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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Sorry.. just use to a good women taking care of my meals !!
  2. Okay Lloyd ! Joey.. maybe start at thread.. BOQ.. Saturday night dinner @ 6pm @ ______ and get a head count?!?
  3. LOL Geoff.. you guys are in the middle of nowhere over there at Perfect Vue !
  4. You are correct about the hut.. as my wife and sis-in-law called me from Costco last week asking if I wanted one. Was a different brand/colour etc than the one shown on-line. They also didn't have the sled style hut there or any augers in stock at the time, but told them the augers were coming in.
  5. Lloyd.. what time say you for supper??? 5:30.. 6:00 ?? So come on guys/gals.... lets get a serious count so Joey can make Reservations for us all. Lloyd, Terry, Jose, Paul and myself for the first 5.
  6. Joey knows Terry and mine's cell #'s.. she'll keep us up to date... well at least I think you will Hun.. no?? Just not toooo late for supper reservations... that Damn Lloydo'clock just comes way toooo early! YES.. I'll be there... as much as I shouldn't, considering lost work days for nothing this week, I need to blow off some steam!
  7. I would have sold it as well Brian, if I'd won it. Son stuffed that ballot box almost daily. Not the kind of boat I would ever own.. but I'd sure take it for free!
  8. Very NICE Dax!!!! Persistance pays off again...
  9. What a way to start.. now you're HOOKED !
  10. Thanks Mike! ..and for those that think our health cares system is FREE... think again. Jennifer has to have a needle during (or after - not sure) each chemo treatment. Each needle is $2800 and it's not covered by OHIP !! .. so that's 10 x $2,800 = $28,000 !!! THANK GOD she is on full benefits working at Ryerson U or she'd be in serious debt (well not really.. I'd have a big dent in my wallet). She still has to pay for these up front though and submit her claim for reimbursement. Hope her credit card has at least a $6000 limit.
  11. Written from the documentary of young member here on OFC!
  12. Maybe you'll get a cute surgeon Mike !!!! Good luck !
  13. You could have ordered more food....
  14. Good stuff Steve!! As for deep 'eyes... we've unfortunately been pulling them up the last couple years ice fishing from 70 to 90 feet down... bottom jigging for lakers and whitefish.
  15. Thanks Marc !! A couple of real circus clowns in your "memories"... right around the 3:33 mark !
  16. Have a peek here... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=48338 Positon bucket... tote trays work the best.. and pull the lower screw first and then the upper vent screw. First bit of oil coming out.. rub it between your fingers to feel for metal "grit". If your are lucky.. it still looks just like the stuff you are putting back in.. if it's milky, you have seals to get changed before proceeding. If it's not milky.. let it drain completely and then refill from the bottom until it comes out the upper vent. I always like to "waste" at least 4 pumps of fluid out the vent hole to flush any suspended crap.
  17. I hear ya Shayne.. but most of these guys put them away for 7 months + ! lol
  18. Thanks.. we're sitting here yaking.. Jen, Leah and I and just realized this is actually a good thing in some ways. If they stick to her three week schedule.. originally she was going to be in the hospital on the 27th of December. With a week delay now.. she'll be clear for Christmas/New years before going in for her 3rd treatment.
  19. She will for sure guys... just doesn't instill confidence when they screw up her first chemo treatment!
  20. I keep asking you, Ryan, if you know what is causing these "growths"! As I've told you before fella, congrats... from another man that knows BC doesn't work no matter the method. The last one was born with an IUD in her hand!
  21. Today... Jen into Mount Sinai for 8am.. into a room by 9 only to be told that due to a mix up between Princess Margaret and Mount Sinai.. one having a file with Oshea on it and the other having one spelled properly.. creating a communication break down and she didn't have a necessary bench mark PET scan to start Chemo. A huge disappointment for her, after having a very restless night worrying about how this was all going to go down. Also told her portacath installation into her chest was too new to use today and that made her glad they weren't starting Chemo... if they had to try and find a vein. We would have probably gone ballistic.. but she'll be seeing these same nurses and doctors for at minimum 7 months and no point getting on the wrong side of them. GREAT news of the day to make up for the inconvienence of her booking the week off and us coming down to the city, they told her today that her bone marrow biopsy came back clear. At this point in time the Ewing's hasn't spread to her marrow. Now lets get his chemo going so it doesn't get a chance. Scan is hopefully going to be Friday and Chemo starts hell or high water NEXT Wednesday.
  22. VERY nice Darren!! Maybe you can show replier #1 and replier #2 a thing or two. Might be a good paying job even...
  23. I forgot about the phone ringing first and it's Marty's voice I'm hearin... Carry on Gerritt... been a LONG day !
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