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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. ..but like you say many still do it and get away with it. Not overly safe and what do you do when a cop paying attention... or the "green hornet"... makes you leave one trailer on the side of the road 1/2 way to destination?
  2. Yep... just like GM, Chrylser or Ford Dan. Everyone has a favourite. There is something about the Cannons though...that make them look like they belong on a boat. Some just look weird! They all do the same thing... lower a heavy ball to the depths.
  3. Switch = forgot I already had a double feed.
  4. Open your door slower when you go to reload...and check your door seal when it's cool. Piece of paper shouldn't pull out too easily all around the door seal. You're putting smoke in the house Maureen whether you see it or not.
  5. I had the free preview last fall/winter...then when it went subscription only, all summer, it was still there in the menu in Red. Then it went free again for the last month or more (thought maybe they where looking for more subscribers to cover their costs) and when I went to watch it the other day 419 was gone.
  6. As I told Brian, Lew...will be a LAST minute decision. Daughter #1 going in for more tests at St. Micheals Thur afternoon and daughter #2, in Ottawa, needing things this weekend as well. We'll see how it goes and if Leah is able to cover both.
  7. DANG Roy ! Did ya take that shot before you got all the snow the other day?
  8. Because it's illegal in Ontario. First trailer MUST be a 5th wheel.
  9. I'd like mine back! Didn't need a touque to keep my nogin warm!
  10. Only worth while Joe if she has a sister!
  11. So hookset... you want everything back BUT the Bay City Rollers album... correct! LOL
  12. WFN 419 disappeared from Bell Xpress view ! At least it did on mine, after they had it free again for awhile.
  13. Deeply sorry for you loss Gary. Like you say she live a good long life. She saw most of todays technology unfold... going from the simple life to todays complications and most of all she had you as a son to fill both of your heads full of memories.
  14. I've got him locked up in a box full of toys down in the cold cellar. My little guy would be around 40 by now...funny how he never grows!
  15. Hate it when the wife comes home early off her midnight shift and her sister hasn't left yet.......
  16. Pair I inherited with the cottage, found in the boathouse. Either homemade or the original big jons !
  17. Problem is..there is no "ignorance" when the guy thinks he's doing the right thing and reading a reg book supplied by the government. Only to find out later that it's not what they really meant! There should be no need to be checking the MNR website before each fishing outing. Kinda like showing Aurora trout are open...only to travel all the way to Temagami, walk into Dad's and ask Jim how to get to the appropriate lake only to be told you can't fish for them. Saw that three times in 2005/2006 (and I'm not in there that often..can't imagine how many actually headed up for it).
  18. I just had a wild bounce...took me to 9 million and change.. gave me 8 more bullets and then the counter rolled over and I ended with only 110,000 points. Some flaws in the free enjoyment !
  19. Wasn't a female..so not your better half ! LOL
  20. Like was said in another post by Headhunter. It's become a ME ME ME world and yes shame on anyone that could drive by these guys once..let alone TWICE...especially this time of year. If they indeed did show signs of distress not only were the passers by too stuck in their "ME" world...they also were in contravention of the shipping act for not helping them. Good on ya, and like bucktail says... PB's for you all next year!
  21. Sure ya was Lew...sure ya wuz ! Just like I didn't throw them snowballs at the grade 3 windows back in the day.
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