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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Great stuff, Mike!! Here's hoping you and your dad get out many more times!!!
  2. It truly makes one wonder what, if anything, goes through their minds as they do this. No care for their world whatsoever. I guess being brought up the way I was, in a family that camped, fished and enjoyed the outdoors, definitely makes a difference.
  3. Breathtaking, amazing, spectacular, beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! AND, I'm only half way through the post!!!!! Just taking a quick break to wipe the drool off the side of my mouth. Thanks for this one, Drew!!!
  4. I do love my spinning outfits, going to give it a shot. Let's see if this one lives up to the hype. Although I'm still not suffering from the guide wrapping on the Suffix 832. This Nanofil might just be the ticket for the young lads, if it lives up to the claim of non-twisting, tangling. Think we'll spool up a reel or two for the trip up north.
  5. Happy to say, that we're working on turning three young lads into fishermen. It's up to us anglers to pass the torch, to our children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren etc.
  6. Not so much surprised, just reinforces my opinion of alot of people...I hate to say. Funny, but, I was going to use the same tactic, had I had the camera or phone with me.
  7. Just got back from lunch. Sitting in my truck at a Walmart parking lot in Kitchener, watched not one, but two, people just toss their garbage on the ground. The first "person" (I use the term loosely) bought a couple of car mats, tore the packaging off then proceeded to just toss it. As he was climbing into the vehicle, he reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked to be a receipt AND threw that as well!!! Second "person" got out of his Jeep with his better (let's hope so, anyways) half, reached into his vehicle, pulled out a Tim Horton's cup, AND (YOU GUESSED IT) threw it on the ground under his vehicle. Now there are only about three garbages in front of the Walmart that he proceeded to walk into. So for all the garbage we see "anglers" (I use the term loosely) leave lying on riverbanks, lakes, etc, it doesn't just happen there. By the way, I wish I could have stayed to see the look on "Jeep Boys" face when he came back to find his Timmies cup under his windshield wiper!!!!!!!! Rant done, AMEN!!
  8. What retired guys??? Pretty sure everyone that has replied is still working? Unfortunately. My joke is the 65 in FRANKIE65 is the # of years I still have to work to retire comfortably!
  9. Some nice stuff up for grabs. Thanks for the link Terry!
  10. I might have to take one or two up to Windermere...can experiment on the eyes, or lakers.
  11. Simon, have you been into the sauce, LOL!! Think a few of the guys on here missed the joke.
  12. Wow, I missed this post when it first came up, awesome smallie!!!
  13. Who needs fishing shows when you have Simon's videos. I see Cliff is wearing one of my favorite shirts.
  14. Welcome to the board!!
  15. I was 12, never a big Elvis fan, but the dude sure could sing! My fave is probably Suspicious Minds.
  16. Thanks for posting. Shame about the St. Croix.
  17. "What's that honey?? Nope, just stepping out for a bit to the Dryden area. I'll be back in a few weeks...."
  18. The pickling/kosher salt cures the fish. Lengthens the longevity of the finished product. Wecome to the board, by the way.
  19. I LIKE that idea, LOL!!
  20. Tell me about it!! He's giving me walleye fever...my eyes are starting to gloss over, skin is turning a strange golden colour, and I'm having this urge to feed at night....
  21. Okay, that's it...any distribution centres up there looking for supervisors????? Local Tim Hortons hiring???? Congrats again Simon!! Enjoy your slice of heaven up in God's Country!!
  22. Took the words right out of my mouth!!! Simon you truly live in a fishing paradise!! Great report as always.
  23. Spectacular Will!!!!!!! Like I said to you earlier, bit of a bittersweet read for me. Really wish I could have made it. Glad to see you guys had an awesome time!!! The caribou spotting is pretty cool, definitely something you don't see everyday. Thanks for taking the time to post an awesome trip!
  24. Good stuff Rich!! Food and fishing..."gotta" love it!!
  25. Welcome to the "muskateers" G!!!!!
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