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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. LOL@"parental Units" Birds are thick out here too, I have limited out a couple times, but i'm just hunting the road in and out of Lac Seul, depends on the traffic. Yessireee….spoofin' ya! Thanks Rick, you up next year?
  2. Thanks guys! Yeah, fishing sucks there, no walleye at all, sometimes get a few dink perch, that's about it. Yeah, weather has been crazy warm, I was in my T-shirt all afternoon, even when the boat was moving. That was yesterday afternoon, like you said today is even warmer! Tbay was apparently +25C yesterday!!!! Was an awesome afternoon out on 'Secret Island' as Jack calls it. We cooked smokies on an open fire, went exploring, hid a geocache there, shot tin cans with a BB gun, spent an hour in the boat and got 3 grouse on the way out.
  3. Nice one Bruce, like they say, "the fish are already wet, so they don't care!"
  4. LOL…was not expecting to see those pics of when I was down, lol…freaked me out! Great pics Rick. Keep 'em coming.
  5. Come on up…we need to increase our tax base….lol. Yeah, they are scary, we did not hesitate to get him to ER. An older kid on the bus apparently held him upside down and banged his head on a bar! To his credit the kid was really sorry, just messing around, nothing sinister, he came round to our place with his mum and apologized to Jack in person and made him some rice crispy squares, poor kid looked terrified! Its getting colder but should get out at least a couple times more in the boat. "…….Oh, think twice……." LOL…come on Geoff, what "other things", dying to know. G had concussion too? Sounds like he's ok though. As for Monster Fish through the ice…might be an early winter this year. LOL…yeah they do, he didn't mind a week off school either, we got a lot of Lego built in a week! Yah, love this time of year, fish are biting hard and you can shoot at things too! It was well deserved…lol. A WEEK OF LEGO!!!!! Gonna check out your website when I get off here. Thanks man, the tail gait picture is soooooo 'Redneck'. Thanks Fresh, he's coin good, back at school and singing tunes to himself as usual.
  6. Hi all, Got out on Saturday after being stuck in the house all week with my boy, he had a concussion, we were told he was not to be active, was not allowed to read, only be read to and was not allowed to watch TV or use electronics…just rest…yeah right……LOOOOOONG WEEEK! He's fine though thank goodness. Decided on Lac Seul for my escape (easy decision). Had 2 days to plan and everything was ready to rock and roll the day before. Now, I always check the weather and it seemed perfect, perfect even for some early morning bird hunting on the way in, sun and clouds light(ish) winds. What I didn't check or realise was that it was moose opener…holy man, talk about busy out there, ATVs, UTVs, trucks with trailers, hunters on foot, not to mention that they are hauling lumber on the North Road too, so service trucks and Semis hauling chips every 10 minutes or so too, needless to say not a bird in sight on the way in…..lol. Found a really cool waterfall I had never noticed before that I must have driven past at least 20 times, amazing what you see when you slow down. Talking of slowing down, so has the fishing, caught lots and lots of keeper size under 18" but only one slot fish and one 25", usually will have at least 20 slot fish and a few hogs! Had Roloff out with me so we stopped at a couple beaches for a stretch, some food and nature calls. He loves fishing, he justt peers over the side of the boat waiting for a fish to be reeled in, if it takes longer than 5 or 10 minutes he starts whimpering…lol. We got off the lake at about 5pm, I figured the traffic would have died down and the birds would be out, they did not disappoint, birds everywhere, saw about 10 and got 5 nice grouse, great way to end a Saturday and home right before dark too…..here are some snaps from the day. FOUND A COOL WATERFALL ROLOFF PATIENTLY WAITING FOR WALLEYE STOPPED AT A COUPLE NICE BEACHES GOT A LIMIT OF SURF AND A LIMIT OF TURF (no…I did not shoot the walleye….lol)
  7. Hey Geoff, good thread, never caught one myself on top water. May I suggest a slip bobber, that method would also enable you to determine the depth where you are casting.
