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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Hi all, My son Jack is suddenly taking a keen interest in making his own videos. Actually, it has become apparent to me that he has been watching me very closely over the years doing my editing, as he knew exactly what do with the editing software with almost no instruction. He told his schoolmates I had a Youtube channel and that he was in a lot of the videos, but because of the weird spelling of my Youtube channel's name, his friends at school struggled to find it when they looked for it, Jack told me that some of the kid's called him a liar. So Jack is even more pumped that he has his own Youtube channel to show off now too, we are still working on the layout together. One of the coolest things was we got into a discussion about how the editing process can change reality and manipulate emotions, he is one thoughtful kid, very proud of him. Anyway, here is Jack doing his thang, hope he sticks with it, i'll do my best to encourage it.
  2. Hi all, So a couple months back while watching the local hockey team at the Arena the Economic Development guy from town approaches me and says he would like to collaborate with me in the future to do some promo videos for the town, did not hear much from him for a while after that but he called 2 weeks ago and asked if a picture I had of jack holding up the 25" walleye he caught could be used on the electronic "Welcome to Dryden" billboards each end of town. I asked Jack and he was more than a little excited, only problem now is when I tell him to clean his room he tells me to contact his agent....lololol. Anyway, Tyler (the EDO) asked to come fishing sometime too, so off we went. Family, new friends and some fish, good day had by all.
  3. I have the same motor, LOVE IT, when it works, its going back in for the third time, still arguing with them about the "lemon law", they are sticking on the fact the one time I sent it in was due to a voltage problem on my boat, I am arguing my electronic system is fine, don't think i'm going to win this battle, at least this repair is still under warranty, it is doing the same thing it did the first time it crapped out after I had it for 2 months, won't deploy properly at first, then gets slower and slower until it won't deploy at all, they had to change out the whole motorized unit at the base, second time was what they say was a voltage issue, even though while it would not stow it would still hold the boat in position in a 27kmh wind , when it does not stow and reset does not work you have to basically break it to stow it and then take it to a shop for repair, trying to follow the procedure to emergency stow on a bow mount in my small boat with 3 foot waves is no easy task. Not trying to put a downer on your new purchase, Like I said, I love it for the same reasons you do. I also fish alone a lot and I now cover waaaaaay more water in a day, leaving a spot to find another spot is effortless. I also like that you can trim the motor up and down, helps when sneaking up on shore to retrieve snags, or moving to another spot on the outboard that is not far enough away to warrant full /stow deploy. Now when I'm guiding all I have to tell the guests to do is shut up and fish....lol. Definitely worth looking into the autocrat live, love making maps of the humps i've fished for years. Waypoints give you and idea of the depth at any given point but not an overall layout of the structure, amazing what you find on spots you fished for years, add the jog feature into the equation and you can approach your hump, orient yourself according to wind and hop 10 feet at a time up or down the structure, when you find the depth the fish are holding at, follow that depth contour line, all done on your screen sat on yer behind.
  4. LOL, good to hear, some guy went ballistic at me on Youtube, check out his reply on my fish cleaning video, he wrote, "It appears that your idea of a soft touch is a sledge-hammer. I suggest you watch a few videos on youtube of how to properly use the electric fillet knife and then trying it yourself on a dozen or so fish before trying to do another video." LOLOL...holy moly, chill out dood!
  5. Just as I finished writing that I forgot it came back to me.....LONG TIME NO SEE DALE!
  6. You are most welcome! The topic of why people respond more to off topic posts comes up every now and again, there are lots of legitimate reasons, I don't often comment of fishy posts either, one fish and you seen 'em all.....lol. I don't take offence, I like posting in here regardless, don't get me wrong an acknowledgment is nice, but I know most people appreciate what I post. LOL@ briefcase! Dude!!!!! Its been so long I forgot your first name, but not our adventures from many moons ago, I still need to redeem myself on that little splice lake off the Atikokan Hwy! No doubt!
