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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Hey people, I have been fishing my home lake hard, reason?....my guiding job requires me to put people on fish. I have lived on Wabigoon Lake for 11 years and have had a love hate relationship with it. It is a very clouded lake (clay) and shallow, the fish move around a lot and can be very challenging to catch. However, I have been fishing it at least 3 times a week this year and have started to get a feel for it. It still is a lake that can humble even the best anglers let alone myself but it is a fun lake loaded with fish, I am beginning to love fishing it. A lot of my time has been spent mapping out and finding reefs, I am going to continue to do this this year and then next year switch to weeds and try and locate/figure that out. I rarely fish this lake later in the season so it will be a steep learning curve as the water cools, look forward to the challenge, it feels like I am fishing a new lake even though I've been here for years, which is kind of cool.
  2. The mileage will suck compared to my old rig I think, the old Canyon had a 3.7 straight 5 cyl, could get to Winnipeg and back on a tank (60ltr), not sure how she'll be towing, time will tell. The small bed means its not great for hauling a quad around but although its the same length as my old canyon the sides are higher so with the tail gait down I gain 6" over my old old one. I prefer the smaller trucks, that's just me though, always seems to be an element of trade off when buying any sort of vehicle.
  3. http://www.eaton.com/Eaton/OurCompany/NewsEvents/NewsReleases/PCT_3002366
  4. Lots of rebates, a free tonneau cover and a tank of gas, oh and a $50 CT gift card.... lol.
  5. Well my old Canyon finally bit the dust. With over 260K on the clock and a custom rebuild of the tranny needed it was time to lay my faithful servant to rest. Went to my local dealer with a Canyon built and priced and asked to test drive one with at least the same engine, the saleswoman put me in the Colorado ZR2, we signed the paperwork half an hour later.....lol....smart lady. 2" lift with the off road suspension package, independent locking front and rear diff, full skid plates, wifi, touchscreen, navigation, 7 speaker Bose sound, heated seats, basically fully loaded. First scratch on this one is gonna be a nervous breakdown. t
  6. Got up to Lac Seul for the first time a few days ago. Went with some friends and their uncle from Edmonton. Wanted to show him the lac Seul walleye experience...hmmmmmmm....took 4 hours to land the first fish....that has never happened before. heard reports from all over of the same experience last week. Some of the fish we caught when they eventually decided to bite were very skinny, also heard reports of this from all areas of the lake, hope its just the hot weather/low water.
  7. He does. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY6VgZbqHpUVlHpLweAwQmA
  8. As an avid Youtuber, who came to it late by modern standards I have to chime in....lol. I think comparing Youtube to the likes of WFN is an apples and oranges situation. Like any media platform there is going to be stuff you like and stuff you don't, there are some amazing fishing channels and some really awful ones, that being said Youtube does offer average Joes like me the chance to share content that just does not happen in the corporate world of WFN et al. Youtube also allows a degree of interaction not possible with TV shows, I have a good rapport, instant rapport, with subscribers and have made friends with some and even had meet ups. There are some amazingly good fishermen and women in my area who don't fish tournaments, it's just not their thing. I am in awe of some of the local guys that year in and year out deliver on the competitive stage, I have tried before with mixed results, but for me it takes the fun out of fishing (unless you win....lol). A lot of my subscribers have little interest in my fishing abilities, they tune in because of the cool places I get to fish, the rapport I have with them, my dog, my family, especially Jack my young son, scenery etc...etc. I have had some lucrative offers for sponsorship but I am not going down that route just yet, I think it would take away from my content and make it into an infomercial, the very reason I never watch WFN, instead I chose to air my videos on local TV, folks in our area get a real hoot out of seeing the places they know and I have had some very possitive feedback, thats enough for me. So, in summary....lol...WFN is good if thats your thing, youtube is also great if thats your thing, but they are very different entities.
