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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. WINE... what's with that?? Beauty trip fella !
  2. Thought you were ordering a beer!! Just looked that up... $750 US +/- from the USA. Not gonna happen..
  3. No need to push her G, she's already bought her return train ticket for Monday departure/Friday return. Union Station to Temagami. Want's to climb to the top of the tower before her surgery on the 6th of July. Guess that means I have to climb all them steps as well...
  4. You only have to watch a beer advertisment to know that... Hope he recovers quickly and gets right back on the "bike".
  5. Yep.. George is as good as they get. I dropped two blown Cannon downriggers there on Friday at noon (lightning strike) and he called me Monday 8am to come back and pick them up. He went in and worked the weekend to get them up and running!!
  6. First time I pulled my boat back out of the water I filled the gap between the top of the transducer and the transom with black RTV sealant. Still allows me to click the transducer up or down a notch, which is necessary to track bottom at 45mph vs tracking the downrigger balls when bowed back. Rooster tail purdy much gone...
  7. I left my map/chart of the entire french system, that we got off the prize table, at Lakair.... maybe someone that brought their's home can help you!
  8. The way our schedule is we didn't think we'd be going anywhere this season. Last minute, with a gap between Jen's chemo and surgery and waiting for a date for same, come Tuesday we knew surgery definitely wasn't going to be during the current week. I contacted Leslie at Lakair Lodge and with a bit of juggling and two days notice she squeezed us into a cabin. We thought of going up to our camp... but it was work on one hand or laughter on the other. We packed the truck, hooked up the boat and motored! TJ... never changes! Says it all.. TJ, Joey and Paul. Misfish telling a tale... not sure where he shops! I think they wanted to be blood brothers... seeing how sharp and shaving. Oh to be 13 again!! Travis, Patsy and Barbara Roy and Barb having a good time. Decided to rain a little bit on Friday afternoon!! I'm Canadian... I can still BBQ! Too bad I'm not smart enough to put up the driver window in my new truck! I'm not gonna tell you again... it's a friggin ENGINE... it's not a motor!! Rich, John and Barbara Brian suddenly became the Captain of Joey and Pauls Pro-V. Here 5 guys and 2 women tell him how to operate it!! Waiting for blast off to start the tourney. Had a BIT of pollen drop over the few days! Carole and Sydney showed up LATE Friday night and I had the pleasure of taking them out on our boat for the Pike Tourney on Saturday from Noon 'till 3pm. Carole caught two pike, for second place behind Chrisk that had three to beat her. Carole still had longest fish of the day! Sydney caught her very first pike, which was good for 8th I believe in the tourney! Keeping a good eye on the catch of the day! Back just in time for 3pm "measure in". Thanks John and Pikeguy for cleaning supper!! Patiently waiting for prizes! Mom... can I take the nice looking bottle?? Newt, Art, Jewelbee, Moosy and Jer Sydney picking the raffle ticket for a Spiel Special... believe Jer won it !! Chrisk with the Crayola Invitational Trophy. In between the awards and dinner, I spotted this guy from our cabin deck and Leah took Sydney out to check it out. Batter Babes... Debbie, Sam, Patsy, Barbara and ChrisK ! TJ's secret batter coming out of the pot! Jer and his wife and dog Moosy. Sorry Jer, never did get her name.. Sunday I washed my skunk off a few times... ..as did Leah. And Roy... I've never given up on those wonderful baits that you made, and that you gave me, back in 2007 or 2008. Another wonderful night of laughter starting up... Dianne (Lew's wife), Barbara (John's wife) and Leah (yep.. believe it or not my wife!) Monday we packed up the cabin and then went out fishing for about 4 hours. East wind brings out the beast and it did, unfortunately I didn't put it in the boat. Had a 45 to 48 muskie follow to the boat and for a full revolution on an oval before taking off. It was attracted to one of Mike Parker's beautifully made "christmas tinsel" spinners. This stupid little guy fell for a bait his same length. Makes ya wonder what they're thinking... We've gotta go where... HOME... you're kiddin me... Thanks for the laughs folks... we truly needed them!
