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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Well it was just about a year to the week since Jen was diagnosed with bone cancer.... ..and Leah and I finally had the time to go North to pretend it was summer at camp (and to close up what we haven't used). We got delayed by another day, thanks to the bulldozer fiasco, and didn't get to leave until Wednesday morning.. missing a beautiful day on Tuesday to get out to camp. Unfortunately mother nature didn't wanna make it easy for us and we drove up thru rain from Parry Sound on. We did get a small window thankfully and it stopped raining long enough to get the boat in the water, motor on, ..boat loaded and across the lake to our island. Important stuff inside and the sky opened up again.... and continued to do so for 10 days. There was a lot of this.. "Sun Dance". And a little of this.. ..and some more of this.. ....and then some of this.. Oh... and always be sure to have a complete first aid kit around... Then we saw a bit of blue sky and bundled up and headed out. No Leah's not fat... she's just wearing 8 layers of clothes! We managed about 3 hours on the water before mother nature chased us back in. 40K gusts and 2C with heavy rain. Not good for a gal with lung issues out in a 12'r, but she's a champ. Everyone should have a mate just like her, unlike most wives that wouldn't go out in that weather, let alone fish in it. Amazing how much fun you can have sitting around for 10 days in the rain. Wasn't the weather we were looking for, but it was definitely a much needed time away. Now onto that year of backlogged work... oh and some serious Muskie hunting!
  2. Hey Bud.... how are ya tonight. We should do some Muskie hunting soon!
  3. Thanks Paul... I'm working on it but have a years worth of backlog to schedule and work around... but I'm getting closer to being there and taking my spot back ! (that means I'm up 2nd !)
  4. If Lloyd has anything to do with it ... that would be Gus's !
  5. Remember it's a summary and not the complete regulation.. . and why I suggested finding said regs in the gazette publication or elsewhere to see what's current law. Simple way to avoid any issues... just use a single in the yap and a treble in the back of the fish.. or two doubles.
  6. As Terry points out it now says this in the Regs with no mention of "except when using live bait". They got tired of the beads being added to a quick strike rig to make it an artificial lure gig I guess. Someone find the actually gazette regs and see if the live bait being used changes each point to a hook. I think it's gone the way of the dodo bird... like the old "9 point rule" others use to speak around here!
  7. Oh no... the old wish I had a couple beads to make it a lure thread!
  8. Sorry to hear this B & B... seems to be a bad trend this last 10 days since I headed up North, noticing a lot of these posts when scanning thru last night. Like Art said... be assured you guys did the right thing. Wish we could do it for humans as well...
  9. You're some fuunny guys.... but my true friends keep me in mind and they left a spot open for me.. hotel and boat ! Thanks lads !
  10. It would Terry... and I'm workin on it. Lots of ducks to line up yet, even with it being a year this week that I had to bail on last years trip.. email me the current plan(s).
  11. Massive..now to see if it breaks the Ontario Record of 204 1/8th from last year that had beat (or was pending) a 23 year old record.
  12. Got some still shots from Angus this morning.
  13. Yah never know... you may have to slide over a bit and make room for one more...
  14. I kept watching the vid over and over again and it finally hit me.... Robert Downey Jr slung under the helicopter in Air America... over the Monks temple!
  15. It would suggest that someone previously found out that those long lanky legs make for bad flying and they trimmed them before flight !
  16. If you read his story... there was no ease in any of his hunting. Almost taken out by a Mother Black Bear that he had to dress and haul out. Stuck on a sand bar on Superior with the plane, etc. Thank God he's one of the fittest Paramedics I've ever met.
  17. My flying buddy Angus flew his amphib float equipped airplane (just like mine and built by Angus) up to the North/West shores of Superior and more specifically the Slate Islands. A trip 3 years in the making.. waiting for a Bull tag in the draw, honing his bow skills and saving the funds to make the whole thing possible. I'll tell you that the A Star helicopter that's shown here hauling away, what may be the next record bull taken with a bow, wasn't cheap either <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AEcbIBK1JSA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here is the article he wrote for his Recreational Aircraft Chapters newsletter and the only pic of the big lad I have so far. It's a 4.3mb PDF I saved to our website... so don't try it on dialup ! http://www.irishfield.on.ca/gallery/Angusmoo.pdf
  18. Thanks for a view of the lake from a different perspective B ! Looked like a great time and nice weather..unlike the 10 days (9.5 rain) that Leah and I just endured !
  19. Already one doe missing from our yard.....
  20. You should have gone fishing and had her call a young internet lad over to take care of that!
  21. I'm not a big fan of a huge hole in the ground that requires aquifer control either... but people selling for almost SIX times what acreage is worth, I don't imagine they really cared what the buyer told them they were gonna do with it !
  22. Man o Man David, a Muskie would have a good meal there ! Some great fish there !!
  23. That fish had perfect timing !! Great way to end your day !
  24. There's no money in minnows.. it's a lost leader like 2litre Pepsi at 97cents hoping you buy something else while in the store. I give thoughts to how nice it would be again... to have to worry about a full gas tank for the car and 2 spare cans in the trunk on the night before Christmas, just to get to Gramma's house on Christmas Day!
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