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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Sounds promising. When in the season were you there Cliff? January or February?
  2. I agree with the facts that they kink less, and, definitely stand up to alot of abuse. As for the invisibility factor, didn't notice a huge advantage this past season, but, still doing my own comparisons.
  3. Looking for some feedback/info on some on-ice bungalows for either lake. Hoping to book a weekend getaway for just the better half and I. Was considering Angler's Haven on Nip, but, any and all suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks to all!!
  4. Wow, nice fish, and on a hot dog of all things!!! Looks like a great time.
  5. Actually, Juli lost the biggest at the hole, but, I landed the biggest. Carl, the eldest boy, had the first 4 keepers...he had the magic touch for the bigger fish. To all that replied on the boys smiles, etc...it was probably the most fun outing that we have had together, on the water. Everybody had a blast!!! Thinking of taking the boys to Simcoe for our next family outing.
  6. Looks really cozy, nice job
  7. Grangers put their huts out two days ago, but, are bringing them all back in until at least Monday. Quite a bit of work for them, but, not often you can run ice huts on Erie before New Years.
  8. You "gotta" love those tasty little beggars!!!!!! Going to have to take the boys up to Simcoe for some perch one of these days as well.
  9. We were out of St. Willy's...haven't tried Old Cut yet for ice fishing, but, we might for our next trip out. Seems like more chances at bigger fish out of there.
  10. Awesome!! I love when the bigger ones come flying in and attack like a pike!!
  11. Nice, did you measure that one in his right hand, that looks like an awesome size for the bay?!!
  12. All the ice reports the last couple of weeks have had me going "squirrely" to get out. Missed out on a trip couple of weeks ago with the flu, but, finally made it out with Juli and the boys for some perchin'. Many, I mean, MANY dinks, but, did keep seven decent ones for a meal. We lost count, but, over 300 total (that was pulling the hook away from many of the smaller ones) which made the 11 and 12 year old boys, more than happy. They also saw a decent pike swim under the holes, which really got them pumped. Anyways, a few pics of the "fun day on the bay!" Didn't even take any shots of our "keepers", oh, well...next time. Can't wait to get out with my own hut for some slightly bigger game!!
  13. Good that you got out, Wayne!! Gotta love that Mini Ravioli, breakfast of champions, lol! That video, Terry posted is hypnotic.
  14. If you ever get a chance to see the episode of Craig and Bob steelheading with gummi bears and assorted other baits, don't pass it up. I nearly fell off the couch laughing during the part where Craig finally lands a bow in the spot where he never had before! On a more serious note, Bob and Wayne have always "put back" into the fishery. One of the few that I've watched from day one. Good for you, Jamie!
  15. Just wanted to wish all you OFNer's the merriest of Christmas's!!!! I've met a bunch of you, fished with quite a few as well. Hope to have the pleasure of doing so with many more in the coming year. May Santa bring you all the tackle you wished for. Good luck, may all your angling dreams come true in the New Year!!
  16. Good luck, Jacques!! One thing I didn't mention, is how badly those Quinte walleye are calling my name, as well!!!!!!!
  17. You betcha!! I'm with Bill and Terry, those Simcoe lakers/whities are calling my name. Hoping to get out opening weekend, ice permitting!! Also looking to get out once or twice next week on my holidays!
  18. Jacques, man, I am BEYOND ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. LOL!!!!! Great story!
  21. Congrats, Pete!!!! Was wondering what happened to "Mr. Musky". I'm with you on the lakers and whiteys, can't wait!!!!!
  22. Okay, it did make me laugh...should have used a cat, though!!
  23. Yupper, four days now...cost me my first ice fishing trip of the season.
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