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Status Replies posted by Nipfisher

  1. Road trip to North Bay to watch the Colts.

    1. Nipfisher


      Ummmm, I think you mean watch the Battalion beat the Colts?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sean's got his first day pass & joining the family for dinner. We are so excited :) :) :)

  3. Jack had his 5th Birthday party with his school buddies today…growing up fast!

  4. ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

  5. Great opener on Lady Nipissing.

  6. oh SNAP! just got a text the boat shelter collapsed on my bowrider today! What a way to end the year... the worst year so far too...

  7. Spent an hour with Randy and checked out the Man Cave. Looking good.

    1. Nipfisher


      Only 2 as I had to drive Brian. Maybe another night.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Too bad ya can't make it Chris, we'll take you out to Nipissing for a perch/walleye bonanza instead.

  9. Enjoying the snow Chad?

  10. Forecast for December: -20 and no snow for two weeks straight, followed by 1meter of snow and voila!

    1. Nipfisher


      Chad we are gonna get a deer out of your property before Dec. 15th.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Happy 5th birthday to me! Yes I said 5th! Tomorrow I will be 54 but today I am 5. Many will agree I act it too! What it really means is today is the 5th anniversary of my dry date and that I've had 5 full years of sobriety. How time flies...

    1. Nipfisher


      Congrats. Now go celebrate with a cold pop (coke, pepsi, sprite, etc.)


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Away on a 22 day work stint, apartment got broken into. $2K plus worth of stuff stolen. Am I allowed to break my lease and move? Nope! Laws sure are silly.

  13. Hi there every one .If you seen me here , its because am making some one's dream come true .. lol , Happy fishing .

  14. Bass guys....When dropshotting, does the bass ever bite the main line?

  15. Team#4 on top again

  16. 4 days on the Ottawa River! beer, snorkles, fish and beer!

  17. living in the city sucks... I need a job up north

    1. Nipfisher


      Do you have your Operator In Training Certificates and Licences? I work for City of North Bay in the Water and Sewer Dept.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. looking for a new place to live, locations in ON?

  19. Rice brothers on the road to Nipissing.

  20. officially been awake for 34 hours

  21. Do I ruin my work day tomorrow to try for smelts tonight?

  22. Go Leafs Go! Someone else is gonna have that status tomorrow.

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