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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Let me see... May, June, September, Early October, February, March.. Basically all times the general population is absent ! LOL
  2. Looks like he ran out of sign before he got to the 35 ! Some nice fish there Ben!
  3. Sister-in-law just bought a resort on Manitoulin Island. It's on Lake Manitou, that is loaded with Lake Trout! Largest freshwater lake on a fresh water island! Campground area for tenting or RV's, some very nice cabins/cottages and she also has boat rentals that I keep telling her are way too cheap ($80 a day and currently only $210 for a WEEK - including your first tank of gas!) if she expects to make her mortgage payments. If you're planning a vacation up that way, give them a whirl ! Tell them I sent you and she'll probably add no more than 20% to your bill just for knowing me ! LOL ! www.manitoulinresort.com
  4. na... we talked about that in another thread. He sat down for shore lunch and passed out! !
  5. I'll still be in Ottawa on the 10th.. but am supposed to have a full auction listing on Monday and will pass it on.
  6. I've had that happen before ..for a day or two... so has Lew. Then all is swell again.
  7. I think it's great Bushart... how's that for easy?
  8. And Gerritt's speakin from experience Randy !
  9. That's NICE ! I believe we're 2 to 1 right now.. so $2300 Cdn or so. I think you should order TWO Dan... and I'll try out your spare in August!
  10. Talledaga's over bud.. maybe next year! lol BTW...whole gaggle of birds far end of the runway.. every day this week between 10am and noon !
  11. From eating all them little Carp!! Good start to the season there Ranger!
  12. Thanks folks.. and Dan, got your phone number and the dates marked down. Will contact a bit ahead to see what's what with youz and bunk.
  13. You made a good choice. When those trophies roll up in your leader it won't cut into them like the titanium ones do.
  14. Heck... we could probably go into a back lake and bust the airplane and they'd forget about us for a week!
  15. One thing to be aware of if going portable is the colour eats power much faster than the monochrome. Noted that while I was bumming batteries from Ron this winter for my 102C.. while he used his 135 Monochrome without even recharging for the next day.
  16. Hope everyone has a great summer!!! Will try to check in from time to time...but enjoy the bandwidth usage drop while I'm gone! lol
  17. Nothing fake in that shot... if you think so you need to go back to school ! lol
  18. Great stuff folks ! Seeing trout pics with some background reminds me of why I loved stream fishing back in the 80's. Can we get back to cropped backgrounds so I don't have to buy some more gear.....
  19. Enjoy all of Darryl's shows and have his books back from the 80's. He can be a coggy old bugger at time...but considering what he's done for our fishery and what he's watched be destroyed by the powers to be.. I'll let him be snid. Everyone that has issue with him can only seem to pick on his need for a shore lunch in every show...and that mystifies me. Have many forgot what fishing was originally for? Have we all become P3TA members? I seem to remember a group of 30 or more OFC'rs... that had their best memory of last summer... having a shore lunch !
  20. Yah.. that's darn close.. gives about 90 to 1 premix and injector is probably 100 to 1 so give or take you're getting a 50 to 1 mix to break it in with. Delays you using your kicker though... Try to run that first tank almost dry before filling with straight gas so you can use your kicker.
  21. Yes Rob...injector is set to 100 to 1 or 50 to 1... adding the oil will double the oil /gas ratio for the first tank full...depending on the fuel tank size of course.
  22. It was 3 cents when I was there in '91
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