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Everything posted by fishfarmer2

  1. May be (Moose) no
  2. Yep your right seems like every thing is changing to early . Well make the (Fisher-man) very happy right aaa
  3. OK Can any one know when the *Bike* show is on *Thanks*
  4. Get well soon Bud hope to see you soon
  5. Get well soon Bud hope to see you soon
  6. Ok the season will soon be hear the hunters must be getting ichey ok *Boys & Gals * aaa
  7. There are a few post with (Pictures) Like to see your Photoes ok guys thanks
  8. Welcome to d (Board) have fun
  9. *Hi* Dsn I cant believe these pictures very sad to see this . I hope some on here will look in the matter this is bad like you say its our (Drinking_Water) thanks
  10. Throw 'em in garbage ??? Haaaaaaa
  11. Ok We will be wating ? Thanks again *Bud*
  12. *Hey* Hogman* I think the trout is finished when they are bleeding they won't live ?
  13. hear we go again they never learn die hard (Fisher-man ) hope the be ok
  14. Ok i use cooking oil on rubbers works great ok
  15. *Yes* Boys & Girls i have one a(Garmin) 250 a great machine after getting to under stand it??? Put it this way whatever you never get loss long as as you have you (Add) put in aaaaa
  16. Haaa Looks like you are hi text cooks wow any way *Happ-New-Year* Buds
  17. *Haaaaaaaaaa * In (Halifax) i see on T-V $5.00 lb thats in *Nova--Scotia* i think i will hope on a flight and pick up a few lbs of that *Lobster* aaaa
  18. *Ok* does any one know where all the (Ice) went to days of 50 deg heat ok
  19. Welcome to de (Board) good luck aaaaaaaa
  20. *Haaa* I think that (Fox) is a down (Homer) no offense ok aaaaaaaaa
  21. Sorry i heard there isent going to be no ice this year thats what the farmers say ?? Please dont take this serious right aaaa
  22. aaaaaaa *Thanks* for the good time (Fish--farmer) nice pictures good luck next month when you go again right *farmer--02
  23. Way to go guys nice fish, looks like a lot of (Walleye) in that lake . Looks like all fisherman must let some go back for the future why to go guys aaaaaaa
  24. *Nice* Going *F-F* nice pictures yes like the (Man) said the Bridge no more secret place to Fish no more tags all gone aaaaaaaa
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