The way I look at it.. you're safer in that yak now than those that go out during spring break up. The water's a few degrees warmer now, than it is in the spring as the ice is going out. Just pick your days accordingly.
LOL Dax.... Sounds like it's the family "get away" lake is all.. since it's not one of their outpost lakes. A few planes droppin in is all it would take to ruin their fun I'm sure.
As for a swarm of OFC'rs headed to NW Ontario... there's already a bunch up there and ya just never know when the next G2G is and where it just might be held and whom may travel to join in! LOL
Jeff... If I wanted to listen to a self centered Diva... I'd pop in an Elton John CD! At least he shows up for his concerts... well unless little Billy Joel is afraid he might catch sars.....
If they'd start keeping their boats and selling them at auction... we'd not only nip some of this poaching in the butt... we'd be able to afford more CO's as well. Good nab for Co Bruce Ward... too bad he didn't achieve higher fines and get the guys boat as well !
LMAO... say hello to Remo for me bud !!
Saw three does in the yard yesterday... lmao ! 20 Turkeys in the front yard in front of the dining room window EVERY day! lol
Haven't heard anything from that far up.. but do know that one sleds already been lost close to town on Lake Temagami. Constant snow is hindering any safe ice formation.
Court R... the search function is your friend... use it...and have fun in the sun!
.. I just tried it... only type cuba in the search function.. no fishing.. nothing else.. just cuba !
Big lab like that shouldn't have any problems. Ours did 13 winters outside (free roam on 120 acres+) and never had a frozen paw pad...but then of course he was conditioned for it with extra fur.. seeing he wouldn't come in where it was warm no matter how hard you pulled on his collar! lol Loved it outside even in -30C and prefered to just curl up in a snow drift.
Give it a whirl UF and just check her paws now and then to make sure no slush has jammed between the pads. Labs were bred to be outdoor dogs after all.