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Everything posted by doubleheader

  1. There is a weedbed across from Lakair that has given up many a pike as well as one just west of the old Samoset lodge. Often you can catch walleye in both as well. Throw a small weedless Johnson spoon and hold on for pike. Walleye can be caught in the weeds on a jig and plastic or crawler. Between the islands west of Lakair leading into Warren Bay can be excellent for walleye, especially when the current is moving. Warren Bay itself is quite deep, so you'll fish the shorelines. Pike and walleye can be anyplace there are weeds. There are some underwater shoals around the periphery of Warren Bay. Do not rely on any map being completely accurate. Slow down, if you have a kicker don't lock it down. Going east under 64 bridge again can be good for walleye due to current. Watch for underwater shoal just SW of bridge like 25'. I recently came back from 2 weeks (8/9-8/23) and did rather well for walleye in 20-25 FOW. My wife and I caught close to 60 walleye which given the conditions wasn't bad. Of those 11 were legal, over 18.2". Our biggest was 25", smaller than we normally get, but again conditions were bad. Water temp dropped 5 degrees in the 1st week. Most all our fishing was east of 64 bridge around Squaw Island. Fish were located near underwater shoals and humps but not on them. As was mentioned Porcupine Creek has been producing, we didn't even fish it. We prefer to pull harnesses using our bow mount.
  2. Hi Lew, and I was right there with you while these folks were ticketed. It just seems ridiculous to me. The only people they may have been endangering were themselves, and it wasn't like they were flaunting the law, after all they were wearing jackets and had two spares. $240.00 is a huge some for some folks. I think that maybe a better outcome would have been a warning with an opportunity to get a compliant jacket. What I thought was really condescending was how the senior OPP kept call the offender "buddy" as he was lecturing him. I heard him say it multiple times, and they were too intimidated to tell him where to stick his "buddy". On another note, however, long after the OPP had gone home for dinner, another boatload of people left the dock for a camping trip. They were extremely overloaded, even if all the gear were removed thety were overloaded with people, and it was obviously an unsafe situation. That father who intentionally put his family at risk so as to avoid an extra trip should have been caught and a heavy fine levied.
  3. Where you headn? We're going to Memquisit and leaving in 14 hours.
  4. I remember that year Rich what a PITA that drive was. Are you heading north tomorrow the 2nd or the next week the 9th? We're at Memquisit starting the 9th so I'm hoping things will be relatively normal by then but we come thru very early to get north of 400 before the traffic gets too bad. We'll be at the border by 5:00AM
  5. I purchased a Ram 2500HD with a Cummins diesel this spring. Never thought I'd be in a Ram when i started my research, but, Ram has come a long way. I love mine. It's the first vehicle I ever purchased where I couldn't find a single defect or minor blemish anywhere and I haven't had a single quality issue in the first 3 months of ownership. Taking our first trip in a couple weeks and I can't wait to hit the road. Congrats on your truck, Your mileage is awesome. I'll be pulling a pretty heavy rig, a 1900 Pro-v and 200 Verado, loaded with 2 weeks of vacation supplies. I'll be very happy with 15 mpg, and I think I'll get that no problem based on local towing trips.
  6. We humans have the capacity to be extremely greedy. It doesn't matter the skin color or nationality. Given the opportunity there will always be a percentage of people who take unfair advantage, who cheat. Western society is ill with the "traditional values be damned gotta get mine" flu.
  7. Not sure Lowrance can help you. You may have meant to say Navionics.
  8. Just thought I's throw this out there. I have 4 Diawa Sealine 47's I use for lead. I decided to replace what I had as it was quite old and I found this new smaller diameter lead from Tuff-Line. Being 30% smaller diameter it achieves the same sink as the traditional leadcore with less lead. Less lead means less bulk, smaller gear, lighter rods. Another cool thing is while i bought 18lb test it is 53 lb break strength. The stuff got great reviews, I just received it and haven't even spooled yet.
  9. There is a new store in Erie, Field and Stream, located within a mile of the Erie Gander Mountain. It's almost as good as a Cabelas, in fact it will definitely remind you of Cabelas. IMHO it is far superior to Gander. Additionally there is a Dick's next to the Gander store. There is at least one other major fishing store in Erie but I can't recall the name. https://www.facebook.com/FieldAndStreamShop?utm_source=search-engine&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Crescent-Springs-Gen-Store|BMM&utm_content=+crescent-+springs-+ky-+fishing-+stores
  10. So much I'd like to say, but all I will say is I'm very sorry for your loss Cliff.
  11. Lakair used to sell maps of the west arm, I have one framed in my den. I have no idea where the would have bought them.
  12. Never owned glass but would have to agree that due to aluminum forming limtations, or perhaps better said, the lack of those limitations with glass, the better riding boats are generally glass. There is of course some overlap, but most generally in the 18' to 24' range the best ride comes from glass. There really isn't much difference in weight between aluminum and glass boats of the same length and class, it's more about hull design.
  13. Thanks Rod Caster I'll google that!!
  14. I had a great uncle that owned a small lodge on a Lake Papineau year's ago, like 40-50 years ago, and I was there once. If the same lake it's known for lake trout, brook trout and whitefish. Located in northeast Ontario very near Quebec, I drove past (can't remember the route number) a couple years ago on my way to Lake Dumoine. I also remember in was quite a long trip back to the lake on a gravel road at that time. That's all I remember, but I've tried to find out more about this lake since and there is almost nothing on the internet. BTW, the Papineau lake I'm referring to was off Rt 17 on the south side.
  15. You got it Lew. I was thinking about you guys all week wondering how you were doing. Even though the fish didn't cooperate it sounds like you found a great camp. I stayed up at that end only one time when i was just a kid, but I've always wanted to explore that area. Anyhow, see you in August.
  16. Fabulous pictures. When you can catch an eagle taking a pike for a ride or a crane catching a sunny that's persistance. The impossible would be Lew smiling
  17. Just curious Lew did you try to get any fish going up around the Lodge you stayed? Years ago that was very good water and we'd (Dad) would get a few trolling that whole length from Warren Bay up to and almost around Musky island. Some big submerged rock on that arm. Anyhow, glad you guys had a successful trip and you enjoyed the Lodge.
  18. You didn't mention how fast you were going when it started to get 'grainy", but there really isn't much you can do. Recognize that the faster you go the more "stuff" is getting pinged from your transducer, so yea, you can turn the sensitivity down, but then what are you going to see?? If you're only looking for depth you would be okay, but whether or not you'll be able to pick up fish who knows. You just have to experiment, but the faster you're going the narrower the arc will be.
  19. If your depthfinder readout is in tenths/ft, drop the boat in the water and navigate to some fairly flat bottom, adjust the transducer angle to on the most shallow depth reading you can achieve. That is your optimum adjustment.
  20. If you want to avoid leaky battery acid issues in the future you may wan to consider AGM type batteries.
  21. For what it's worth the most recent issue of FLW magazine reviewed 4 inexpensive "best value" sunglasses that offered UV and polarization. Probably can read on their website.
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