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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. NEVER back in the lake...as you don't know where they came from if you bought them...and why it's ILLEGAL to dump bait in the lake. Even when I catch my own minnows at the lake, if I'm done fishing they go in Leah's garden in front of the cottage.
  2. Ask BCanuck about following a GPS "track" at Lakair in 2005! It was expensive and a longer night than anticipated out in the boat for Joe/Art/myself and Brian. What really screws you up when markers have been removed is you're going along sweet fat and happy..... following the proper navigation charts and just when you think you have it all figured out there's a marker missing and you start to question yourself if you missed one and if it's going to get expensive right NOW !
  3. How do you think I always have crappie or walleye fillets in my freezer. That's my brib to allow a guy to hunt my property... As has been mentioned you should also have written permission. OFAH has a nice two part form for hunter/fisherman to fill in and sign as well as the property owner. Releases the owner from liabilty for you and makes it easy when other family members question you being on their land that husband/father/brother hasn't told them about...or they haven't seen your face.
  4. I can't understand for the life of me why Big Jon, in this day and age, is still using a 110V lamp cord plug.... just because that's how they prototyped a unit from crap they had at hand back in the day. Surprised they don't have warrantee returns yearly from guys plugging them into wall sockets...instead of the 12V DC they're supposed to run on. I'd change them to mini-twist locks..but that's just me. Mind you I did see a pontoon boat with 4 electrics on it last year and a multi plug bar extension cord from CTC made plugging them all in really easy...
  5. If August is too early in the season for Musky...we're out of luck for the June OFC G2G then.. LOL Here's a better shot of where l2fh2w is talking about. Keep in mind the navigation channel is pretty narrow there and that you can't block one with a boat...or tie up to a marker bouy.
  6. I can give you a tease of where you're headin! Hwy 64 up the right side of the pic. Lookin North The channel between the two bridges is a nice place to get out of the wind Looking West/NWest
  7. I think everyone was just having a little fun at your expense UB! I've been called way worse and I could care less. I always tell everyone I'm not out to impress anyone...I'm already married! LOL My wife's been up town in track pants and told she couldn't have travel brochures because "they were low and besides she couldn't afford a trip anyhow", etc. As has already been said by HH...don't judge a book by it's cover.... EVER! Call it the school of hard knocks to make you think before you speak....but even with age we still stick our foots in our mouths from time to time....... Seriously though...if I was off in the corner of the Al Flatherty booth and heard you say something like "look at all the hicks we're serving" I'd be havin a chat with your boss. Keep in mind that the out of towners are the buyers and most of the city folks are there for a family outing. Now...what were we talking about again....the SPORTSMAN SHOW. So Kenny, what did you buy?...what did you see that you would like to buy in the future??
  8. I don't know...I think I'll use the wheel and the hydraulic steering that goes with it They do put a 175 Merc, with hydraulic tiller, on the 2010 Lund Pro Guide though !!!!
  9. Glad we could be a part of it Maureen! I would have just spent the funds on more fishing gear anyhow..LOL
  10. I just did! LOL Bernie... show costs and no deals. That is why every boat Lund brings to these shows is already been paid for by a customer/marina. So their $ output is reduced to the booth fee, transpo and accoms for staff.
  11. I'd help slam the door on his arse as well Bernie...and Terry..exactly what a "hick" usually is referring to. Just because we don't dress like a bunch of Metrosexuals (only way I can figure you can tell out of town from intown)..that doesn't make us hicks for making a smart living choice. Now back to the post...Sportsman Show...different strokes for different folks. Haven't been in about 20 years. Maybe it's time...next year!
  12. Good place for an Aerostar IMHO ! 100 FOW would be better!!!!
  13. Maybe they found it thicker than expected. I can usually feel it in the house when they're pushing ice from the vibs thru the ice/land almost a mile away..and felt/heard nothing today....not even an air horn blasting as they generally do coming in.
  14. I've been giving deep thought to whether I ever caught a pike on Marten River...spending probably 6 to 10 days there, in two to four stops, each year for about 7 years straight before buying the place in Temagami. It finally dawned on me while putting the milk away a couple minutes ago that the pike picture on the fridge, that my son blew up (the pike only so you could see it! LOL), was taken at Marten River in the shallow channel directly East of the bridge on #11. Not to say they're not there....but I sure haven't gotten into one to remember there. Walleye and Bass seem to be the more abundant species. Here's my best 'eye from Marten River...July 2002 and my "big" pike. While loading these in I found that my daughter indeed caught a bigger pike than mine and the other daughter got into some bass. Like darn near every lodge in the North...Marten River Lodge is for sale...and that only means it will be clean and ready to entertain happy guests in hopes one of them wants to change their life style and stay as the new owner.
  15. Highlight/copy/paste Express...LOL But yah Mike, you should contact Lund and see if you can be a sales rep for Quebec.....but then you'd have to call dude's like me to apologise, for over an hour, over dealers that don't represent them well. At least I got a reply and a call after writting a letter to the VP of Lund. MANY choices out there...comes down to deciding what fits your dreams, desires, and budget....and if you have something that will tow the end result.
  16. Also check this thread where I posted up a 20' Sport Angler, a couple posts into the thread, that I can help you deal on. Safe boat for big water...but side seats for kids may not be the greatest. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4748
  17. Yes Mike.... as Zib points out Brunswick makes (owns the sub-company ) the Lund along with darn near every other make we discuss here.... ...Brunswick makes Albemarle, Baja, Bayliner, Boston Whaler, Cabo Yachts, Crestliner, HarrisKayot, Hatteras, Laguna, Lowe, Lund, Maxum, Meridian, Palmetto, Princecraft, Sea Boss, Sea Pro, Sea Ray, Sealine, Triton and Trophy boats Genmar may be on the tags of what comes out of Manitoba but it as well is owned by Brunswick and as I posted back in November the production floor was told they were out of work before Christmas. Manitoba also didn't produce the Baron/Tyee or Pro-v and possibly more below it.
  18. Well Ron ran out of fuel trying to drill enough holes last weekend...so what's a guy to do?
  19. If they're not into Midland Harbour yet...take a drive up the back way to Penetang...go out the main road to my place but don't turn at the stop sign. Go right down to the very end and you should be able to see if they've cut thru the ice in front of Present Island yet.
  20. Sorry Maureen..woke up feeling like I've been on a week long bender so didn't go out this morning. Now the winds a tad gusty.... so won't be going for a flight today.
  21. Nice report Tom !! Thanks for posting.
  22. Of course you let that baby go John ! No point risking the feds comin after you trying to fine you the $250K that they threaten these days out on Beausoli Island PPark for killing a Massasauga. I remember the owner in 3 lakes campground in Parry Sound trying to tell me my youngest almost picked up a Hognose snake, when I asked him to move it off our site. Told him if that's all it was to pick it up himself and move it...he refused! I find them just about every year here in the yard. Never pick a board up in the sun without using a stick/shovel. Now if we'd all re-read his original post....picture of YOU doing something...
  23. I leave rod naming to the local up here that couldn't make it in the NHL.........
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