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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Good one Chris, i am always impressed by your reports…you get some awesome fishing done bud! I will have to try this steel/float/centerpin/river stuff one day.
  2. Enjoying the snow Chad?

    1. Nipfisher


      mostly wind here Simon.

  3. Looks like George Zimmerman just founded out that's assaulting someone who isn't black gets you arrested right away!

  4. Hi all, Well I like some snow, JUST NOT ALL AT ONCE!
  5. awesome…wishin i was fishin' too!
  6. Sounds like a great event…lotsa fun!
  7. Hi all, Bit of a sad day yesterday. While shopping in town I suggested to Jack that we get a dozen minnows on the way home. Jack was excited to go to the minnow shop as he is treated like royalty, he even has his own footstool behind the counter so he can reach the minnow tanks and net the minnows we are buying. On hearing this mum suggested we just take of and go fishing as she could get the shopping done quicker without us in tow (heehee….note to self), Jack was up for it and off we went. Why a sad day? As we are getting out of the truck at home, to my horror Jack pipes up, "Dad, I hate fishing". Some intense conversation followed and i discovered that he "actually hates fishing" but loves playing around while I fish. I'll take that i guess. I am of course being melodramatic, if there is one thing i know from experience it is that given the right conditions he loves fishing, just not for long and we better be catching! I think its more the case of him practising this week's new word 'hate'. I love watching his giant personality grow, even better when its like holding a mirror up. Anyhoo, here is our adventure from yesterday evening at the house. WENT DOWN TO THE LAKE TO DO SOME OF THIS BUT ENDED UP DOING MORE OF THIS AND THIS…………………………………. AND OF COURSE THIS………………… AND A ATTEMPT AT THIS……………... HERE ARE THE VIDEOS THE SUNSET WAS UNSPECTACULAR FOR 'SUNSET COUNTRY' Snow is flying as i write…….. more snowmen and snow machines today for Jack, Dad and Mum….if the wind drops a bit. Times like these make me 100% sure this is the right place for us to be growing up.
  8. The truck is a go….just not me….having 'cubital tunnel' (fishing elbow) surgery on Thursday….can be months before you can regain strength in your arm…definitely a good 3-4 weeks out of action as far as drilling holes/riding snow machines goes….i really will have to try to be strict with myself….but it will be hard to sit watching the skidoos go by in front of the house.
  9. LOL…yup….Roloff is definitely loyal….he is like glue to me wherever i go outside….unless the deer or geese are on the lawn. I am gonna try to get a bit more fishing done this year Brian….but my work schedule is changing….although Jack is at school…w'ell see how it goes….I am hoping though!@ Its going in for a recall….side reflectors had the wrong glue….lol…i'm getting them to do an oil change etc….it will be ready to go before i am
  10. I was actually thinking of grabbing a dozen minnows and casting from the lawn this evening….if i can get the patio doors finished might be an idea. But as for sawbill….lets do it!
  11. I will probably only be able to Drive my truck before January…so any fishing i do will be dependent on benevolent friends willing to ferry my fat behind on and off the ice. The only thing i will be helpful for on the ice is catching fish and scooping holes. So….if you are up for that i'm into a trip to sawbill as soon as the ice is safe….i'm thinking that will be the first week of December…up for it?
  12. Fantastic….atta girl Jen!
  13. Tease!
  14. I like the way you think.
  15. I own a Terrova because before i bought it i had used a Powerdrive. The Terrova stows deploys like a dream….the power drive will leave you frustrated in this respect….horrible release mechanism. The iPilot is worth the money alone, although, like others have said, it will cost more than just the $200. The foot pedal is also far superior to the PD and can be employed simultaneously with either a Co-Pilot or iPilot, with the Power Drive you have to use one or the other. The upgrades for the Terrova are way easier to do, basically snap on in most cases. Ok….anyway….i'm a fan of my Terrova and have never heard a single grumble from anyone who has owned one…..GET IT.
  16. I gotta chip in. This guy has a problem with substance misuse…..he needs help. It saddens me to see some people trying to defend what this guy has been doing…IN PUBLIC OFFICE! And in a lot of cases just smacks of complete hypocrisy, given that much of his 'support' appears to be from 'the right'/'conservative' view holding pundits etc..(I said 'seems' folks).….the same kind of folk that i would not put it past to hold the view that while it is ok for Mr. Ford to get paid out of public funds and abuse substances…welfare claimants should be drugs tested.
