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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. YEAH, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! Lucky for me maybe. I know, its a crazy small world these days. I could not believe the camera was rolling for that one....lol. Look out PEWDIEPIE! Dang! The next one I want to catch on film is a pike hitting the transducer, has happen 3 times this year. Really bizarre, and yeah to have it on video is awesome. You know what, I've not dropped much through the ice, but i'm into $1000's from the boat.
  2. I did get my flu shot, i just said flu to describe a heinous illness, kind of like saying bandaid or kleenex to describe all bandages and tissue paper. Crazy huh? That never happens and to get it on film. I kind of have to get it, our workplace has a policy where if you don't and get flu your sick coverage is void.
  3. Thanks Chris, I'm not to worried about the replies...lol...after all it took me a week to reply to this! That would have been cool. The random guy and woman in the video were actually a couple from way up in Northern Manitoba. The guy Chris contacted me via Youtube in the summer and we met up a couple of times while there, we plan to exchange summer trips in Dryden and Cranberry Portage in the years to come. I had a heavy heart leaving this year as most years, have made some good friends locally, the fishing is always an adventure and its great to see my mum and dad. Definitely FUN! No fish in these waters can compare pound for pound power. The rush of adrenaline when you get bit is actually physically exhausting! Never know what is going to end up on your line. You're welcome. To be honest 'Hammering' fish there is not easy. I have locals and requests from all over the world asking where i'm fishing...lol....I have never been snobby or particularly protective of places i fish back home but I am very selective on sharing spots on the island, and you have to sign a non disclosure agreement if I do(jk)! I agreed to share spots with Chris from Manitoba was because he is a Wildlife Biologist and specializes in wetland conservation, something that the Antiguan government needs to do if there is going to be any fish left there at all. The Island is EXTREMELY developed and getting worse, the mangroves where I caught the big snapper in my previous video are being stripped as I type to make room for ugly shopping malls and condos, no more breeding grounds equals no more fish, whole eco systems are collapsing. SAD. If you do head back there I'll get you a few spots to try. Thanks Scuro, Been practising a while now:). Its not actually a 'travel rod' per se, its a 2 piece, 7' St.croix, Heavy. Very good rod combined with a Stradic HG 4000 series. Might go up to the 5000 series to avoid being spooled again, lol. LOL, tell me about it, I was just waiting for it to pop off the hook, I was using weedless swimbait hooks which are great but getting the hooks into a fish I find is 50/50.
  4. LOL..yeah, should have said I made it to my happy place AGAIN.
  5. Been a long 2 weeks. My buffer zone from arriving back from holiday and starting work evaporated with the storm that hit Toronto and delayed our flight 18hours, only to have the storm follow us the next day to NW Ontario. 3' hard packed snow x 2.5 acres was my first job before we even could get the suitcases from the car. Up the next day for work on a new schedule and then the flu whacked me and I was liquid at both ends for 4 days. A few more days of work after that followed by another dump of snow and I finally made it to my happy place.
  7. "to play golf is to spoil an otherwise enjoyable walk" H.S. Scrivener (1903)
  8. Hi all, This is a long video of the remaining highlights of my recent shore fishing antics in Antigua.
  9. Hi all, This winter has been and still is a bit on the brutal side. We escaped some of it for 2 weeks on a trip to Antigua. I fish from shore there except for my annual meet up with my good friend Nick who also happens to be the best inshore guide on the island. We spent an afternoon on his raft hitting up different spots, fishing was slow until we went the live bait under a slip bobber route. Got into a bunch of small fish until we hit a channel with current, then BANG...big fish on.
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  10. Hi all, fishing has been great, catching not so much... lol. Jack wanted to come early morning snook hunting with me and landed a dandy. The fish hit my weedless set up 3 times with no hook up so I changed us both over to 3/8oz swimbait jig head with a 3.5” Berkeley Ripple Shad in the tried and trusted pearl/pink. 3 minutes later I hear Jack yelling and turn around to see something on his line almost pulling him over. I had to use every ounce of self control not to take the rod from him even though he asked and was a little bit panicky, he thought it might be a shark and was scared. He did a superb job of taming the fish and was a little bit pumped, so pumped in fact that we ended up leaving 5 minutes later because he wanted to tell his mum!
  11. I see them often when wading the mangroves in Antigua. Some of the smaller ones are very inquisitive but don't seem aggressive. I swam with the bigger ones a couple of years ago while there and we were told to walk like you are dragging your feet, this alerts them to your presence and it also means you won't step on the spike with a downward motion. The instructors there were very sceptical of the Steve Irwin account as they say a lot of rays have either no ability to stab with their tails or have limited muscle movement in them, hence most injuries are from impaling as opposed to being struck at by the ray. Very cool creatures. Of course I videos the adventure.
