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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. So.... At work yesterday and I meet a co-worker in the parking lot. I have just put my pressure washer in the bed of my truck and as she passes she says, "oooooh, that washer looks different, is it a special kind?" I replied "no, I don't think so", she says, "maybe its just the handle, it looks different", I say......."maybe, but as far as I know it is just a regular gas pressure washer", she then says, "oh, thats probably why it looks different, we have a water one".........lost for words I just smiled politely and carried on.
  2. I had the same problem last year when I upgraded, the decision was made easy, as you mentioned they only have the 60" in the 80lb version, I was still anxious though that it would take up too much space/not fit right for my 16' Alumacraft, I need not have worried, it fits perfectly and the extra length comes in handy in choppy conditions. GO FOR IT!
  3. Thanks, we still have 3 feet of ice, finally warming up this week with daytime highs in double digits, but nite time still below zero, might be a few icebergs by walleye opener on 19th May.
  4. Spent a few hours out and about on my home lake. Got some fish, and some time with jack and the dog before bed.
  5. I totally get what you are saying and appreciate that I live in the boonies, In fact I moved from the city, with no job or connections to this place to get away from noise, hussle and bustle etc, a bold move which has paid off....I recommend it. My point is more about when people, perhaps not you, but I have encountered many, many people that assume that they are the target of being filmed. People are far too boring to film and if you go on any drone forum the videos people are posting are of amazing landscape vistas and some architecture. Where people are involved it is usually obvious from the footage that they are willing participants. Of course people are filmed without permission, but to think this is a problem that warrants more and more punitive measures for drone owners ignores the fact that your privacy is being invaded in much more sinister ways nearly every second of the day, whether or not you hear drone propellers. As for noise pollution and people already breaking the strict rules governing drone flights, there will always be those that will. I will abide by any rules that come out until it becomes to costly or prohibitive to actually use my drone, maybe insurance is a good thing anyway, maybe some basic training for operators is a good thing too, however in my opinion from the off the government rules have been kneejerk and punitive in nature and these latest proposals smack of a money grab.
  6. I think it’s odd when I hear people using privacy issues as a reason to bash drones. When I fly my drone I could give a rats butt what people are doing, I’d be more worried about closed circuit monitoring of everything andthe data being exploited by the social media platforms you use to complain about drone users
  7. MARCH 31st 2012 MARCH 31st 2018
  8. I also question the limits on fish sometimes, they seem waaaaaaay too high, especially when you factor in that in most cases any resource is finite. Just because something is legal doesn't make it ethical, afterall, slavery was legal at one point.
  9. There are a few areas that hold them. Last year the spot I was on in the video did not produce that well at all, whereas the year before that it was on fire. I have done a bit of exploring in that area and found other spots that hold good numbers of fish, plan Bull are always nice to have. My original spring spot has been completely raped and is a shadow of its former glory but I have a couple new spots I wanna try this year in the boat.
  10. Hi all, Winter continues with a vengeance here, mostly -20C at night for the last week and into the weekend. It was warm last week for 1 day and everything hardened up. The snow pack is like concrete, so its quad time. Got out for 2 hours yesterday in-between work, to do list and school runs, got a nice limit of crappie.
  11. I won the knife in a local Bass tournament, lol don’t think I would have bought one either, but definitely handy for slabs.
  12. Williams bay on Lac Seul........numbers and size. Nice beach area, decent roads in, good beach area, an hour drive back to town. need a free guiding service pm me.
  13. Redbull gives you wings. Vodka gives you 4x4. LOL....they did not last long enough for a skin tag....they were delicious at group supper 2 hours later. Big fish fry always a great way to make friends and influence people. LOL...sneaky, but I like your style! I am about the same with my manual knife, it just blunts the blades with the bigger scales on the crappie. I too mangled a couple of fillets, but 2 out of 30 is acceptable to me, and I still managed to get the meat off....just slows you down a bit.
  14. Hi all, I posted a picture on Farcebook (aka Facebook) of a whole bunch of crappie we caught the other evening. A friend replied it would take him all day to clean that many. I wondered how long it would take me to clean a bunch so I timed myself, 46 minutes from start to finish, not bad I guess.....dunno if I would get a job at a fish house in a camp though.
  15. Wow those are cool, you have a talent! Oh, and is it just me or have you been quiet on here for a while, nice see see you again btw.
  16. Yeah, I went up to 24v and it makes a huge difference, the bow mount keeps me on spot now, it struggled before. Wind just means I have to plan ahead more....as I only have a 16' boat I avoid having to cross big water, which with my choice of lakes to fish on any given day is not difficult, could see it being a pain if you fish the Great Lakes though.
  17. I don't get it. I own a gun, but i'm all in favour of more restrictions and hoops to jump through to have it and obtain more. Its funny how when this topic comes up you hear the same argument against more gun restrictions. Right away people start saying they won't take my guns from me.....nobody said they were taking any guns from anyone, if they do say you can't own a gun...period....that is another matter, but as it stands that is not the case, and it is pure fantasy and creating a situation that does not exist. Then you hear that it won't stop criminals....well no it won't , but that is like saying we should not have laws against anything because someone will still commit a crime.
  18. Hi all, Still loads of ice here. We have been here for 11 years and this year is the latest the ice road has gone before the deterioration has begun. Lots of fishing on the ice left to be done, but I figure by midweek it will be quad time on the lakes, might have an iffy week as there is still a lot of snow in the bush which makes getting out on the quad a chore. Anyway, I am absolutely loving the crappie fishing on my home lake Wabigoon. I never used to fish it in the winter as it can be a tough lake for walleye in the summer, let alone on the ice, with numbers of larger fish making winter fishing kinda boring. With the crappie though it has been a hoot, especially with a busy schedule and casual work it means I have a great ice fishing option right on my doorstep, with the best crappie grounds a 15 minute ride from my house. Been taking the kids from work too, they are having a hoot as well....win...win...win. A lot of talk has been going on about how the crappie will affect the walleye fishing and the wider ecosystem of the lake, but the crappie have been here for decades, so we are still waiting to see. Anyway, here are a couple of outings to the same spot, one early morning trip and one trip an hour before work............
  19. NOT bad at all! The size here have been good, lots of 14"ers. I have still yet to figure out what flicks the switch, have heard it has to do with plankton activity and all sorts but I am beginning to think the crappie decide for themselves...lol. Earlier in the week it was as you say, 10am to 2pm. Then it was as the sun rose and dead by 10am. Got out after work and the bite was 5 to 6pm. When I fished them down south at Erieau it could be anytime in 24hours, but there was a strong tide there. When I figure it out i'll retire on the profits....lol.
  20. We plan our holiday so when we get back its not minus stupid degrees anymore, so far it has worked quite well. Its still light at around 730pm now, much more civilized...lol. As for your honey hole, unfortunately we have the same problem here, its just difficult to ban people from whole areas of the bush, I really feel some locals don't deserve what they have up here. The bite really died off here, at my spot anyway, a week ago I could limit out in under 2 hours, been the last few days with kids from work, we will maybe catch 2 or 3 between us, still nice to go fishing while at work though?. Good job on 30+, any good size ones?
  21. Hi all, Got a good crappie spot 10 minutes off the front lawn. Love the time change, that extra hour and warm weather makes my afterwork routine so much more fun than coming home at 4, eating, and wanting to go to bed by 6pm cuz its dark and cold!
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