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Everything posted by S.M.05

  1. Drew I dont know what yer taking, but I'll take two! Lost a bit of my Wiser's after the big winnie line Couple weeks and we can hit some polka dots with fins.
  2. Bunk its hard to keep working on the house with you posting pics like those. You know that splake has me drool'n.
  3. Some serious Lake Lakerstone Lake trout slayin. Great read bunk.
  4. Bunk I was just thinking I have not touched base with you in while. Working hard on the new place and looking forward to some ice time in the new year. A couple days away but Merry Cristmas to you and the family.
  5. Very nice inland brown. Wish we had something like FLIPPR around here(Tripliods, steelhead crosses, tigers, etc.). I have been planning to take a trip out there with my airmiles for many years now, maybe next yr.
  6. Drew thanks for the look back at your trips up north for my ultimate bucket list fish. While I spend the next many yrs saving for this dream trip, I can live it through your pics of this amazing place. Oh yeah.... crazy fawzeakin char by the way
  7. Awesome vid with tons of beau-T lakers Ben. I'm pumped for ice now.
  8. Ready to ice fish..... yes. Prepared.....no Trying to get everything done around the house so I can hit the ice for trout as soon as the back lakes freeze. Should throw up an old report just to get the ice fever started.
  9. Good to see you guys made it out O.K. Have been enjoying the reports from previous trips you have been posting. Keep em coming.
  10. Bunk it was great to get out with you guys for walleye. Boated a ton of giant walleyes again this year I see, but the best catch has to be Leah's smile while holding up some Quinte gold
  11. Glad everyone enjoyed the pics. Best thing about some trips is the food. Spent 2 days camping out in minus temperatures and fishing an empty lake, but that steak was great. Looks like I have some ice fishing to look forward to.
  12. Thanks Bill. All from lakes stocked with specks. Although splake accidentally making into a speck lake is not unheard of, I would put my money on these being specs.
  13. Thanks Roy. Each lake I visit have specks in various colors, traits and avererage size. That speck in the 5th pic is one from a special lake I fished this last winter, the only lake I have ever seen with this awesome bronze color. Here is one from last winter.
  14. Finally purchashed my first place this fall and that meant the fall troutn would have to wait while the inspections were done, the bankers were pleased and the amendments were signed. With all that I some how managed to squeeze some time in for my seasonal dose of fall specks. I will keep the words short hope you enjoy the pics. Looks like its time to put my rods down and start work on the 10 acres I now call home.
  15. Awesome chrome and great pics.
  16. Pure fish porn. Some amazing trout and scenery. Bull trout and cutties are some of my bucket list fish.
  17. Nice laker. Catching fish through the ice already, definitely jealous.
  18. All around an awesome report.
  19. Glad to see you got a few days on LSC's waters as I know you had been wanting to give this muskie factory a try since we returned from Kesagami. Lots of fantastic muskie boated between you guys not to mention a new P.B. Great stuff Bunk, keep em coming.
  20. True size of a canadian northern pike Dude you sacrificed that bass to the pike gods didn't you.
  21. Some very nice steelhead. Like how you tried a different approach and nailed em.
  22. Bunk it was great to get out with you and change it up from trout to bass. It was even better just to be guided in the famous War Canoe I had seen filled with so many trophies over the yrs in the good ol' Moosebunk reports from up north. It seems this fall has been just as busy as the summer, but I hope to slow it down by ice time and enjoy the new 10 acres I will call home. Keep in touch, a phone call from you is usually all the convincing i need to put down the tools.
  23. Nice specs. One of my fav trout.
  24. Helluva trout for an inland lake, a trophy bow for sure Owner at a place I stayed at in Wawa made us raw dish with some onion, spices and fresh specs we caught on the ice. Wish I had got the recipe off him.
  25. Have read through this report several times now to convince myself not to visit this unreal river called the Sutton. So far I have only convinced myself that I will fight all polar bears with one hand tied behind my back in order to get my line in that river. This is the one report I needed to read this year. Fantastic report Mike
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