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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Wasn't a great area 25+ years ago Lew...hasn't improved for sure! lol The one nice thing about cell phones...they come in handy for quick locating in these situations.
  2. Doesn't sound funny at all Andy ! 'tis the truth !
  3. Like Spookd says.... 8 or 10 inches of snow that wasn't there when I got back from TO at 2am ! and I wouldn't be steppin foot anywhere near the ice in Waub for awhile with all that flood control water pouring out of the severn.
  4. I was LOL at the stove pipe pants!! and I do love the boat !
  5. Yep..we've debated it here before John. Search will bring up some info Ethanol (sp?) in fuel. Depends on your fuel system components, etc as to whether it will effect you or not.
  6. Thanks for sharing Carl ! Looks like a great way to spend your summer.
  7. Don't think it moved bud...just couldn't remember which street you actually were standing on when you disembarked. Youngin coming in from Ottawa on SHORT notice.
  8. Do they offload onto Edward or Bay? I haven't been there in 25 years...gotta pick my daughter up at midnight. Thanks!
  9. You guys with the flasher units must look like a bus load of tourists at Lake Louis... on a dark day...to the fishermen around you.
  10. Everyone print that one out for their tackle box. I was always under the impression that the regs stated you could not dispose of entrails into a body of water. Guess I can start cleaning them on the dock....but Leah may not like them snapping turtles hanging around. lol
  11. This one sounds as well dictated, to the enforcers, as the fishing muskie with a conservation license Bull !
  12. LBH.. like many lakes up there they are becoming so thick they should just make them open year round with no limit. At anyone time I can stand on my dock and watch a dozen 2 pounders swimming around it. Agressive buggers too...this 19"r almost ripped my muskie rod out of my hand while throwing a 10 " Mr T off the dock for pike..I thought! Then the little lad Leah picked up last year. Not sure what their main diet is...but I have some concern that it's laker fry on the rock shoals in the fall and walleye in the spring.
  13. Only one site I know that bans/disables links and his name is similar to a swamp !
  14. Get a bill for the trailer for $50... take the ownership that he should have for it...have him sign it over to you, as Gerritt says just like a car. He keeps the plate...you get a new one for I believe $10 at the licence bureau and they'll collect taxes on the $50 sale price of the OLD trailer.
  15. Thanks Verno... and considering where I know you work, that's all I need to hear !
  16. I can just imagine what the house is gonna look like a few hours after he puts that on Maureen. I think all our stuff went to the two sister-in-laws for their kids.... that are a decade + behind ours in age. Will have a look around though.
  17. Well looking at my RRSP and mutual returns for the year 2007... land and property is a MUCH better investment even short term! Mind you anything beats negative numbers .... You will also find that many Americans are selling off their family cottages with the dollar at par. They've held onto them for ever in many cases being passed generation to generation. A few years back if they got $200k Cdn it only equated to $150 K US. Now they get the full $200K less capital gains, so many are using the opportunity to get out. Just don't buy a piece of property that has a trust attached as a part owner...only to find out the will was never probated! We might get my point of land closed by ice out....was supposed to close Dec 11th! But as others have said as well....and coming from a guy with a 25 year old living up stairs... get the _ _ _ _ out of your parents home if you've got a downpayment like that and take my son with you! LOL
  18. Should be no different than a home.. IF IT HAS ROAD ACCESS....right up to when you tell them you are renting that its ! LOL If you are water access only = no fire protection ...even if the local FD has a fire boat... and in that case you'll get nailed for about 3 times or more than what a house policy would be on the same property value.
  19. Exactly how our neigbour across the channel paid for their place over the last 5 or 6 years. They take about 3 weeks holidays and rent it out the rest of the year at around $800 a week from late May until September. Personally I said I'd never own a cottage if all I had was a couple week holidays a year. The money it costs for taxes/upkeep etc, let alone the initial cost could put you in some pretty nice lodges/getaways instead. If you want to approach it as a rental investment... remember you, or someone you will pay, will have to be there EVERY saturday to see the renters off in the morning and bring the new batch in... in the afternoon.. clean the place in between. If you have no issues with being tied to it that way and you figure rental will cover a good part, or all, of the mortgage (if going that route) then why not. If it's on a lake that you're not overly stuck on staying on in future years move in to the place for a year when you are about to sell, so it's now your principal residence, and avoid the captial gain at sale time!
  20. Tracker Don... if I was gonna build it again today..it would have a Y or V pull bar for more strength..but his one has held up for years..at least it did when it was short! LOL We'll see how it holds up at 4' long.
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