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Everything posted by trevy727

  1. if you're afaid of being eaten or harmed by coyotes, move, they were there first.
  2. even better. i'm going to stop and fish there sometime. i've been driving past nipigon for the last 15 years visiting my parents in Kenora. i want to stop every time, but my vacation time is limited and by the time i get there, i've been driving for 15 hours. one of these days.
  3. wish i had a lake like that 5 minutes from home. where are you? wawa?
  4. ask him, (your son), what he wants to do, what he's interested in.
  5. the first week the ice is out is best for brookies in the spring. if the bugs are out, you'll have a hard time catching them on anything other than a fly rod. match the hatch.
  6. call lou at silvercreek aquaculture. he has brown and rainbow, but not for much longer, almost gone. 519 833 2559
  7. Tom caught one Darcy, but mostly took the pics
  8. another day on the river. caught 4 bows and a big stinky salmon
  9. rainbow and brown trout for sale. 12-14inch fish, approximately 1lb each, for eating or pond stocking. $3.00/fish, minimun buy, 10 fish. silvercreek fish farm. Lou-519 833 2559
  10. 3 foot visabilty at the wirlpool yesterday.
  11. i had fresh rainbow tonight.
  12. anyone been down to the wirlpool recently? how's the water clarity?
  13. it's a fish farm and he has a liscence to sell the eggs. they are quality eggs. i don't think it's a bad deal. it sounds expensive, but they're brown or rainbow eggs. not salmon. if any one wants them, get them soon because he won't be spawning them much longer.
  14. ? 1 liter of eggs is probably over 1000 bags. i don't keep my fish, so to me it's worth it. 1 liter will last me all winter and spring.
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