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Everything posted by canuckjack

  1. The one good thing in there that I'm excited about is the new Humminbird 570 finally being listed in a Canadian store . But it's only $10 off so I'll wait till I head up to TO in a couple weeks. Was talking to a Humminbird rep at the Ottawa boat show and he had no idea when that was going to make it's way North of the border.
  2. I agree with all the posters saying rip er down to the studs. I redid a bathroom here, 30 yr old home, and after all the issues I found behind the walls and under the floor I was glad I didn't cover it up with another layer. The cement board recommendations are good, I went with Dens Shield for the walls, great product, I found it easier to work with. I used Cement board for building the threshold for extra strength and found the easiest way to cut it was with a circular saw. Did a full stand up shower with tiled walls over Dens Shield about a year ago and she looks as good as she did the day I finished grouting.
  3. For folks close to the border there might be something like the ship it shop in Massena http://www.ibegin.com/directory/us/new-yor...op-1-n-main-st/ For $5 they'll receive your order for you, not a bad deal when you consider the rates American companies tend to charge for shipping. I've used it for orders from the nflshop, worked out great.
  4. This can't be good man...and now you've got me thinking, my wife already signed on to hit the Ottawa show at the end of the month so I'm kinda worried too What I really want to know is how much it's going to cost me after I spend the day watching the 500, whoever booked that on V-Day was just setting a bunch of rednecks up for failure
  5. Looks good T.J. As a newbie to fishing I can see I'll be spending some quality time on this new site.
  6. Mmmm, nothing like the taste of your own words in the morning...Good thing I didn't put any money on that.
  7. Colts take this one real easy, Payton is just too good. It'll take him a quarter to figure out the defense and then he'll pick em apart. I'm actually looking forward to this superbowl, I think it'll be a good high scoring game Time to go score some Keith's red
  8. Nice cave, but that poker set is gonna need a bigger table to call home No cave here yet, the kids have a lot of growing to do before I can claim the basement as my own
  9. Got mine today, thanks again Dave and TJ
  10. You know I've worked with a couple older fellows that would take a 15 minute nap every day after lunch. Hardest workers around got more done than any of the younger guys and just needed that little recharge. That said, we aren't in customer service so there's no risk of getting your photo snapped, or upsetting a customer that needs your attention...
  11. Nothing better than a having cigar while out on the water I laughed when I read your post Muskybugged, I've had to pull in a fair bit of line by hand after melting it....
  12. Funny stuff, and I had pretty much the same reaction when I saw that article comparing the fish to a celebrity that weighs the same...except the part about Rosie, I just don't want to think about catching her
  13. All Dino all the time, 4 strokes: car, truck, snowblower, mowers and 2 strokes: gas trimmer, OB motor. Haven't heard any convincing arguments to switch yet, and my mechanic only stocks dino.
  14. Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback. Smally you say a decent deep cycle battery, any preference on make? Was keeping an eye on the Motomaster Nautilus, any experience on here with those?
  15. That's not too far from Hiroshima....just say'n might be a third eye on that one too
  16. This stuff is probably bleedingly obvious but I'm new to fishing/boating and I haven't found a real clear answer anywhere. I picked up my first boat this fall after renting a boat for the first time up on the Mazinaw where I caught this bug that's making me spend money on fishing stuff that I haven't the slightest idea how to use She's a 20 year old 16' aluminum with a 1989 30hp 2 stroke Johnson. The motor doesn't have an alternator but I want to be able to run the marker lights, a trolling motor (to be purchased) and a fish finder (also to be purchased before the water goes soft). Is there anything aside from a 12v deep cycle marine battery and a charger that I'll need to be able to connect these components, ie: will the fish finder connect directly to the battery or is there something needed between those, and will one battery be enough or does a trolling motor need it's own battery? And while I'm asking newbie-like questions any opinions on good entry level trolling motors or fish finders?
  17. Hey, I've been lurking around here for months now, trying to learn a thing or two. So first of all thanks to the posters around here. The show was fantastic, the size of those Groopers kinda blew my mind, and it is fantastic to be out of re-run season. Maybe I missed it, but you guys were pretty close to the shore, how deep was the water you were in? Was watching it with the Mrs. and she's seconding all the calls for a ring tone of your laugh Dave
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