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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. It is Jon.. she hasn't showed that energy during the full week chemo's since they started. About lunch time she got it in her mind to get unhooked and go out for supper.. so we didn't hesitate. She hates being unhooked due to the immediate taste associated with having her portacath line flushed at unhook and again at rehook. She can be unhooked in the early morning and again at supper time, but she hasn't had it done more than three times out of a possible 40 times so far.
  2. Thanks Paul... we were surprised tonight, she asked to be unhooked from her Portacath line from 5:30 to 8:00 (something she hasn't had them do since the first full week chemo) and walked all the way to Jack Astors for supper at the corner of Young and Dundas.. and back! I figured she'd be riding on my shoulders back to the hospital, but she'll be sleeping well tonight!
  3. I got "gas" for $108.41 tonight.. Jack Astors @ Yonge/Dundas! Where Jennifer wanted to go and I wasn't gonna stop the effort to walk there!
  4. Thanks Will !! Also need to thank Vinnimon's daughters for a gift that Vince left for me on Lloyd's boat on Sunday and Snowballs' wife, from Thunder Bay, mailing Jennifer a nice afghan that she knitted.
  5. Thanks for all the thoughts folks... she passed her blood test with flying colours yesterday and is well into day 2 of 6 of chemo #9. Home Saturday. Chemo #10 (full week) and hopefully the final chemo she'll ever see is scheduled to start May 30th. MRI booked for same day to get the surgeon the final picture and a pre-op appointment is booked for the following Monday so we know things are on track. I suspect that day we'll learn what day surgery is.
  6. What a great outing and thanks for sharing!!!
  7. I bought 24 bottles of water last night in Yellow Hell(No Frills) at Dufferin Mall for $1.99. Probably less than what it would cost to come out of the tap! Gas.. it is what it is, buy petrol stocks and recoup your expenses. Was sitting in Jen's hospital room watching the news tonight and they showed the 3 hour wait line to get into a Costco gas station to save 5 cents/litre. In my truck that equates to a max of $6 if I'm on fumes and the fill's good for 860 km. Life's too short to sit in a gas station line for 3 hours to save $6 !
  8. Here all week thru Saturday... not sure what Thursday vistors/times look like yet for us to skip out.
  9. LOL Geoff.. I gots ta keep me self entertained somehow this week, while sitting in the 11th floor lounge!
  10. I have some but Geoff would get real mad if I shared them!!
  11. Very nice Paul. You make him a proud man I'm sure! Mine I named "It is", but I get tired of explaining it!
  12. Dax.. the wiring issue is probably bad ground thru the hinge section. Add a bonding wire inside the tongue tube attached to each side of the hinge area.
  13. Before you tear it down... if you want to build any buildings on said property you may find current planning restrictions would allow a "renovation" to the existing, but not allow anything new to be built or that close to the water. Most renovations conveniently end up removing everything that was originally there during the "renovation", but if you remove the building totally before application you may never get another building permit to put something back up.
  14. Man I didn't think you were that old.. 3 GRAND kids ! Congrats to the famdamly Brian.
  15. LOL..I advised him of that little 12v vs 5.7 volt issue!
  16. Thanks for sharing the outing Erik, been a long haul for you to get out there!
  17. Doug.. call the Barrie police or Barrie OPP and ask if there is any public access to the shooting range beside the Pitstop campground out on Hwy 90. I've flown over it.. it's a complete training camp with proper berm wall for setting your sights. Presume it's OPP territory as I can't see it having anything to do with Borden, they have their own range.
  18. We didn't see a single "jigger" net a fish today Roy.. while we picked up 15 fish as we zigged and zagged between them !
  19. Riggers are a productive method for BOQ.. Deep divers on planner boards or a shallow running bait on a rigger at 20 feet.. either way. Just stay above 30 feet with your baits unless you plan on keeping on every fish.
  20. I wouldn't be walkin up there in late August. They're not done growin them "tomato" plants!!
  21. Well sorry I can't please you tonight Cram.. run right down there and stand there until the MNR show up, after calling a CO. Want one of their personal cell numbers?.. I have at least 5 in my phone.
  22. LOL Dax.. be a long trip at 80mph. Paddling a float plane sucks on the Atlantic!
  23. Hang tough Rickster and if he doesn't get the service he needs where you are.. throw him in a car and show up at Emerg at Toronto General.. University and Gerrard.
  24. Throw them in the freezer for the night, to shrink them, and run out in the morning and push them on by hand...
  25. Okay thanks everyone... we'll see where this goes and I'll contact if we need a container! THANKS!
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