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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Don't get in too much of hurry there G.. when's the last time it rained??? All those nice tile pipes carry the heat from the methane in the tank and have probably just dried out the yard above it. 30C.. for well over a week, etc.
  2. Probably the headboard banging against the wall... did he hear the front door slam as he came in the back door???
  3. A tough road for sure Nancy, known all to well to me. I hope your father has better success than mine did. I've seen them stop chemo on a few patients here before the protocol was supposed to be done, in the last 8 months we've been at Sinai, and it was because their body couldn't handle it anymore. On 2 out of 3 of them the chemo had stopped any progression and or shrunk the tumors. I'm hoping your Pops is part of the same 66% !
  4. AHHHH.. so you were pre-fishing!!! Where's the pen...
  5. They're calling her the "Star of 11 South" now. Jen asked Dr. Wunder tonight if she could have monkey bars so she can lift herself up onto the "pan", instead of having 2 nurses roll her while holding her leg in place. Considering everything going on and the leg movement she has he didn't see why not, so it was installed by 7pm. From all their grins (Wunder, Davidson and their intern) they've never seen this progress before. Says he's gonna try to get her up on her good leg on Monday (about a week and a half to two weeks early). So I'll be sticking around to video that... Kinda like waiting for her first steps 25 years ago...
  6. Workin fine for me here at the hospital on their old HP...
  7. Good for standing your ground.. warrantee calender starts the day you bought the vehicle or day it goes into service (if delivered after purchase) UNLESS you bought a demo or salesmans vehicle, then it starts the day they put it into service originally... not the day they sold it to you.
  8. Looks like it depends on the computer. It's exactly as it was using Jen's computer with the well marked icon buttons and here at the hospital I'm seeing the little tiny icons instead.
  9. On the same lines don't forget there is a screen over the intake tube in the fuel tank as well that could be clogged or the tube itself has come dislodged and you're sucking air.
  10. The blue page has full size icons exactly like it was in the past...
  11. Dr. Wunder told her, tonight, that she's allowed to roll over onto her stomach if she wishes (with the aid of 3 people). His entire surgical team is amazed with her progress in only 6 days!
  12. Come on guys... the lake is totally ringed with homes and cottages and not a fishing destination for anyone I know in the area. Lets not blow this post out of proportion!
  13. Yay Terry... for about 5 hours. lol
  14. You believe what ever lets you sleep well at night Pete!! That is all that matters... but I can tell you that they're going thru an amazing quantity of aluminum oxide...
  15. I was really ticked yesteday, sitting in a pub FULL of Moosehead signs and they didn't even sell the brand! Rotten way to go no matter who you are. Sounds like a mob hit..
  16. One big catch basin. What doesn't go to GBay goes in there. Add the over abundance of Canada Geese that keep the beach closed half the season, old campground "septic' leaching and so forth and I need' say more..
  17. Don't eat'm ! ..and yes plenty big enough for airplanes. We use it just to prove we legally can.
  18. Sorry Paul.. didn't mean to have you out lying in your yard all day tomorrow staring up at the sky !
  19. Save your allowance and buy the CI4 then... it's only $219 + tax !
  20. LOL.. like I said I know positively it's going on. A brother with 20 years as a squadron commander in CANFOR and friends in Pearsons control tower. Can't say anymore than that...
  21. The majority all have/had a video card recall Mike if they are of any age. And others just failed period and didn't fit their serial number spread and they tried to turn their back on servicing them. Her's was a lemon from the start... but almost her entire University Arc hitecture class was ready to boycot MAC in 2009/2010 as they had over 50 units fail in one double semester. Never at a good time... She got her's fixed free, but only after our son made a ruckus big enough in the "Genius" store in the Eaton Centre that they called security to try to remove him. Luckily a well versed store manager figured out who he was, considered his position in the computer world, and made the repairs happen in under an hour.
  22. Yah got that right Dan !!! As for Chemtrails, I know positively it's going on. Last 3 years as far North as New Liskeard... maybe even further. Last 8 years or more over Georgian Bay around Midland/Collingwood, etc. Of course they've been aerial seeding clouds for decades, but this is on a MUCH larger scale. I've witnessed as many as 5 tankers at a time laying down one mile grids, turning the spray on and off while they built their "checker board". Only shots I have access to right now... they're not contrails. Contrails dissipate... these ones spread out and form cloud layer. Pics taken from our front deck in Penetang.
  23. Epideral morphine line came out today. Currently taking about 1/2 the hydromorphone by pill that she was prior to chemo. Puts into perspective just how much pain she was in from the tumor.
  24. Doubt he wants to spend three days at the border Wallyboss! But if you like the feel of latex....
  25. Google chemtrails and you'll know more than you want to. USA/UN protecting us from ourselves by attempting to control the weather by 2012.
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