  8. I am perfectly aware of that already thanks, but don't feel that diminishes what he said.
  9. I loved what Obama said about Trump http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37697594
  10. Coolio, I fish alone a lot, it suits my needs perfectly! Yep, but we ate some of those from that spot end of August, no parasites in those ones and to be honest I could not tell the difference from the walleye that was mixed in.
  11. Was fun for sure! You know you are welcome anytime:) Say hi to Kevin from me.
  12. No problem
  13. Thanks! That actually was not my boat, but I got one exactly the same as that now. I have a stack of videos from this summer on the way, been slackin'!
  14. Hi all, No, she does not have any sisters….lol, well she does but I won't air dirty laundry here….lol. We get out a couple of times a year, but seldom just the two of us, so I always cherish those days. We headed out from our place on Wabigoon, Blue fox spinners are her favourite and we got into the bass and pike.
  15. The ones on our lake look like ghosts…lol…very pale. Thanks man! LOL…that is my new ride. I guy in town had exactly the same boat as my buddy, in fact he worked with my buddy. His wife bought it in May 2015 and used it once, so about an hour on it, hell it still had the plastic on the transducer!!! He was selling everything off and I offered 15k, he accepted so I got a brand new boat with extended warranty till 2021for $6k less than new. With that and the money I saved on going bigger I am decking out mine how I want, helix 9 SI at the helm, Helix 7 on the front, Rock guard on the front of the trailer, and coming in October my new Minn Kota Ulterra with the newest version of the i-Pilot Link……sweet! My wife wanted a boat with a bimini and double windscreen for rain and wind, but I asked her if she would come out if it was rainy or windy, she said no to both, so I put it to her that the smaller boat suited my needs perfectly, I could deck it out to the max and we would have enough money left over to build a dock at our place next summer, she thought that was a good idea, everyone happy. So my new ride is a 2015 Alumacraft Escape 1665 with a Yammy 50hp. Does 31Mph with three adults in it, more than enough. Did a bass tourney in it this year, we were the last people to get to a hot spot, tons of 300hps zooming past us, but we placed 10th, not bad for a little boat….lol. Thanks man, ice fishing soon
  16. if this one is what you need its yours for free, I'm in Dryden so not far for you to come get it.
  17. Finally got to meet Spincast this summer. Had a great time out on the lake. Thank you Rick and Kevin for sharing your boat with me, here is the video I promised a hundred years ago….lol.
  18. Hi all, Bass were on fire up at Lac Seul these past few weeks, slip bobbers and jigs with worms or minnows on top of a reef at 10' to 18' FOW.
  19. Thanks JT...that trip the week before school is becoming a bit of a tradition, more people get involved every year....might have to find a bigger beach next year to accommodate us all.
  20. Probably not but that would ruin a good story.
  21. Hi all, Its been a hectic summer here, and I have got a whole stack of videos to put together, with the kid back at school and other things finally levelling out I am starting to edit a few together…AT LAST! This was one from the end of August. Went out for the day with a bunch of friends, there were three boats in our party that day. The highlight for me was fishing in my new to me 16' boat with Jack and his Grandpa(Gramps), 2 of Jack's friends and their dad and a young woman we shared our home with briefly this summer. 3 kids and 4 adults in my small but efficient craft was hilarious, made even more interesting because the bite was ON! My boy put on a walleye clinic that day, very proud of him as always.
  22. Thanks for the replies everyone! Lol, nope, he's all natural! I know right? He's thinning out and stretching upwards! As in Laurel and Hardy? Love my slip bobber, we were out fishing all the other folk there, the guy in the white top even asked if I had a spare one, I LIED, said I didn't... Thanks man, we have threatened to stop feeding him, he laughs. LOL@carrot top, you should google "gingers do have souls" Kids got me beat too probably…..lol.
  23. Hi all, My 7 year old son caught this monster yesterday….very cool!
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