  9. Very NICE Doug! Thanks for sharing the adventure Mike, you don't have to educate me on cottage renos....
  10. Yah... but they all looked so much different, at Sturgeon Falls Public School, with a smoke in their hand in grade 1 Paul!
  11. Thanks Dax!!! Enjoy them while you can, we lost another B-17 in a farm field in the USA last week. Had an engine fire that then spread to the fuel tanks and totally destroyed the airplane. Firetrucks wouldn't enter the field saying it was too soft and instead sat on the road and watched it burn to the ground. The Liberty Belle is no more...
  12. I had it covered Brian.. I kept calling her Lucy !
  13. Very NICE John... 3 generations out fishing, who cares if you caught anything !!!
  14. Drive an extra 45 minutes... rent a boat from Temagami Marine and camp on some of the hundred or more FREE campsites set up and waiting for you on Crown Land surrounding the lake.
  15. Both of you are way toooo modest, but I got to see the "twinkles" in your eyes personally... and that made the drive to Lakair more than worth the effort, even if we'd just turned around after that exchange and drove right back home! So I'm gonna stop at Trombleys, in Orillia, on our way North. What's the suggested reel for this beauty ??
  16. Glad Newt is fine.. thanks to you having her on a leash. From the info I've heard and gathered the damage was intentional and malicious, for the second year in a row.... and should never be tolerated again!
  17. OMG... the paint came off a plastic lure!
  18. After a tentative date was given this Thursday (of June 29th) a day later they called her to tell her that her surgery, to remove her entire right pelvic bone and part of her sacrum, will be on Wednesday July 6th. Nothing is getting replaced. Chemo has shrunk the soft tissue tumour back into the bone, but it unfortunately doesn't kill bone tumours so it all has to come out. The most we know at this point is she has to be there first thing in the morning... the pre-op a week back was a blur but I think that was 7am for admission and I'll clarify that with Jennifer later. Surgery at minimum will be approximately 10 hours, could be up to 18 hours depending on what they find once they start. A big issue will be whether her nerve "line" that runs across the pelvic bone, that controls the ability to pick up your toes, is attached too firmly to the bone or easy to seperate. They are hoping it is not bonded to the bone, otherwise she'll need a brace to hold her toes up. If they can seperate it from the pelvic bone she should still have control of those muscles. We are heading off to the lake (Temagami) on Thursday (23rd) for about 10days to hopefully enjoy some R n R.. cut the grass and all that goes with on Island Camp. Sounds like Jen is going to take the train up to Temagami, from Union Station, on Sunday or Monday to met us there........ as she'd like to climb the fire tower one more time before surgery. Then we'll come back on the 4th, so we can be in Toronto for the 5th. Wayne
  19. Pleasure was ours dear! Great to see that smile when she grabbed that pike for the very first time in her life! Just don't let her eat that whole can of beans at once.......
  20. I should add... I'm looking thru my collection for a reel to put on it or I may have to run out and buy the perfect match. Trying to get Jennifer to come to Temagami with us for about 10 days of R n R, starting Thursday. Her surgery is scheduled for Wednesday July 6th and she'll be in the hospital until well into August at minimum.
  21. Good to hear you're diagnosed Doug.. I knew when you said that you'd been coughing blood that's where you're were at. Get it cleared up and don't screw around, it's what caused my sisters heart failure in '09.
  22. Great way to start Larry!!!! I saw one today.. followed for the full oval at boat side.. that'll keep me smilin for now!
  23. Sounds like a great trip!!! Closest I've been to there is fishng "Dorothy Lake" on the Winnipeg River in Manitoba.
  24. From the bottom of our hearts Chris.... thanks for the thought(s) and hard work to put this wonderful one piece spinning rod together, and to John for donating the St Croix blank for the build! You can see in the first picture just how Leah felt about it, that's for sure! And the second and third pics show the "customization". Thoughts and generosity of many here on OFC have helped us down this road and this weekend added the icing on the cake. Despite having a son, Jennifer and Kristal have been my main fishing partners since they were able to walk. She'll get MANY years of enjoyment out of this PICKERAL rod !! I'm sure glad that last minute we decided to hit Lakair for a few days of R n R.. "to forget about life for awhile"! Wayne and Leah.
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