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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Glad you two finally made it happen!! Congrats Rick!! All the best for Sean, Simon!! You know we are pulling for him!
  2. Awhile back I posted some pics of Juli's dad Craig's final stages of a complete rebuild of Giesler boat. Wish I had some pics of what it looked like when it was first given to him as a gift a few years back. The boat was literally a decrepit hull. After MANY hours, and, much love he finished the project late last year. She finally saw water, again, in the last few months. The following are just a few shots of this piece of art. I know that Roy, Will and a few others were asking for them. Figured a certain member of our communtiy with the same last name as the boat might be interested too. I finally fished out of it this past Sunday...needless to say, I'm in love!!!
  3. Great report, Rick!! Nice mixed bag of species, and, those specks would be the icing on the cake! Looks like you two experienced a little bit of everything in that week. A true adventure. I look forward to hearing more about it when we finally get out in the boat this year!
  4. Love it, Simon!!! I second Rick's (Spincast) comment! You are truly up in paradise.
  5. Brilliant as usual, Mike. Still on my radar, as a destination, for Juli and I. Is it just me, or do Ribes Lake walleyes have extremely large eyes?
  6. Just speaking from my own personal experience Christopher, which goes back about 40 years when it comes to specks. I don't doubt that they can jump, I'm just saying I have never had one do it. Cheers,
  7. Great story, but, I personally have never seen a speckled trout jump. They will bulldog, spin and thrash just under the surface for me. Sounds like you had quite the rush, though.
  8. Here's my issue guys. During the last full day of our recent trip up north I began experiencing motor problems. As soon as I pushed her close to full speed the engine would rev high, but, go nowhere. I took her in to a local marina service, and, think I didn't describe my problem correctly as they thought it was a fuel problem. After doing some online searching, I'm leaning more towards a prop problem. The motor is only four years old, and, still runs okay at anything less than 3/4 of full speed. Any thoughts, or suggestions are appreciated. Cheers, Frank
  9. Beautiful post Dan!!!! Truly gorgeous fish, and, your photos are "specktacular". Some day I'll make a trip up for some of those majestic beauties.
  10. Saw the post and video on FB yesterday, Mike, nice going bud!! Congrats on an amazing fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Yeah, that one gets all five of us in this house laughing. So wrong, BUT, so right.
  12. Congrats Roy!!! Now get our team a whitefish that size!! Seriously, a special moment for sure.
  13. It took me a week, but, here you go people. Feel free to copy, print, etc... whichever photos you wish of you and/or your family enjoying the day. Thanks, again, to all the participants and sponsors for helping to make this another special day for all. Over $13 000 raised in the fight against cancer! Even the rain during quite a bit of the day didn't dampen spirits. What a great group of people!! Look forward to seeing you all next year. We at the organising committee will strive to make it even better. We're already toying with a few ideas/changes to make things run even smoother. Enjoy http://s813.photobucket.com/user/6FRANKIE5/slideshow/Fish-A-Thon%202013
  14. Great post and fabulous photos. Thanks for sharing!!
  15. Now that was a post I could really "sink my teeth into" !! Stupefying, stunning, creative as always. Thanks, Drew!!!
  16. Haven't made any comments in awhile, Wayne, but it doesn't mean that Juli and I haven't been paying attention or forgotten her fight!! Hope, prayers, thoughts, whatever it takes...we all know she is a fighter!!!!!!!!!!
  17. All the best, and, listen to Wayne's advice. Someday, hopefully soon, we will kick cancer's butt!!!
  18. One heck of a slime-machine!!!
  19. Thanks, Drew, but my girl FisherJuli gets credit for the photos!
  20. Glad everyone is enjoying the photos, and, thanks for the kind words!! The link and other info is coming, thanks for your patience. FYI, the total is now over $13 000 according to Ginny!!!! Almost forgot a member of the team, Shawn's wife Bridget who was an awesome helper setting up prize bags!!!
  21. Today is a bittersweet day for all of us on the Fishing For A Cure For Cancer Fish-A-Thon organising committee. Once, again, a year of planning came to fruition yesterday with the fifth annual event. The less than perfect weather in no way spoiled another stellar day! Smiles were found everywhere, and, the fishing overall was probably the best participants have experienced in the five years. Quite a few decent bass/trout and panfish were landed. As for $'s, the final count is not yet in, but, we are over $12 000 raised!! Ryan Bonin and Dan Bouck will chime in with $ amounts/fish sizes and sponsor thank-you's (although I will give a big shout-out to Laurie at Dixie Tackle here!!!) and any other pertinent info. Thanks to the rest of the team, Ryan, Dan, Ginny, Sam, Shawn, Stephanie, Tom, Angela, Ashley, Suzie, Bob, Mike, Danna, Albert and ANYONE else who helped in any way. Juli and I are thrilled to be part of one heck of a winning team with an extremely positive attitude!!! It was great to see so many familiar faces, as well as a bunch of new ones including some OFCers such as Christopher K, a young man who has embraced this forum. The following is but a small portion of the 700 + photos that Juli took throughout Friday night and Saturday. I will post a link to ALL the pics once they are uploaded to Photobucket. Anyone wanting to share/print etc, will be able to have copies of photos of themselves. I will also post this link on the Fish-A-Thon website. Friday night kids campfire fun Saturday, The Main Event Registration, Ryan's Angels signing everyone up Laurie of Dixie Tackle St. Thomas...YOU ROCK LADY!!!!!!!!!! Fishing in the rain Having Fun Proud Anglers Prize bag set-up, think a few of you might recognize that guy Setting up Dinner, Ginny's mom is an amazing lady!! All generations were represented Fish measuring is serious stuff!!! My bud, Tom and his son Austin with a great bluegill Dan, Ryan, Ginny and myself in serious discussion The master of the Q, OFC's very own HTHM...Albert. He makes us all laugh!!! Thanks so much!! Ryan's dad Bob, great guy who puts in much time putting together promotional products for the Fish-A-Thon!! Ryan our main MC, and, Fish-A-Thon founder Take a bow Laurie Chris, what can I say...winner of most pledges (over $2100) grand slam, and, biggest fish other than bass!!!!! Tom's son Austin, winner of boys most pledges award Biggest bass winner has a napsack filled with 100 chocolate bars slung over his shoulder!! Angela, winner of largest fish other than bass, kids division, caught a nice rainbow trout over 15" Ryan's daughter Averie winner of girls most pledges award Various prize winners Rich, winner of the original Fish-A-Thon five years ago Chrisopher K, OFC's new wave People checking out their prizes Ryan getting a special tie award from Averie An unsuspecting Juli caught waiting for the next photo-op The group shot!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, again, everyone!!! Hope to see all of you next year!!!!!!
  22. Great post, with awesome photos, Joey!!! Thanks for sharing, what looked like, a fun week.
  23. Another great day, with over $12 000 (still growing) raised I'll let Dan and Ryan fill in the other details. Juli and I will be posting a photo, and maybe some video, report soon. LOTS,and I mean LOTS, of photos to go through. Much love to all our friends at the Fish - A - THON crew!!
  24. Brilliant, as usual, Mike!! Savour these moments (I'm sure you do) as they grow up so quickly!! Looks like you are well on your way to having a son who will be your fishing buddy for life...and THAT is about as good as it gets!!
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