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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Awesome Mike!!!! I'd love to see one of the boys hook and land a ski!
  2. Nice job on the pledges!!!!!!
  3. Hey, I wasn't the one wearing THAT shirt!!
  4. Some more stuff for the prize table from myself and Juli. Twenty four caps, a dozen coffee mugs and four umbrellas.
  5. Tell us how you really feel, Craig
  6. From what I've seen so far, looks like that weather isn't supposed to move in until the evening. Hopefully it holds off until we're all done.
  7. Must be feeding them "quackers" Great post/photos, TJ!
  8. Great Couple more DC photos for everyone
  9. Hey, whitespinnerbait. Had to find this post, after what happened to Juli on Saturday. While out on Lake O, her Canon fell in the livewell. It was quickly retrieved, but, the damage was done..."toast". Fortunately the cost to replace was nowhere near $9000. The comparable model was on sale for $550 this week, so we replaced it yesterday. Hurt her "pocketbook" a bit, but, the new model does have a few features hers didn't...looking on the brightside Also, she can use the lenses from her old model, unfortunately the spare battery pack and memory cards are different sizes.
  10. Happy B-DAY Roy!!!!!!!!!! Have a fantastic, hopefully "fintastic" day!
  11. Great idea, Shawn! Not sure what time we are "rolling" in yet...see when I can "kick" the youngsters out of bed They're getting to that age where they want to always stay up late and sleep half the day! Shooting for early if possible.
  12. Good stuff, Simon!! Great part of the province you live in!
  13. Nice!!! Think all Legend owners should automatically get either a cap or shirt Almost forgot, thanks Henry (I take it the swag came from him)!!!!!!!
  14. Yeah, the launch and dock could be interesting. There are a couple other "mini-docks" along the shore that we can hopefully use if need be?
  15. Awesome, Tyler. Your posts don't need a title, just have to see your name next to it, and, I know I'm going to see some beautiful fish
  16. Yeah, she's heard about that one a few times, already, lol!! Good thing that was one of the two that her and I kept. Turned out real nice on the smoker last night. Speaking of Juli, she had a hard time keeping them on the hook Saturday, but, she sure did get ALOT of rod time
  17. Thanks, Simon! I get a kick out of watching that video, and, hearing everyone's excitement. The first glimpse of that fat pig, due to reflections of the water and it's large belly, made it look like a 20 lber!!! Knees weren't knocking, but, my left arm got a decent work-out! That minute and a half of video was preceded by about four or five minutes of heaving to get that "greaser" up from the bottom.
  18. Just bring your bathing suit Skinny!!! Things get too hot in the afternoon, we're swimming!!! After all this is about raising money, and, having fun. It isn't a tournament Five days left!
  19. Holy cow!! Glad to hear you are okay!
  20. Great stuff!!! Keep "passing it on"!!!!!!
  21. More coming for the prize table guys and gals...Juli and I have our company donating 20 ball caps so far, also working on getting some coffee mugs and/or mini first aid kits or cooler bags. Pics coming soon.
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