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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. It's not just fishing clubs Dave...it's most clubs. We used to get about 75 people to our Barrie/Orillia Recreational Aircraft meetings each month and about 35 to the one here in Midland/Penetang. We're now lucky if we see a dozen at each location (heck now that I'm not President I don't even go). I chalk most of this up to the internet....as there is no need to go to a meeting to find out what's going on in the aircraft world with the internet available in every household. The "clubs" have become social events for the older guys to get a night out and the younger ones just get what they need off line.
  2. Be careful getting quotes for Lowrance units....so you are comparing apples to apples. Lowrances come packaged in unit only..unit and GPS puck.. Unit and GPS and Transducer. Is it possible Gerritt that Fishing World quoted you the whole package and Radioworld the Unit only? Cheapest I see the 522C IN THE USA is $640 with transducer and I note it has a built in GPS antenna.
  3. So Big Cliff should have dragged Beans behind the ATV with a rope around his leg.... the day they forgot the helmut !
  4. Well mine was based on a 350CC (small in this day and age) and it's a '97. It's age has no effect on liability insurance that I was quoted at $313 for 2 million. Theft/Comp was another $97 a year.
  5. The other side of the coin is it's illegal to tow anyone behind your vehicle in a trailer. Does this not apply to an ATV? OR is it alright on a lake...on a rope and you say they are water skiing behind you? Thanks Andy for the insurance estimate. What's with the huge range?
  6. "tis where my new electric Canon riggers came from Gerritt! You're shoppin in the right place !
  7. Thanks Bernie...since mine is still quoting 8% PST !
  8. Most go to LOTW for Muskie and such. If you just want to chase smallies you can find them behind every rock in the Temagami area, and depending where you are starting out from the saved drive could add some fishing days to your trip! Walleye's are on the shoals for the night bit and a few pike around. Lakers are in abundance and in early June they're still pretty shallow so you can flat line for them. Lake Temagami itself has hundreds of campsites waiting for you on Crown land. Many with firepit and thunderbox all waiting for you. Launch free at the town dock and park free behind the mini-golf. Also many back lakes with walkable portages you could go into for some brookie fishing.
  9. All WD-40 does is dry stuff out. Great for ignitions..terrible for lubing anything. I'd try either "spray lube" (blue label/red cap at CTC) or some silicon spray.
  10. Welcome aboard OFC newman! Can't help with locations, but do want to make sure that you know non-residents have to buy a permit to camp on Crown Land.. Don't wanna see you get busted while you're enjoying yourself up here.
  11. Yah... I think you're right Maureen..just read in the paper where Factory Marine and many others in town have their stuff in the show. Probably the fishing show that's on that date in Feb.
  12. Stop it Joe...you're making me sick to my stomach.... if I just had of waited a year I could have saved a BUNDLE ! But then again the 2008 interior colours would have made me hurl anyhow! Boat show...not unless I have nothing better to do...and can't see that happening. Isn't it thru the Feb 15th weekend? If so we'll be pullin Lakers up on Temagami to show Tonyb what they look like again....
  13. Well the good thing is Tony it should be about another $7500 or so cheaper for you this year...as they used + 15% for exchange on Lund quotes last year.
  14. Thanks Bernie...that's what bothers me with mine having a 25% mulit-vehicle discount applied !! For what I fork over a year to the same broker I should get a few free perks !
  15. I know the new ones are more manouverable sinker...just always wondered why sleds where allowed and ATV's weren't. Guess sleds were "grandfather" claused. As for sleds doing less damage...I know ATV's can make a mess in th dirt/grass...but driving on pavement ain't hurting the pavement like studded sled tracks do. Every sled trail crossing on the highway is both frost heaved and damaged around here. The town of Midland has also banned sleds in part of town as they have destroyed the sidewalk/walking path.
  16. Yep..I could never get a handle on the fact that unsteerable sleds where okay in town all winter long on the pavement and vehicles with tires/brakes/etc where not.
  17. Fishonthebrain actually wrapped it up nice at the end Cliff. Didn't you see all them nice pictures of me! LOL
  18. Thanks guys. They've always just been yard work/play machines...but now that I've had my arm twisted to ice fishing thought it was time to pull out the sales bill and go get plates. Was quoted ... Does this sound close to anyone's premiums? I know Terry only pays $80 for liability Hey Landlocked...what say you?
  19. The good new up there is the snow is now all gone and the lake froze back up yesterday! Now if it really hits -17C on Tuesday and the snow holds off...it will be great to drive anywhere you want to fish.
  20. I'm considering plating my 350 Big Bear for the first time since I bought it new in '97. I've read reports here of a few riding double on their's, and one getting a cit for no helmet on a passenger, but found this tidbit interesting in the regs. Anybody know if this is regularily enforced? Just thinking the 4 wheeler is a lot handier to unload from the back of the truck to go ice fishing than a sled and easier to manouver....unless the snow's deep...and would be nice if a passenger could bum a ride..since it's also illegal to pull someone behind a "vehicle". Sleds are the only thing I know of that get around the person in a towed trailer being illegal law. Here's the rest of the new act if you're interested. http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/orv.htm#where
  21. "Dad's" weekend with the famdamly. Can't beat it ! Got a close up of the 5th shot bud! LOL
  22. Thanks for sharing that with another father-less OFC'r Hookset.
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