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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Hi all, the lake froze shore to shore last night, should be out there in 10 days or so....YEAH!
  2. That is fantastic! I'm sharing that on Facebook.
  3. http://www.bbc.com/news/video_and_audio/must_see/41886587/blue-planet-ii-the-moment-giant-sharks-attack-crew-submarine
  4. Yeah, very complicated algorithms and dodgy applications of ads despite which settings you choose, I can't make sense of it at all, I have small banner ads on one of my videos that has almost 650,000 views, but despite an increase of 180,000 views in the last billing cycle my revenue has remained fairly constant month to month. BUNK!
  5. Thanks, I did see those actually, very cool. LOL....after all the talk about money I got to thinking...ohoh. Maybe its time to approach a few companies for some sponsorship and get a few goodies out of the deal. I think your vids and pics would be perfect, kind of similar to mine, its a shame about the geography because collaborating with someone else would be awesome....hint hint. Yup, pre-spawn would be good, if we could find a spot out there...gets pretty busy.
  6. Just local i'm afraid. You should've pm'd me, Ive set up a few others from this forum for exactly the same thing, some good bass and walleye lakes accessible by car either right by Hwy 17 or not far off it. Actually it has been my intention to do a Dryden to Kenora Hwy17 lakes fishing video, stopping at everyone of the lakes in-between the 2 towns and taking 20 casts at each one. Kinda cool huh? If it all goes ahead we will do a Rainy River one sometime for sure, but given that there are warrants for you in 4 provinces maybe you should wear a balaclava Did not see those, sounds cool.
  7. It pays nothing. Its about local content for the community. They have a local woman's Yoga classes, the adventures of a local ATV enthusiast, Fishing with Gussy, interviews with local sports teams, they cover local news events, interviews with local personalities....did I say LOCAL....lol. They run a volunteer programme for people wanting to experience every or any aspect of TV production. I don't get paid for any of my content, they are a non profit organization. My content has never been about making money, I do make about $130 a month on Youtube but if you factor in the time and equipment i have invested in my hobby I'm not in the black...lol...by a loooooong way. If I ever am in a position where I can quit my day job ....bonus....if not I cannot foresee a time I won't be recording my adventures and sharing them on different social media platforms....why? Cuz I love making videos, its a creative outlet for me, I love the feedback I get...mostly...lol and I have memories for life.
  8. Yeah, the way I look at it though is that there are also a lot of people in town who love them, can't please everyone. I spoke to the producer guy today and said the vids might not always be popular, he seemed unconcerned. He has offered to teach me some editing tricks and allow me to use the TV stations editing suite....lol....scares me to even think about all those buttons. Thanks dude! LOL...Roloff is known by probably 50 of our neighbours already, one guy even has a bed for him in his garage for when he comes visiting.
  9. Hi all, I contacted my local TV station, well the guy I know who works there and is my son's baseball coach (small town) to see if they wanted to air some of my videos. HE DOES! Not only that they help with production, post production etc...etc, and feel the content could be aired as an ongoing series! Pretty cool, i'm pumped to showcase the awesomeness of our area, and feel it is quite an achievement given that I've only been here 10 years so am still a newcomer to the area. Just had to share, I am a little excited, we'll see how it goes. There is no money involved, I don't get paid, but a cool experience to be sure.
  10. Hi all, had an hour before work. Meeting was gonna be stressful. Perfect solution to ready myself? Fishing of course. Snowed like a bugger here yesterday. Looks like winter is earlier than of late, temps at night for the next 2 weeks around average -6, plenty of below zero days too, should be ice fishing by the end of November.............. ...........but until then...............
  11. Got out this morning for a shore fish, lots of snow, no ice, but soooooooon! Cant wait to hit the ice!
  12. Here's some footage of mine in action. GET READY FOR A FUN WINTER!
  13. I have the same sled with the 1200 4TEC in it...... you are going to love it! These beasts go anywhere and the articulated rear suspension thing gets you unstuck real quick
  14. Too late, we all got rabies.......
  15. Exactly why I remained in the truck, one of the symptoms of rabies in animals is when they are unusually docile. Lol....start a Davey Crocket hat business. Actually that's how they end up this far north, they get on a train, fall asleep or whatever and can't get off .
  16. Yeah, that's what the bugger had been doing the whole week, ripping garbage bags open, getting in the catflap
  17. YUP! Found this guy 3 days ago while clearing out the sunroom, lucky I never got sprayed. Left the door open for half an hour and he snuck in.
  18. Hi all, was out casting' and blasting' with the pup yesterday down the logging roads and came across this critter. Only ever seen one other racoon before up here, and that one was dead on the ice.
  19. I don't like Ram trucks because of the ads. Guts and glory? Very DODGY!
  20. LOL....I should delete a few of my waypoints too, when I drift like Bill describes I find myself marking a waypoint as soon as I get a hit and set the Ultra spot lock to on. However, the main waypoints I refer too are structure where the bass play in the fall, depending on the day and conditions you just have to find where they are on that structure. They definitely congregate there in the fall. CARP!!!??? WTH! Do you target the whitefish? They will be in spawning mode now....I need to get down there to do a Rainy River Whitefish video.
  21. AWESOME! HUGE FISHES. I have struggled this year a bit when it comes to bass, they are not as plentiful as most years on my waypoints and the ones I've been getting have been smaller, good to see some nice fat ones being caught!
  22. Live bait under a bobber or a light jig on or around structure close to deeper water works here in the fall.
  23. Thanks JD, Its very tempting to do but would not do it anyway, and even if I did would not be posting a video of it....lol. Video length is something i'm always conscious of, but sometimes I do longer duration vids for my own sake, simply to have the memories rather than retain an audience. I actually know how long on average people watch my videos from my statistics info on my youtube account, it tells you everything just about, and its not long at all, no more than 2 mins tops, having said that I have a modest following of folks that watch the whole thing seconds after I publish one, which is kinda cool. Staffs are my favourite dog ever, have always loved them, such a shame the scum crew like them as an accessory they think makes them tough, and treat the poor animals just as badly if not worse than the people around them. They have a reputation they don't deserve, one of the kindest, funloving gentle breeds I know, awesome family dogs. As for smoking, 3 WEEKS TODAY! Here's my stats for quitting....lol. [
  24. Hi all, spent an hour after work on one of my favourite rocks in the world catching walleye and almost catching a nice pike. I don't think I have ever fished this spot without a pike having a go at the walleye you are landing. Had one go for mine last night a couple of times, ended up sight fishing what must have been a pike that was close to 40".
  25. Yeah, they look like a space invader when trying to write their name in the snow.
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