  7. I sent you a long PM Jimmer. Any questions just fire me back a pm and I will get round to answering it....lol...I'm a bit slow like that.
  8. i'm on it Jimmer, I thought i did see a pm from you, just going out on the ice now, will get a reply to you this evening.
  9. Thanks David, I am going to be doing some of the cooking at a camp I work for guiding, can't wait to throw the rule book out of the window every now and then and offer something different to traditional shore lunch, might be a hard sell as a lot of guests want exactly that, but i'm sure some would enjoy it.
  10. Not my intention, and like I always say, I never take for granted what I have right on my doorstep.
  11. Yeah, that might be a problem on the Goon, i'm sure Eagle lake has American plan lodges though. I know a few local musky guides, if you plan coming this way I can most probably set you up with one.
  12. Hi all, Snuck round the corner for a sneaky one hour session before work. Fish were being very picky but got a few and missed a few.
  13. Actually the correct colloquialism for sandwich is "sarny".
  14. Thanks guys!. What you fishing' for Brian?
  15. This song is for you TJ
  16. Hi all, My wife decided she was going for supper in town before coming home with Jack. Good job i'm not one of those guys that either expects or relies on their spouse to cook for them. Not having made any supper plans myself I decided to hop on the Skidoo and get a couple of Crappie for a sammich. I returned 20 minutes later with two nice ones and cooked up a storm. Crappie, bacon and avocado on rye and pumpernickel with home made potato chips seasoned with crushed peppercorns and rock salt....YES. Only problem was I only got half the sammich as the wife and kid returned and I left half the meal to them on the kitchen table and fled for my life!
  17. LOL...i'm just bugging. I'm lucky, my wife fully enables my addiction , sometimes I return home expecting an 'Intervention' type scenario waiting for me.
  18. Happy New year to you too!
  19. For me something here would have to give, and I'd need a job to pay for tackle and the divorce settlement......lololol.
  20. Like I said, I sympathise with folks that don’t have easy access to lakes and I don’t exclude everyone who asks me for info. Having said that there are many times when I will just make time to go adventuring to check lakes, I might throw one rod in just in case. No reason for me to say the day is a write off because I could not set a line, good time to take some pictures, make an ice thickness report/ video. If I were down south I might do the same with the bonus of having somewhere close by to go for lunch. I also have to say that if I lived somewhere that meant I had to drive 3 hours to fish, I’D MOVE!
  21. I never take anyones word on ice thickness, I always go scouting myself, to me its part of ice fishing, gets me out and about, see some cool stuff and I have no one else to blame except myself if things go south. Not that blame is particularly useful, especially to a grieving family. I have stopped responding to texts from some people asking about lake conditions. If you love doing something make the time to do it. I can sympathize with folks that don't live in an area like I do that probably has more lake acreage than land, but when folks around here are asking its just lazy and I want to text back and tell them to stop leeching off my me and go find out themselves, or maybe to ask for payment for information gained through sacrificing time and money.
  22. Hi all, my work schedule is P/T with casual shifts thrown in and mainly evenings, so I usually have time to get out for numerous short sessions and one long session every week. This week was no different and so i decided to stitch together 4 or so sessions from this week into a video. Trout opened on Jan 1st but I only made it out at the end of last weekend, its a long video but pretty fun.
  23. Lots of BIG northerns to be caught pretty easily 1st week of June on our lake Wabigoon. Lots of camps to choose from. Try the camp I guide for, Indian Point Camp.
  24. You guys are brave. I get many comments when I post reports in November about being careful. Here the same rule applies..."no ice is safe ice" ....but the freeze up is somewhat predictable when your weather is minus stoopid℃ every day, and the resulting ice clear and black. All that broken ice and constantly changing temps into the + and back to - with snow and rain thrown into the mix and some of the pictures I see of the ice down there would probably see me never going out! BE CAREFULL OUT THERE!
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