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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Not that small Randy.... Lot of points.. a few islands and structure..
  2. I'm sorry Randy.. find another insurer. They won't insure for what reason.. fear of someone going thru the ice? You run a resort... been there.. done that with with my f-in-law... a 175 site campground.. and yes he drove a school bus in winter to make ends meet as well!! Insurance is a yearly thing.. value of the asset you want covered + liability coverage. Why would you even ask them about "what if we offered ice fishing". Just do it.. you've already paid to be covered for a year of liability from the greedy pricks. If not... so what, do what they want.. $1100 for another Ontario Number (available through your Lawyer at said cost within 2 weeks.. mine use to keep "numbers" on the shelf so clients could have one the next day.. since been outlawed). If the resort is in your name... rent it to your spouse for the winter season... to cover your living costs pre tax and get a chequing account for the new business number.. $65 for a few hundred cheques that will last you a decade. Water is of course an issue. Do you live there at all in the winter.. or elsewhere? Is this the main reason you don't want to make a go at the winter season.... you aren't there in the "off season" and enjoying the deep south like many resort owners do. If you are there.. you must have a water source that doesn't freeze.. tap into it. A full day with a small hoe and some 1"poly pipes.. or are the cabins uninsulated as well. I know.. it never ends.... but Adapt.. embrace... or as you've already alluded to. .. SELL.
  3. I'd say they're on upside down...
  4. Yes it's yet to come as Terry says. Talked to the store owner today in Midland.. just a select few items on sale this week to draw people in. The lost leader sale so to speak. I actually went to see him over it being "summer" in the store already.... I wanted a sled part!
  5. I'm happy with it. Third season now on it. Has a couple small holes in the hull.. but up high on the nose from hitting brush etc from going through portages and running 350 miles in some pretty tough lake conditions last March. I'd like a deeper sleigh.. but then again that's just more weight! Quick and easy to set up.. and take down. Probably 2 minutes to pack it up and move to the next spot. Watch though... CTC is now selling the "adventurer".. in place of the true Trekker II. The adventurer comes with camp chairs... instead of the solid fold down seats of the Trekker.. and apparently no stretcher bars. If you get a 50% deal though don't hesitate to grab one (I will be for my neighbour at the lake).. the stretcher bars are easy to make... and many like sitting in lawn chairs vs the solid seats anyhow.
  6. I wouldn't say they always disappoint torco.... So far I've got a 2 man Trekker hut at 1/2 price.. a 2HP jiffy 9" lightning auger at 1/2 price. Last year a 3HP x 10" auger for Terry at 1/2 price...
  7. Were you responding to msp's post about homosexuals (not that there's anything wrong with that)... or just trying to give me an ill feeling Bill.
  8. Okay.. I found the little corner of the flyer with fishing equipment. Guess no huts or power augers this year...considering it states Reg 2.49 to $349.99... Poking through the pages online.. Looks like float suits are on 1/2 price http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...5252BSilver.jsp
  9. Sounds like it borders 10 and 14 (and Muskie are closed ALL year in the boat accessible area of 10 from Vances) Right from their own website.... ya might wanna rethink the trip?
  10. Let me get my firehose ready first.. ..sorry Jim! I'm not a golfer...
  11. Dang.. sounds like a real economic failure going on around Rice. They didn't impose a limit on the number of balls you could start the round with did they...
  12. Better than the rabbit bud...
  13. Nothing in my Thursday Paper about fishing stuff. Normal CTC weekly flyer.... maybe the fishing one will come tomorrow. Nothing showing on line either... Anything of interest??? Last year I went in the night before to get Terry's auger for him.. .already price changed in the cash register...
  14. Told yah it had to be coming soon!! LOL ..now to find stores that have stuff in stock! I can hear the crying and whining already...
  15. Great to hear from you Lew.. and it appears you have the same neigbours that I enjoy opening the curtains too many mornings! ! ENJOY my friend..
  16. They'll attack most anything it seems... small crayfish immitation.. Buckshot forage minnows.. hot pink 1/32 ounce jig with hot pink 1" mico tube..
  17. He's too busy scrapping !!! ..and why wouldn't we try to tell him how to do it??? Are you hoping he calls..
  18. Congrats Jon !!! What's next.. the scotch??
  19. "Must have's".. before the baits and lures..... a net that is capable of being used as a holding pen. Release tools.. hook cutters, pliers etc.
  20. 41 and he made a living doing errands for an 86 year old women, while living in her basement... hmmmm My condolences to his family for sure...
  21. Yah we do.. but if it had a tub surround glued over the tiles he's trying to clean the glue off.. they're useless. If he wants to retile.. knock the drywall off the studs.. cement board it and have at 'er. New tub surround... grind the glue blobs down as smooth as you can and install the new surround.
  22. probably not up on 70's porn stars...
  23. Only you would see that Dann !!! Is that what they mean by .. "where the sun don't shine" ??
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