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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Then stop shopping there! I remember the first women that told Leah she could spank one of our daughters, while standing in line in the grocery store. That women is probably still seeking mental aid....
  2. What's a debit card... I still don't.. and won't have one ! If you don't have it on you.. you don't need it ! I resurrected my first car at 14/15.. 1969 Fury II with 159,000 miles on it and fenders flapping in the wind. Did all the body work.. and then got my gf's father to paint it with a wagner electric spray gun and I'll tell you it came up pretty spiffy....let my sister Wendy drive it until I got my licence..well legally anyhow! lol Blew up the 318 on purpose and stuffed a 426 in it and dragged it at Luskville Qc.. and light to light on Carling Avenue on Friday nights as well. Second car.... at 17, I talked my father out of the '69 SuperBee that was tucked away in the garage (that he'd scared the crap out of himself in and parked!), for $3,600!
  3. Besides cutting grass and shovelling snow... first real job.. working for the competition a 1/4 mile down the street.. at 12 years old.. sorting bottles and stocking the shelves... .95c/hr.. 1974... I got all the way to 1.95 by the time I was 15 !! lol And you're right Vince.. you can't tap them in the butt.. but ya sure can spank them !!
  4. Bay Distributors in North Bay..
  5. LOL Mike... you can't enter them yet anyhow! Nice shootin !!
  6. Please..please.. don't paint it Pink...
  7. I just uploaded one that was 580KB...upload worked fine.. but weird.. it plays backwards! Just won't let you imbed code... nor can you use the link either or you get this error here. You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board. A valid format is: http://www.domain.com/picture.gif, an invalid format is: http://www.domain.com/picture.one.gif Only option is the old linkage method direct.. http://www.ontariofishing.ca/media/data/50...landing_LAN.wmv
  8. Rogers already sold out... October heading for Wales.. my cell phone rang while sitting at the gate ready to board. "This is your captain speaking".. thought what the hell.. is my brother playing a prank.. and then that dreaded Ship Horn blew.... Real nice on my nickle!!
  9. There goes Leah swatting my screen again...
  10. Naaa.. it's not that cold ! What ya gonna do when winter gets here??
  11. All I can tell you Jacque, is that I have TWO Napoleon fireplaces stuffed full of Red Oak and Maple and the furnace is still coming on !
  12. Is that the original Jumla in Egyptian Princess... or the newer Jumla spinner Brad??
  13. Sorry.. .I don't have time to take pictures of 700 or so spoons!
  14. They're only links Dave.. they don't take up any memory of OFC's. Link the full size "properties" for a better post.
  15. Good stuff guys ! Dave post the big pic.. not them little clickers.
  16. Yah.. next time I'm just gonna print it and pin it to the shop wall !
  17. Now if two women have a pie in their face.... .. are we even or at odds with each other.
  18. No sticker required for that Dan.. and if you have your fishing gear with you.. and using a trail on crown land that is the ONLY access to get to your lake of choice... you don't need one either.
  19. I won't answer the other one then with .....tank !! lol Planning for Saturday, if my daughter doesn't screw that up! Need my address?.. or have you got it memorized yet?
  20. Shouldnt' take more than a yard.. yard and a half of soil to fill it in... (cripes.. does it have a heater in it?? That would be frozen solid here tonight!)
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