  17. Yup….like the look of those too.
  18. I will Bill…..lol…thanks for the tip. Actually last time i was there i took a jungle/mangrove trek along the coast and ended up on a shoreline with a reef close up……TWO PERMIT FISH rooting for crabs not more than a stone throw from me….needless to say nothing i had in my arsenal interested them….a shrimp bait might have been the ticket given their preferred forage.
  19. Thanks Art. I have got a couple on the go now, revisiting my Little cleo collection too. I got a couple more lipless cranks the other day to add to ones i already had and am looking at topwater poppers and Heddon style walk the dog typo lures. Do you think spinner baits/ mepps spinners will work?…..i know the pike love 'em and can't help think of barracuda as the hammer handles of the area i fish…….THEY EVEN SMELL SIMILAR TO PIKE! The only people i met while out fishing were a retired airline pilot and a guide and his client, both fly fishing , needless to say i will not be handing out any free lures to them.
  20. Thanks for the advice…. i grew up by the sea in England and my dad is from Grenada so i am well versed in saltwater angling and Caribbean/ culture/ and travel safety considerations. Why i am posting this is because i was never much of a lure fisherman, but having moved to Canada changed that somewhat and have the confidence you talk about to give it more of a try than i ever did on my previous trips there, hence stocking up on some different ones. I will be heading to Antigua to my brother- in -laws house who was born and raised there. Like i said, i'm very knowledgeable about the species of the Leeward and Windward Isles of the Caribbean, and have had the privilege to shore and boat fish many of them from the tender age of 7, including Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad, Petit Martinique, British Virgin Islands, Antigua, and a few really small sand spits in and around the Grenadines. I normally shore fish and this trip will be no exception. I use a technique of snagging baitfish that a local kid showed me on a pier in Grenada when i was 10 years old, and have modified to using sabiki rigs. Basically catch your bait and put it on your hook free line and WHAM! everything from white tip reef sharks, barracuda, snook, tarpon and more Trevali Jacks and Garfish than you can shake an Ugly Stick at! (never landed a Tarpon as i use very light tackle and they snap my line) What happened to change my approach and try adopting new ways of catching the same species was for a number of reasons. I normally travelled to these destinations in the summer or fall. On my third trip to Antigua 7 years ago we ended up going in February. The difference was that the baitfish at that time of year are not so readily to found close to shore, and after speaking to a local lobster spear fisherman found out it was because of the baitfish migratory/breeding patterns( I also ended up with 5 giant lobsters for $50 Eastern Caribbean, about C$20!!!!!). Now although i still managed to get some live bait it was time consuming and i spent more time trying lures. The only lure i was really familiar and confident with was topwater poppers which i used extensively for Sea Bass (stripers) in Devon England where i lived at that time. I had a blast finding, exploring and fishing some shallow, mangrove lined sea grass flats, casting top waters. So i am preparing to get a few more crank baits etc….as i have used them here and feel better about how and where to try 'em in the event that the baitfish are scarce again. Not interested in deep sea charters, and won't have time to hire anyone for inshore charter, will only have a couple of days to go back to 4 or 5 really nice shore marks i discovered over the last decade or so that i have been visiting the place. Cant wait to take some gopro footage while snorkelling! There are also a lot of Pompano on the sandy beach that will take pieces of crushed sea snail from your hands, hoping to capture that on camera too!
  21. IVOR BOLLOKOFF. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24896784
  22. here's what i use meet Bert and NooNoo Also more affectionate and fun than bounce sheets.
  23. I hear what you are saying about confidence….the only problem is i'm not much of a lure fisherman and don't use them often… jig 'n' minnow man. Just looking to expand my collection for an upcoming trip to the Caribbean. Yup….some nice patterns for sure….
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