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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. LOL..special videos....whatever do you mean Blair? Anyhoo...yup....had privacy set wrong...should be able to view now
  2. Hi all, After a fun day watching sucker fish in the creek with my boy, he wanted to go fishing in front of the house after supper. I had an hour to spare before night shift so we had a short family fishing session on the lawn. Jack has a new rod and 'taco' box (thats how he pronounces 'tackle', he does his best to mimic my accent....lol). The walleye we are catching are spawned out males.....still waiting for the big pike to make an appearance. Supper tomorrow night is looking good!
  3. That looks awesome Randy. Holy moly....as soon as i saw that first picture i thought 'that's gotta be rough on your gear.....lol a couple pictures later confirmed that. What a fantastic spot to set up camp. GREAT REPORT..... LOVE IT!
  4. Hi all, took my boy down to the creek today to watch the suckers doing their 'THANG'. Took some underwater footage of the yearly dance. Cool to see. SUCKERS DOIN' THEIR THANG(Now with music)
  5. Hi all, Had a great few sessions with my boy recently. Jack is getting more confident in his fishing skills and absolutely beat me hands down last night at a local pond. He insisted on small weights and floating jigs, not my egg sinker and large floating jig, and thats exactly what the fishes wanted....lol...i changed up pretty quick to his rig. He rarely turns down the opportunity to fish and has been bugging to get out in the boat......even been helping me prep the boat thias year...sanding bench seats etc...etc. The fish are scarce at the moment from shore, late ice out and other things playing a role there....but we have had fresh walleye for supper a couple times now this week, no complaints there! Here's some pics and video of yesterdays fishing. JACK TOOK THESE PICTURES....NOT BAD EH?
  6. Hi all, Playing around with my new pooter and decided to make a little stop motion for my Star Wars fanatic 4 year old. After around 20 consecutive giggle laden views later Jack says to me, "Dad.......how are R2-D2 and Yoda moving by themselves?" I replied, "ahaaaah....it's magic", Jack starts laughing and shoots me his 'dad you're so silly/ stop teasing look' and replies, "it's not magic, you're using an invisible hand!" AWESOME!
  7. WOW. That is awesome.
  8. I saw this today and thought i'd share. <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=10151613265769919" width="654" height="480" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  9. That hot tub is genius! Great report guys.
  10. Great video...neat way to do it....kinda reminds me of how i clean a musky
  11. Love the wood fence/cross shot...really cool!
  12. Thanks man. Yup, the lake we are on is like chocolate milk in color, all the fish are very pale color because of that.
  13. Hi all, The wind last night really did a number on the ice in front of the house and our bay is almost completely open water. So with half an hour before i had to go to work (night shift) Jack and me went for a cast for a pike. I bought some GIANT minnows that morning for bait and was confident we could hook into a big Pike. Well we played around in the forest and threw sticks for the dog and with only five minutes left before i had to head off for work the rod tip registered a bite, I struck, and landed a pike almost the same size as the bait it apparently inhaled. ICE OUT IN FULL SWING NOW WE SET UP THE ROD PLAYED WHILE WE WAITED FOR A BITE AND WERE REWARDED WITH A SMALL PIKE
  14. Nice one Drew...would love to try for those. What do they smell like? LOL...weird question...but i was curious.
  15. Much appreciated I think you guys will be fine for opener, if not, your welcome to join me on my lawn for some pike and walleye....its opening up nice on the Goon(Wabigoon).
  16. Thanks man...and like you say.....beautiful up here....no complaints at all. hopefully get a shot at pike from the lawn by Monday!....

  18. Wow...sleddin' last week! Snows been gone for a while now here.....but its snowing again today. LOL.....yeah...better than frostbite though dontcha fink? @#$%$#@#%^^&^%$ YUP...considering last year ice out was April 4th
  19. Gonna be touch and go for next weekend.....there will be areas to fish, but as you can see from this video taken last night, the lake in front of the house is still rather SOLID. ICE OUT?
  20. hope you guys get a better Cabelas than the place in Winnipeg!
  21. Thanks Roy, just playing around with the camera. That spot is where the suckers spawn....took the Gopro on it stick mount to get some underwater footage...but no fish yet. As for the dog....most times i love him more than is humanly possibly...but there are times when $%$#@##$%$#@#
  22. Hi all, Insane weather as usual, this time last year we had been in the boat for 6 weeks already. Oh well the whitefish should be in the same places as the walleye for opener, but at this rate (snow forecast this week) we'll be using 2 rods for opener! At least my puppy gets to swim again!
  23. Great video mike!
  24. Nice bit of kit there Joey .. ..comes earlier every year! cant wait to see the results! The first digital camera i ever bought was using Sainsbury's (the British equivalent to Loblaws) reward points
  25. I can't believe it...I actually cannot remember the last time i went fishing...its been weeks!

    1. asdve23rveavwa


      I hear you Simon! Next weekend hell or high water...maybe both!


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