  12. If you go back I shared a spot with Jimmer where I hook into Tarpon from shore there frequently, lots of small ones landed, the big ones are really difficult to keep on the line with light spinning gear, my guide friend there catches and lands beauties from shore fly fishing, there is a definite art to playing Tarpon, unfortunately it seems that art involves almost exactly the opposite of what I have muscle memory of doing when I hook into species here, I set the hook far too aggressively and keep the rod tip high, he goes nuts at me every time I do it and lose a fish, lol...I can't help myself. I should be packing...lol...so much to do in 1 day before we leave, man i need a break!
  13. Those are 100% small tarpon in the picture. I will too....lol.
  14. Could well have been snook too. Lots of snook around in the mangroves, they are tasty too.
  15. I'm going to try and go for them this year, thanks for the tips.
  16. That’s awesome Jimmer! Fishing is not easy there, I’ve spent 15 years searching out spots and techniques. I’ve never caught a lady fish, you are gonna have to tell me the spot, I would love to get a few in a cooler and use them for live bait! They would be fun on a bobber too. Another question, do you have to be booked into the resort to get access to the Tarpon pier? My guide buddy was going to take me night fishing with lights near there last year but we ran out of time. Thanks for the report, I’ll be there in 5 days, can’t wait.
  17. Hi all, We finally got a break in the weather here and it was up to a balmy -17℃ last Friday. Jack had a play date with a buddy so I took Rowan from the Camp I work for out for another crack at some crappie. We were there for at least six hours, there would be a gap in the action for a whole hour sometimes before a bunch of fish would move in, just enough action to keep us there that long, or at least not brave the cold to move spots. We had a great fish fry that evening, good times.
  18. Thanks Bubbles. Just waiting for temperatures to return to sanity so I can go out again. Its been average -30℃ here for over 2 weeks, its getting boring....lol.
  19. My 60" shaft is on my 16' alumacraft, I was worried it was too long but it fits no problem and the extra length comes in handy in rough water. What size boat you running?
  20. ^^^^^^ what he said.
  21. LOL...NOOOOO! I have no interest in most TV fishing shows. Somehow I don't think the OP is going to run into financial problems if his line snaps other than the odd pricey bass lure. I kind of figured it was because of snags or something, but so far have not heard from him why he is going with that test line. There are some good, and relatively cheap, abrasion resistant lines out there. I bought some Tuff Line XP last year to try and beat the coral in Antigua while not compromising casting distance due to the ever present 30kmh+ Easterly wind. It cast just as far as the Power Pro Super 8 and held up way better when rubbing on coral. I had a couple fish take me right into the coral and under rock/coral shelves and I still landed them. Trial and error finding something that suits you, all the braids are good and bad, but if you are unfamiliar with using braid might be a good idea to try a couple different ones so you know what properties each one has and which of those properties works for you and go from there.
  22. I am not a bass fisherman per se but do target them sometimes and get incidental catches too, I'm just wondering why 50lb braid is necessary...is it because of weeds or something? My reels have 10lb brain on and never had an issue, I use a spinning reel though, just wondering why such a heavy line.
  23. Your best bet would be to confirm direct with Sail and explain the product description photo they have is different from Minnkota's. Also just like to point out the newer Terrova's now have a 'mega down imaging' option for the built in sonar this year.
  24. What will you be fishing for and where will you be fishing? What kind of reel will you be using? Will you be using a leader or not? Some of the brands have a coating which make attaching leaders problematical. Casting, Jigging or Trolling, or all of these? How much do you want to spend? I consider these things when buying braid. Maybe elaborate on some of these points to help us give you some suggestions. You will get a lot of replies on this topic and there are a lot of folk that are into the whole Chevy/Ford type of argument /brand loyalty thing. I would say that all the brands have good products and bad products. Sometimes the product is actually good its just the wrong application that makes it seem like junk.....lol.....and sometimes its just junk.....NANOFIL!......lol.
  25. Hi all, Got out around 10am and was set up by 11. Apart from a lull at the beginning from 1 pm to 3 pm had a real hoot with some nice 14” crappie, a bunch of small feisty sauger, a pike and walleye on light tackle. I don’t usually feature in my videos, but I forgot my spare camera batteries and had to mount it on the pop up in order to charge the camera directly. By the way, any of you folk that use a Mavic drone, they work fine in sub zero temperatures, just stick an adhesive toe warmer on the battery and off you go, -20C is the coldest I’ve flown and it worked flawlessly.
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