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Everything posted by just2manylures

  1. F-l-y F-i-s-h-i-n-g???? how do you get hooks that small? wouldn't you rip the fly's mouth when you set the hook? Ok all kidding aside folks, I never have tried fly fishing, but always wanted to give it a try. Maybe this is a good offer to learn about it
  2. I bought some of those LC's when they first came out for $25 a pop. What a waste of money in my opinion. one day I was out and used only the lucky and caught the same amount of fish that I did with my rapala's. I think a good fisherman catches the fish, not the bait. If they were on sale I would consider buying them again. Because the finishes are really nice, and they do look more natural but they would have to be down to the same cost as a rapala. Other than that I wouldn't give 'em another penny of my hard earned money.
  3. I think BPSBASSMAN might be a little bias...but heck if they will be handing out deals like that I will be going there too!!!!!
  4. Let me be amung the first to....Welcome you aboard to our board!!
  5. Lew is in da house....Go Lew, its your birthday!!!
  6. Glad to see you back on OFC. Very sorry to hear about you and Sleded breaking up. Relationships are difficult, finding the one who is right for you may take some time. But time heals all wounds.
  7. I was out with a fellow last summer on Lake Simcoe who had one. It really didn't impress me much, it was really hard to figure out what you were looking at. If it looked like the pictures on the Hummingbird website I would have one, but I stared at this thing all day and couldn't figure it out. Maybe that had to do with the fact that we didn't catch anything Maybe you need fish around you for it to work properly ? I'll stick with my lil'Eagle
  8. Looks like some of the water I fish on Pigeon.
  9. Aww Shucks, I thought tis was the British that ye all loved.
  10. Trolling motor marks. I must be blind, I can't see the way a prop would do that. I think somebody is going to need to do some photoshopping to help me out.
  11. Welcome to the Guide House. I plan to move on shortly.
  12. Thanks J-man for the heads up. I will have to make different plans to arrive home tonight! That will be gridlock central.
  13. I got home late last night and was flicking through the channels and found a show about the pro bassmasters championship. Any one catch this? it was pretty cool to see all those big fish. Boy I sure would love to catch 4 pound bass in Febuary. Those bass boat guys really need to learn how to drive too. This one guy cuts right in between 2 boats that were about 10 feet apart going 95 mph. I couldn't believe it. The tournament organization decided to dis-qualify him. I thought they should have taken his boat away. my 2 cents 2many
  14. dat is da bomb my 2 cents 2many
  15. Angling is a term that has been used for many years now. I think the term "angler" comes from the far east where the fishermen in the early 1500s (or so) were of the Anglitians tribe. They would spend their days on the water fishing to feed the tribe. These were some of the first people to use a rod rather than nets so that separated them from the fishermen who used nets. Thus the term "angler" was born. Man this is a long winter my 2 cents 2many
  16. Congrats. I too am working on my 1000th post. Hopefully the day will come soon. My wife is already planning the party. my 2 cents 2many
  17. I heard the same thing, and yelled at the kids to turn down the music. my 2 cents 2many
  18. I plan my packing around all my 1 peice outfits. You aren't going to fish without a rod. So its the most important part of your travel my 2 cents 2many
  19. I find that rather than complaining about its better to take some action. Take a few hours and clean up your favorite fishing hole. This has a two fold effect. You clean the area and hopefully people will get the message, and you beautify your fishing hole. I think action speaks louder than words. my 2 cents 2many
  20. I hope you got your PM from snag ok my 2 cents 2many
  21. Heya buddy. Let me be the first to welcome you aboard to our board. hehe You will love the guys here. We are all a big family and we are glad you are now part of it. Get posting as we look forward to your insight. my 2 cents 2many
  22. I would see if you can get it checked out first by a repair centre. I bought a used transom mount a few years back and had the service centre in Midland take a peek at it. They said she was all good so I ended up buying it off the fellow my 2 cents 2many
  23. tru dat my 2 cents 2many
  24. Where does this show take place? I may make the trip down, if the wife lets me get away my 2 cents 2many
  25. I will be there at 12pm and won't be leaving until I get kicked out. I'll have my lucky Mister Twister hat on. my 2 cents 2many
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