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Everything posted by fishfarmer2

  1. Go Jays go for 2012 the World Series]
  2. has not set their status

  3. Yes we're going to pay big for Gas from now on $1.35 heard it going to $1.50 soon and stay there. Looks like fishing going to come to a halt, can't afford to fish any more.
  4. Ok i see Pictures but on guy who is this (guy)guess who aaa
  5. I think every one should shop in (Canada) so we will have jobs in the future> Sorry guys
  6. K looks like have to park the (Truck) the (Boat) cant afford to Fish getting to expensive sorry hope this does not offend any one aaaa
  7. Haa all the great (Fisherman) cant waite ice ice aaaaaa
  8. [quote name='bucktail' date='30 October 2010 Those {Bucktail}so scared dont know where to hide !!!!
  9. Thats 2 Bad we should buy (Chevy) or (Ford)no more *Toyota
  10. Yep he is the (Man)he does a great job
  11. Ok guys lets pick up the slack ok (boys& gals)Chris daughter Mackenzie needs help lets dont let her down .Let show her we care ok (Thanks)
  12. ok well done two from me aaaaaaaaaaa
  13. Just for you bud aaa
  14. You better keep eyes open close to your camp right aa
  15. YEP looks like a fantastic big fish hunt .I missed that trip to some problems i have to get resolve . I will not miss this (Fish-Hunt ) again ok {Guys-&-gals}Thanks
  16. whow what a respond now that what i like thanks (Boys& gals ) Have a nice day ok
  17. Ok I see some (Perch) pitures thats all // ok boys & gals we can do better ik
  18. Hey (Bud) did you win the {Loto} aaaaa
  19. ok where is all the {Pictures}like to see what the (Boys)are up to ok {Guys & Gals}thanks
  20. Ok I got whats coming to me i spelled *Mr--Fish* wrong that mister {Pickerel] ok I thought i would get a (Laught)ok
  21. hi
  22. Its going to get worse no (Spring] hunts ok guys
  23. Hope every one will be on the look out
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