LOL…..if i can be anywhere near as cool as my old man i'll take it! I was just talking to my wife about this kind of thing the other day and we were saying how the stuff that Jack has experienced( the NW Ontario adventure continues) in his 4 years on this planet is amazing and will benefit him no doubt in later life no matter where we end up.
Definitely something in that for sure. I think its about engaging kids in stuff other than what shoes they need to have to be 'accepted'.
One thing I have learned is that kids copy you and WANT to emulate you, GOOD or BAD. Take for example Jack wanting my hair style( bald/none) over his gorgeous red curls because "dad's hair is cool". Anyway, if they see parents valuing material things/ avoiding going outside in favour of a video game/ they pick up on that….if they see you loving the outdoors, being kind to animals, eating healthy(ish), exercising, having the freedom to express feelings without fear, taking time to respond to others needs..etc…etc…etc…they will emulate and value those things.
Sorry about the lengthy response that is bordering on being a diatribe….the first shot of morning caffeine just entered my brain!
Yeah, friction in that situation is not your friend!
OH dear, you have unleashed the beast…… a proud father it is sometimes difficult to resist posting stuff, here's a couple of my favourites from this month…….The mussel recipe might even rival your delicious looking Pulla bread!