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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Now about that friday night beer in your hand Corey.....
  2. Just like going to the liquor store in the day ! 'cept there were no rollerskates !
  3. Yep.. got the wall plaque, that my mother gave me, right in front of my computer. "Wayne.. In recognition and sincere appreciation of the power generated in the wake of ice storm "98" Mom and Ralph" Hadn't been able to get ahold of her for a few days... so drove down one night at 3am..arriving at day break with my Generator and 50 gallons of AV gas in the back of the truck... after talking my way thru a couple road blocks. They were just getting ready to empty their full size chest freezer and bury the contents out in the snow. Hooked the Genny into their panel and it ran their furnace, freezer, fridge and water pump. Luckily they have a propane cooking stove and a wood stove...so they'd shut the genny down at night and stoke the stove. Fuel lasted just long enough...with them on the end of a dead end farm road and one of the last to get service restored.
  4. I reached the full "peak" when they made wearing seatbelts mandatory. We are becoming a communist country right before our eyes.
  5. Tomcat... Ken's was great to deal with.. will let you know what I think of their products when they arrive from CA.
  6. HAHAHA .. I was just gonna type that. Gonna have to call his boss tonight...
  7. Fact is.. businesses have not been advised that this is an official holiday by CRA or the labour board. Without official notice there is no mandate to give the day off or pay anyone for it. Glad I'm out of that responsibility loop. I haven't followed the legislation. Is it an offical, employers must pay holiday.. or like the August civic holiday that's employers choice? If it's a pay holiday.. nice of Dalton to look like a great guy on the backs of Ontario business.
  8. Your parents gave you thread? LOL
  9. I presume he's talking about the 15 year old girl stabbed to death on New Years eve... ?
  10. Hear that lads...we can ice fish an extra day that weekend then !!!
  11. Life use to be so simple...with a pin hole.. a flap and a string ! LOL
  12. Hey Spawn of Ed ! Hope you had a great holiday with the kids! As for Sid the kid... Yes a great hockey player....but should a 19/20 year old be made a team captain and expect the old buggers to listen to him..
  13. Probably spending time off with the kids...they're off school 'till Monday.
  14. Like Glen says.. but watch... on some doors each hinge can have a different distance from roller shaft to door face length... so as he suggests take the bad one with you to match up. They are done this way so the door seats against the seals at the last moment instead of dragging down the full length of the frame.
  15. If you can't find it easily Maureen.... Don Jones .. Garaga doors in Wyevale is the best in our area. 322-0136
  16. He's gonna get lots of practice in a month or so. He's gotta find out what I'm losing all my lures to... straight out from the dock ! lol
  17. Any good feathers left for your bucktails ?
  18. Mr CO, Bruce Ward, converted another. Not worth hearing that speach again for the $10 a year difference and loss of fishing time eh Glen. Joe... got one right here in the house. OMNR just doesn't see it as an issue. Guess not many Irish people fish...
  19. On-line is fine for all you lads with no apostrophy in your names. Unfortunately, with all the tax revenue, they couldn't find a capable programmer that can make the easy adjustments around the syntax error that an apostrophy in a name can generate.
  20. You can buy a sledders two piece float outfit in any good sled shop/outfitter. No more expensive than our floater suits or a fancy sled outfit for that matter. Walk into Jack and Jills in Midland and check out the selection.
  21. Just pulled the wife's renewal out Card for three years $5.94 Card + con for 3 years = $47.55 Card + Sport for 3 years = $77.31 So based on that if you just went in for a one year sport sticker... $23.79 sounds right...
  22. Sometimes, like TV remotes, all that is in there is a rubber mat and not real metal contacts...in that case a Q tip and rubbing alcohol/hydrogen poroxide will be all you need to give it a light scrub/clean.
  23. I'm betting a screw driver and a $10 can of contact cleaner.. You have no warrantee to void by popping the cover off.
  24. In addition to Arts advise... If you are planning on finishing off the inside, I like to use galvinized roofing ON THE CEILING. Fireproof..no maintenance and light reflective As seen in this shot.
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