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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Makes me think of a comment a co-worker said the other day. She didn't see any kids playing outside during the Christmas holidays...it's said how many kids these days are sucked into a videoscreen (as I sit here typing this looking at one, lol). Yes, teach your kids or nephews or nieces to fish or hunt...can't wait until Sunday, taking the three boys ice fishing for the first time. Don't force it on them, but, give them the option...you might end up with a fishing buddy for life!!!!!
  2. Turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so!!!!!! Wow...always wanted to visit Japan, guess there is another reason to go now!!
  3. Way to stick with it...nothing more frustrating than watching everyone but yourself catch fish.
  4. Awesome....the wife has already given me the go ahead to book for Sunday if available...thanks for the info, and thanks to fish lips for asking the initial question. Her and I haven't been since we were kids!
  5. Sounds good, I looked them up...the price seems really reasonable...how is the fishing on an average day? Been wanting to get out on the ice with the "little lady" since last year...this is close to home and would probably fit the bill!
  6. Great entertainment reading all of these replies!!!!!! Think it has pretty much all been said, I would keep the original plans with the first buddy (poor guy), but I agree with most here the guy has to stand up to his wife and would he not have figured all this out before he married her!! Thank god my lady not only doesn't mind me going fishing, but, loves to go as well!!
  7. Nice, on the hardwater steel, and, "wild" on the doe's remains. Really getting the itch to try "bows" through the ice now!!
  8. After reading the comments to this topic...I know why I stay away from Bronte and all the other crowded spots when it comes to my Steelheading or occasional pier fishing for salmon. I would rather catch 1/4 of the fish and actually enjoy the experience. When it gets to where you have to wait for someone else to reel in before you can begin your drift it becomes less pleasurable...it isn't all about numbers of fish. Guess I'm just getting old!!!!!!
  9. Not sure what happened here, but, good for you. Jos has always been a "class act" and a pleasure to deal with...my trips to Bass Pro have become pretty much non-existent.
  10. Wow, and I thought the Beaver River at Thornbury was ridiculous!
  11. "Gotta" love those Nipigon brookies...beautiful fish!
  12. Thus the name "worm dangler!"
  13. Santa was pretty darn good to me...portable fish finder, new rod and a nice assortment of lures + a nice little Nikon Coolpix for fishing photos and video!
  14. Awesome to hear, and, a great "feel good" Christmas story!!! You are so right, I owe my love of fishing to my dad...from the time I was five years old we were out catching trout in stocked ponds, fishing the pier at Kincardine (hooked my first steelie their at age 6), etc, etc!! I am going to make a point of thanking my dad for what he gave me, this Christmas.
  15. Get out with my new boat and do some serious bass fishing, topwater with buzz baits, poppers etc! Also get out with my old man at least once for some specks, we haven't done it in years and now that he is in his 70's I don't want to pass up the opportunity for some more memories!
  16. Agreed...I am very fortunate to live Woodstock...Jos and Angling Outfitters kick ass!!!!!!! Not only awesome service, but, knowledge and fair prices.
  17. I am also with State Farm...paying less than $20 a month for a $6000 boat...sounds like you are paying way too much!!
  18. There you go...was hoping solopaddler would chime in! By the way...Merry Christmas to all who read this, all the best in the New Year...have all of next week off, so my fingers are crossed for some open water and maybe a steelhead or two!!
  19. Good question...I would tend to agree with most of the posts here, however, almost looks more like a resident rainbow than any steelhead I have caught. Don't think I have ever seen one quite as yellowish in colour.
  20. Still have an old Zenith tv myself, but, do have a Toshiba DVD recorder (Christmas gift from the wife last year). I much prefer the DVD over the old VCR...time slip features, easy editing, etc...can record 4 hrs of "good" quality...2 hrs of excellent. The hard drive option sounds excellent if you don't mind spending a few extra dollars...also the way to go if you plan on recording a large amount while away from home on vacation or any other reason.
  21. Nice report...I would have loved to score a placement like that at your age! Anyways, beautiful fish and that shore lunch just made my stomach growl!!!!!!
  22. Blue Fox #4 Vibrax, Fire Tiger...caught Steelhead, Coho, Pike, Smallmouth...my go to spinner!
  23. Too funny...just mentioned on another thread how much I love seeing your photos of chrome...was out on one of my favorite rivers on Tuesday (swung another day off work!!) didn't catch alot...went two for two, but just to be out at this time of year catching a species you love was well worth it!! Plus I didn't have quite as bad driving conditions as you faced...light flurries, some slush. Thanks, again for your reports.
  24. Actually this is a good thread to pass on a "Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas"...whatever is politically correct these days...to all at the OFC! As a relatively new member...thanks to all for some good reads, great photos (Solopaddler...I loooooooove seeing that chrome from you!!), and some interesting fishing 'info!" Thanks, guys...it is awesome sharing with others who have the same passion for the sport!!
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