  9. Thats just my thighs, I keep a very trim bikini line actually.
  10. Thanks for the encouraging feedback guys! I just finished my first day doing other stuff around the camp. Installed new fishfinders on 7 boats and then showed the owner how to hook up his new boat for 24v. He shorted the wires while I was off doing other stuff, I pulled the cowling on the 90hp yammie and found a blown fuse, he did not have a spare fuse so I borrowed one from my truck, she fired up, I impressed myself....lol, he was delighted....so far so good. He told me when I left I could make my own schedule for odd job hours and just turn up...works for me....and I have 6 days guiding booked already, goodbye family....was nice knowing you, see you in November after guiding for birds.
  11. I’ll be using his boats, I’m an employee. If they want me to guide in their boat they drive.
  12. I have given this a lot of thought. Like in any walk of life you meet people with bad attitudes, in most cases you can walk away, not possible when you are stuck in a boat with them for six hours. I think I have the skill set to cope with that though, for the last twenty years I have been working with some very angry and hostile clients in various roles from the probation service, housing serious offenders, child and family services, addictions counsel or and most recently intellectual and physical disabilities, only time will tell.
  13. I spoke to him about it yesterday and I was assured I’m covered under the camp’s insurance. I asked about my liability if I damage equipment, i.e. bottom ends etc. He said if I damage the boat while out with clients they pay for it and are made aware of this beforehand, they have the choice to let me drive or drive themselves, Wabigoon is full of hazards, I’ve found out the hard way a couple of times, even with that I would say that if they don’t boat often they might want to let me drive.... lol.
  14. What about this then....better? Thanks. all 3....lol. he actually asked if I could come at work the odd day in the camp. He wanted to know how I was with engines and stuff...lol...I told him I can just about winterize an outboard and that's it. He asked how I was with techy stuff and I said ok, going in on Friday for the day to install his new fish finders. Problem is it does not pay much and I said because of this I wont be doing much of that, getting paid less than my regular job on my days off to go fishing is one thing, getting paid less on my days off to lug firewood, clean up and the like with no prospect of a tip in $US.....not so much. One cool thing is he wants me to do a bunch of day trips to cache lakes and other places, I get to use his cache boats to go and scout out the lakes and find the honey holes, he has a couple of boats on lakes I already fish from shore and do well, should be able to kill 'em in a boat and then take clients there and put them on some awesome fishing. ?
  15. I was thinking of turning up dressed like this...................... All joking aside, I respect his beliefs and will accommodate as I always do. I just had another meeting with him and his wife, seem like really nice people just making a living like everyone else. Might work really well considering I can throw a stone and hit their dock from my house, and if he fires me thats what i'll be doing on the daily.....lol.
  16. I used to catch roach all the time in England and France, hard to tell the difference between a roach and a rudd, roach tended to be smaller and more silver, but a big roach can look very much like the one you are holding, but i'd say if rudd are already in that waterbody thats what you got there. Dead or live roach are a favourite pike bait in Europe.
  17. Thanks! Good question, will make sure he is, I aint paying for a bottom end or getting sued for hospital fees.
  18. This should be interesting. Its the camp in the same bay as me, owner seems nice enough, bit on the religious side for my taste, be we had a frank discussion, he said he does not like swearing or smoking, lo....which I do in abundance, I said I will watch my Ps & Qs just like I do on my videos (which is how he found me) and I will be discreet with the smoking, although that gives me another incentive to quit by opener. I told him I won't swear but i'm a straight shooter and don't take....I hesitated at that point an stopped my self saying 'b... s...." and just said Bull....lol, he smiled and said he thinks we can work together....lol. A lot of families and it should fit with my PT schedule. Did a few gigs last year, and do it almost weekly when I take my work clients out, be interesting to see how I like it. Wants me to do day trips to backwater lakes too...sounds fun as long as nobody gets hurt or stuff breaks....but ...all part of the adventure in my eyes. Like I said, interesting summer ahead....
  19. She was impressed by the girth of my hose.
  20. Just for the record, I don't see her being a woman having anything to do with her dim wittedness, dummer observations and statements are made by blonde men regularly...just listen to Doug Ford for 2 seconds and you will see what I mean......lololol.
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