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Everything posted by trevy727

  1. who cares about #1 seed. top 4 teams get a bye to the quarter finals
  2. do you guys accually keep track of who replies to posts? lol
  3. weigh the fish in a net. i also have a berkley digital and compared it to a scale for weighing parcels and it was exact.
  4. i only keep about a dozen fish all year and they're all walleyes. i just assumed the limit was 4 last year because that's what you claimed you kept.
  5. yeah i get it. but it didn't say they let them go and the limit was 4 last year. and i see 4 in the picture. just pointing it out that's all
  6. your post says caught 8 lakers between you and a buddy. just thought i'd let you know that's more than your limit. and it's not a slot size. only 1 fish greater than 15.7inches
  7. lake trout limit is 2 fish
  8. i don't want to offend any one but i found the show a big disappointment. i thought there would be better deals on equipment i.e: lures, plastics, reels etc.. than there was. i also expected it to be much larger than it was. for $14.00 admission what do you get? a couple pro speakers and some over priced sausages or pizza? is that it? did i miss something? i don't mean to say that what was there wasn't good, but, i can see all the lodges and camps on the internet, and my local tackle shops have better deals than were offered. the only thing that i enjoyed was talking to James from advanced taxidermy. what a great guy and fantastic artist he is. will definately get some work done by him or his crew in the near future. but i knew about them before i went to the show.
  9. i've fished out of a canoe for years. i recently upgrated to a small boat but still get out in the canoe in the spring and fall doing some portaging trips. i had both a portable fishfinder and an electric trolling motor on my canoe. you can buy a mounting bracket for the motor and the fishfinder has a suction cup mounted transducer. i bought my mount when i bought my canoe. it's been about 15 years since i bought it new in mississauga somewhere. don't remember excatley where. i may be interested in selling the mount, electric motor and battery if the price is right as i don't use them much now that i have the boat. pm me if you're interested.
  10. the ottawa river and st lawrence rivers are both world class musky fisheries. i believe musky opens around the 3rd saturday in june. that would probably be the best time to go other than late october, early november. walleye fishing is good when it opens as well. check the regulations and plan to go before the water really warms up.
  11. i'm with solo, i'd prefer to float when the canoe flips rather than pull a cord to float. i would also be worried about puncturing the pfd while portaging on a branch or with a hook while fishing. as i do most of my canoe fishing early in the spring, i don't really mind the bulkyness of the life vests. a little extra warmth. and mine make good padded seats in the warmer summer weather.
  12. a few
  13. the last few notes were way off
  14. beware of beatiful sunsets, senery and rattle snakes. i've seen 1 or 2 of each every time i go. maybe just coincidence.
  15. my dad used to take me out in front of the bruce nuclear power plant in lake huron. We'd enter the chinook chantry classic every year and fish out of a 14' springbok with a 9.9hp merc. in between the 3-6' rollers we'd see nothing but the top of the next one. we used to go so far out we couldn't see shore. somehow my dad always knew where shore was. we caught fish. my mom came 3rd place in the trout catagory 1 year with a 15.43lbs rainbow.
  16. solo, please take me. that's my dream too. a double digit brook trout! i won't tell anyone.
  17. i phoned about 5 offices last year and left messages asking them to send me stocking lists by e-mail and sure enough, a day or 2 later they were in my in-box.
  18. French river is awesome. i go 3-4 times a year and always catch bass, pike and walleye. i've only fished once there for musky with no luck. i will try more this year. we always camp so i can't tell you what lodge is cheap but the french river lodge is right in the middle of prime fishing area. it looks nice too.
  19. Are you me? that's what i do as well
  20. French river all the way. Big bass, pike, musky and walleye
  21. I'll be in the park around that time as well. We go in access point #1. I believe it's called round lake right near south river. My buddy and I trek over 30 Kilometers into the back country and the specs are big and plenty. I'm hoping to catch my pb this year. I have to beat 26" 5.9lbs. If I don't get it in the park, hopefully I'll get it in superior park near mid may.
  22. went out with dad on thursday. cold but got a couple.
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