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Blue Lk

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About Blue Lk

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    Vermilion Bay,NWO

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Cliff you were almost staying in my backyard,we spend 6 months of the year about 5 miles from Temple Bay,it is a very nice well run operation.We are going there tomorrow night for an Octoberfest pub night. Glad you enjoyed your stay and our beautiful part of the country
  2. Find a Place to Stay | Sunset Country, Ontario, Canada (visitsunsetcountry.com) Lots to chose from in my corner of the province
  3. I recommend a full bodied dark beer if you are making a beer batter,I allways use Ginness.
  4. I wish somebody would catch the jerk nesting under my dock.Everytime I try to do a little dock leveling he attacks,& also goes after the dogs if they wade in for a drink. Only a bump on the legs but scares the crap out of us every time?
  5. A lot depends if you are staying on Cayo Coco or Cayo Guillarmo (sp?),about 50kms apart.I think most guide boats operate from Guillarmo. Another option is getting a car to take you to Lenny's.He will drop you off & ask when you want to be picked up.Lennys is a lobster shack on a very remote stretch on beach.A cab will cost about 25 to 30 CUC return from resorts on Coco & 50 CUC from Guillarmo.I have seen several people fishing there.Also the trip to Lennys is allways a highlight of our trips.Very scenic & the food is great.I'm sure your GF would love Lennys
  6. I'm not sure as I don't go there to fish but I'm sure he could advise you on the different options available on the Cayo. Also there is a lot of info on the Cayo Coco forum on trip advisor
  7. There is a guy from Montreal that stays at The Iberostar Colonial on Cayo Coco that does a little guiding,he was there last week & stays down there for 5 months.His name is Claude,the front desk at this hotel could maybe hook you up with him.
  8. Eagle Lake is a possibility as well,take it up a notch & go after the very healthy muskie population.Temple Bay Lodge has a full American Plan c/w guides etc.Not sure if Northshore Lodge has A/P but lots of big fish on their FB page.Lots of lodges on Eagle.
  9. GF has a new Ford Escape,she has Ford Pass,she left it parked in my driveway when she flew to the east coast to visit family.She checked the app on her phone everyday to see if I had driven it.It works ok to remote start IF the cell reception is good,which can be spotty in this neck of the woods.
  10. Simon,according to the weather forecast fall returned this morning & will continue for about 1 1/2 weeks
  11. Good for you Simon.Just a word of caution. As you know I spent so time in the local tackleshop as the "official part-time old guy". Some of the visiting tourist fishermen can "suck the nice" out of you with their attitudes in a very short time.Not all of them but enough that I'm not going back. Hopefully you have thicker skin then me.
  12. Some info on walleye central & lake link forums
  13. Re the baked onions,I take Vidalia onions and cut them similar to blooming onions, wrap up tight in foil with a large dab of butter & a beef or chicken bouillon cube or powdered mix. 45 minutes on the grill.The sauce is very similar to French onion soup when you open them up.
  14. From my "summer dreamin" collection
  15. I wouldn't change my current location,the pic in my avatar is my view now!
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