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Everything posted by miller

  1. stopped by today and grabbed the flyer. saturday may 7th registration 630am derby 7am to 2pm awards ceremony at 230pm adults $8 kids under 12 $3 doesn't say what the prizes are
  2. congratz on some beauty trout but even more so on your health!
  3. i believe they've stocked some at 50 point recently as well. i know they put in quite a few in the fall because i was getting a few in the marina while targeting perch and theres plenty more kicking around now and i saw a few of them wash up on the boat ramp.
  4. nope, havn't really gotten out that much with all the rain and crazy weather. the water is prob choc milk and running pretty high
  5. thats one that will bug me for a little while, its probably floating around by now lol
  6. hits were mixed up all over, a few in the mud a few on edge. the fish were just pretty active today
  7. plenty of fun out there today and quite a few active fish, hopefully our luck holds up again for the next outing. heres my brown from today
  8. minnows or microtubes under a slip float works well
  9. mepps aglia size 1 or 2 red/blue/silver pattern
  10. yeah theres some footballs around there this year, this lil porker i caught 2 weeks ago spat up 3 or 4 smelts that were around 6"
  11. some group holds meetings in there, i'm not too sure who but certain days that parking lot is packed. congratz on your first brown. the square tail is generally a good indicator its a brown
  12. I'm young as well, only 20 and i've had great customer service there.
  13. bills bait and tackle on upper james i believe it is, must admit their service beats fishing world 100%
  14. i tried emailing him with the email you gave me and it wouldn't work
  15. i'm trying to forget about that one, its still haunting me though lol
  16. no difference in textures
  17. hahah great theory i had totally forgot about that commercial
  18. i nailed this lil fella on the 8th and i was sure suprised when i pulled him out. anyone else ever get any like this? the dark coloration was only on one side of the face, the whole other side of the fish was the lighter tone. he definatly seemed healthy as he put up a pretty good fight
  19. minnows or microtubes under a slipfloat would be a great start, just work shorelines looking for overhanging branches and different structure. they sure are tasty buggers too
  20. yeah i was thinking it was a salmon species but who knows. local marinas can have some great fishing. on lake o you never know what you'll hook into. one morning i had 3 rainbows break me off at the hole(6") and the next day i landed two pike
  21. first picture and third picture are the same fish. when i pulled it out i thought rainbow at first then a guy near by told me he thought it was a coho. the top of the back including fins and tail were black. i am no species expert so its up in the air for me lol
  22. just thought i'd share some pics of fish i've iced this ice fishing season
  23. *cough* the point *cough* 3-5' off bottom *cough* hope you have better luck next time
  24. stunted and rare are definatly both words i wouldn't use to describe the crappie fishing there, i'm not sure where you have focused your efforts there but everytime i hit the open water there i manage 40-50 crappie at least. yes there are alot of steady 8-9" crappie but i'm not complaining, great table fair, and i've personally pulled out some very nice slabs. 20 bucks a line yes i will agree was steep. maybe giving a discount for the second line like getting two for 30 wouldn't have been as bad but i was willing to pay that money and support a local fishery. here's a few from binbrook
  25. was down there wednesday afternoon for a couple hours, caught 5 dink perch and a rockbass.
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