem I have, but apparently my 2003 75hp 4 stroke yammy is a little bit of a uni-corn lol.
  18. The RPM'S increase when it does it.
  19. It's not making any sound other than the little squeal that happens in reverse from time to time. But nothing noises at all. Whatever is happening when it does "spin out" putting it into reverse seems to correct it for the short term until it eventually " spins out" again. I will have to take it in. It's the only way I can think of describing it.
  20. Thanks Shane ,Steve, and Zamboni. I'm going to check the linkage cable. And if not I may be biting the bullet on sending her to the mechanic.
  21. Just an update and hopefully some more feedback. So I was certain it was a spun hub however my old man wasn't. We took the prop off and examined the interior hub, and nothing looked alarming. So I put the prop back on and marked a line on the prop and nut etc to see if she is spun. We took her down to Indian river with the old man and sure enough the boat made a liar of me performing perfectly. So we get home I check the lower oil and it looks good. We are out last night on rice trying to out run that storm all the way to bewdley but the weather changed 360 and there was no getting out of it. Well wouldn't you know down at the other end of the lake the motor starts doing the same thing, acting exactly like a spun hub does. The boat will putter along at maybe 10 km but when more throttle is given its like its been thrown in to neutral or something. So my dad says try to putting her in reverse I did that and then the motor returned to running as normal. It did it again later and we did the same thing by putting it in reverse and it worked again. There are no weeds on the prop. I repeat no weeds on the prop. Lol. We get back and trailer the boat up and sure enough the lines we marked to see if the prop spun were in the same alignment, so no spun hub. This motor runs like a top, other than a little squealing in reverse it has never let me down and has always been well maintained, stored inside etc, but this is a head scratcher any thoughts, before I shell out $95/hour to find out. Thanks for all your input. I was really hoping it was a spun hub, but I have to say with confidence I don't believe it is.
  22. Thanks everyone! I always know I can count on the opinions of the good people here on the board which is why I asked. I will make sure to speak with him personally.
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