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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Awesome...thanks for the laugh...
  2. lol guys, the last time I looked Insurance fraud was bad....lol and on a public forum...
  3. Try coles point resort on the Trent river. Just west of the mouth of Rice lake. The fishing is fantastac and there is a TON of kids activiies on the weekends. They generally do somthing every saturday for the kids. The best part is they are only an hour and a half from Toronto! They rent cottages and boats. They have a store and an onsite laundry! www.colespoint.ca Ask for Scott...Tell him the Ritchie family sent ya! Yes we camp there and do get a credit for referals...lol
  4. With all due Respect, but. ....LOL LOL LOL...Seriously? Tell ya what ill let you fill my truck just once.....
  5. Irish has a point..Do you plan on rebuilding? I can look and price removal for you next weekend (the long weekend) PM me details and ill stop by to get ya an estimate.
  6. Awesome!! Reminds me of when my young daughter came home for the first time...Almost makes me want another....Almost..lol Ill gladly wait on grandchildren now Congrats to you and yours
  7. Ahh to bad you live in Tbay..Id ask to take your wife out for a coffee once a week ..This sure sucks. BTW nice pic Dan!! Dion sure can clock them!! Go Canada Go!! were 6 and 0!!
  8. are you guys native? How do you get gas without a status card? let me in on your secret...PLEASE?
  9. Ok thanks again to all thoughts and considerations. This just goes to show that this community can and will help when and where they can. As for training, we have had dogs my entire life. Were no slouches on the training. The dog just has a prey drive that goes beyond anything a human could control. Were actively looking for a new home that does not have small animals. After a call to our local SPCA we were told that no family wants a dog that kills and she would end up euthanized after a certain amount of time.This is NOT an option. So were going to keep the dog work with her and hope to find a home for her that she can thrive in. The fence in question was originally built to keep our now deceased Dalmatians out of the garden. The Dog in question came long after the other dogs passed. Her going thru the fence to kill the rabbits would be no different then her going thru any other fence to get at the neighbours animals. This area was never her territory nor was she EVER allowed in there. She literally chewed her way thru this fence while we were having dinner. Its a good thing the Chickens were loud enough for me to hear something was wrong. The sad part is the neighbours also heard the commotion and ran to watch in horror what was going on. So we have decided to try a chain when she cant be supervised and the use of a muzzle while out on our daily walks. You know “they” say a tired husky is a good husky there is allot of truth to that..We are considering getting an old electric treadmill for short runs when she cant be walked..Would this be considered inhumane? I know sled dog trainers use them for training purposes. we too are considering it under the advise of a US musher. Anyway thanks again to you all for your help and thoughts.
  10. Actually she is trained to pull a sled..Great for ice fishing. I dont think she would have a problem on a team. She even knows all the commands, gee, haw and hike.Its the whoa that she is not to fond of. She also pulls me on my mountian bike in the spring and fall..This is why rehoming her will be so tough to do.Where is ceasar mullan when you need him....
  11. Thanks to everyone for their input and support. After sleeping on it for the night, we have decided to actively look for a new home for her...In the meantime she will just have to be chained up when outside. Its sad and unfortunate, because we were warned before we got her, about prey drive in husky's, but I honestly thought I could train her. The funny thing is we do have a Jack Russell and she doesn't hurt it??I have never given up on a dog, ever. It hurts to think I may have to. She is a good dog otherwise and very loyal. I cant take her to the pound as I couldn't ever not tell them what she does. I don't think they can rehome an animal that kills. She would no doubt be put down if sent there.. We will keep her for the time being and keep her chained up while outside. Also a good muzzle is a distinct possibility We keep the chickens and rabbits for food. So we have no intention on being rid of them. The funny thing is the husky thinks we keep them for food for her..Even thou we segregated our yard with another fence to keep dogs out of the garden and greenhouse. We as a family are almost 50% self sufficient in our food in the summer months. between hunting, fishing, gardening and the animals we live a simple life. Until........
  12. My understanding is, if it has a creek or river (in flow or out flow) then it is considered a public waterway and all regs would have to be followed..I could be wrong...
  13. I can almost gaurentee they wont be back...if they wanted to return there, they wouldnt have left all that junk lying around...Dont ask how I know that either...lol. Its a long story...
  14. Thanks. We dont want to put her down..The last thing on earth.But she does have to go. This is the second time. The worst part is she broke thru a fenced yard and didnt stop one caught and commanded to stop. The dog is out of control once her eyes go black...Would be great for a fisherman. Loves the boat...
  15. put up or shut up in my house..Seriously thou, if your not happy lifes to short.
  16. This is going to be one hardest posts I have made EVER. Anyway we were eating dinner tonight when I hear a commotion that I had no choice to get up and run to the yard..As it turns out our siberian husky had gotten into the fenced yard and killed 4 baby rabbits and almost the mother..The Chickens were completely loosing it.This is how I knew somthing bad was happening..So sadly enough we need to find her a new home. She is a 3 yr old sibe papered and chipped. We spared no expense on this dog. She is also fixed. We would like to find her a new home where she can be loved and have no small animals.She is a good dog otherwise..Very smart and loves to fish. I have never given up on a dog my entire life..This will be a first for me. It will be hard to do but she has to go. So if your interested let me know..Hopefully we can find her a good home or she will have to be put down..Thanks for reading this and considering it.
  17. Good job guys!! Congrats! Looks like a Happy Mom there..Happy Mothers Day to all the moms today!
  18. Congrats Paul! You are sure an inspiration for us all! I have a good friend that has been battling alcoholism for many years. We sure wish he could come up with the strength you have shown. Still we stick by his side thru thick n thin. That's what good friends do! Hey we have never met, but id sure like to fish with ya sometime!! Again congrats on your milestone! You deserve a long happy life. I hear ya have a nice new boat! Go get her wet! you deserve it
  19. I was down at Wilkes dam in Brantford on the weekend. I couldn't believe how many people were there fishing. Nothing they can catch there are open. They were catching all bass and walleye..Of course with all those fisherman you just know some of them are not live releasing..My question is... I thought it was illegal to target OOS fish? If it is why does the MNR not bother with them?
  20. Great report! Love the details. Thanks Redsfisher
  21. cbc already blew it...so social media has nothing on them...lol.. Ha funny I was going to post the link from sympatico.ca but its gone now..
  22. That was unreal..Imagine taking one of those fish in the junk? Ykes...
  23. That was Great! I cant belive that guy wants to run for president..Good job seth!
  24. we caught our crappies on a jighead with a 3 inch rubber minnow.
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